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Joined: 7/20/2004 Status: offline
Hi. Barbarossa in 1941 shall started in spring 1941, as early as possible. (at least, the historical date end june 1941). To know what type of army is needed for barbarossa, you can open the scenario 1941 and have at least what the german have in the scenario in panzer corps, mech numbers and infantry. Until then : Conquer danemark and yougoslavia (quite easy). Secure Lybia with enough troops to defend it while you will attack russia. (Tripoli shall not fall !!!). Do some damage to britain in the battle of the atlantic. Optionnal, with interesting rewards but some risk : Conquer Norway, Conquer greece, invest more in the battle of the atlantic, conquer malta. Huge risk, Huge reward : Invade Egypt, Invade England, Conquer Gilbraltar, conquer spain&portugal. Have fun.
< Message edited by Stelteck -- 9/24/2021 2:58:43 PM >