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RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG

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RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/24/2022 2:57:48 PM   


Posts: 3693
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From: Italy
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T97 - Air Supply Tango

The Air Supply model is still strange to me.

Our planes end up overescorting if assining in mass, being assigned and maybe not show up, etc - it's a huge lottery.
And intercepting forces seem to be underwhelming in turn.

I am amused at that single FW that has taken off, somehow shot down 6 enemy fighters before to get shot down twice ... (I am sure I am not running air superiority on the spot).

I've shown here only 3 out of the 6 fights but in all fights the Luftwaffe just flies in little numbers.
And mostly not a single Li-2 Flying Fortress is shot down.

It seems now that the next level of the air war is about intercepting the enemy air supply!

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Post #: 421
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/24/2022 3:06:36 PM   


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T97 - Hungarians in danger

The Russians discovered the most weakest spot of them all!

The Hungarian elbow of doom!
And I feel stretched thin already.

The Russians are so elated by the news to have found a weak spot (one of the Majar divisions has a nominal strength of 1) that they have 2 Airborne divisions named the exact same even!

Some Hungarian divisions are preparing a 2nd line of minor trenches in expectation of a rapid retreat... especially now that the strategic reserve has been whisked away into Italy...

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Post #: 422
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/24/2022 3:17:38 PM   


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AlbertN, feel free to join our club with your air transport results. All are welcome!


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Post #: 423
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/24/2022 3:20:52 PM   


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T97 - Reserves denied...

I'll have to scavenge some Infanterie Division from somewhere to issue to Italy to liberate up the Panzers Divisions sent there to hotpatch the situation.

The matter is quite simple, 1 Panzer Division is roughly worth 10. I've put as example the 14th Panzer that is parked in the West right now, and has a 93% TOE so it's pratically fully operational (From my end it is!).

As you can see the next turn 5 Panzer Divisions will be moved from the Reserves to Italy. Let's be generous and assume a 12 CV each for a total of 60 CV added.

That is to push that 106 in Italy to 166 - or well a bit more as wit the baseline number raised all other percentages get higher.
Let's say we get to 170 anyhow.

230 - 170 = 60

Woah, I am still short of 5 more Panzer Divisions ... or 10 1st class Infantry divisions. (75 Morale line Infanterie Divisions are roughly 5.5 to 6 CV in TBs, 70 Morale are roughly 5 CV, and 65 Morale are roughly 4.5).

Also I'll be at 70-75% of the TB requirements.
Which means a pretty high chance of another acceleration of events toward the downfall of Italy.

Henceforth I reiterate the need of a bonanza time between collapse of Afrika TB and the raising of the other TBs requirements.

I am quite confident that without the player driven TB management, this whole issue would be extremely worse as at best I may have erased the moving West and Italy of a handful of infanterie divisions.

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Post #: 424
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/24/2022 3:32:09 PM   


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T97 - Lake Manych fights

Soviet probes on the Axis defences.

A fierce Jaeger division still of '41 quality (Experience and Morale 75) hold the grounds firmly, but it is quite exhausted after a double fight.

Astonishingly enough the Romanian cavalry division keeps the grounds as well.

This whole sector is borderline dangerous from my perspective - it was said and now I repeat it.
But with the weather improving an armoured spearhead of the Soviets can easily achieve disastrous results (for me, that's it).

As the interest for the Caucasus dwindle and I've safekept the VP treasure there I suspect I can gradually start to withdraw relevant assets from what it can turn into a death trap.

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Post #: 425
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/24/2022 3:49:09 PM   


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T97 - Armaments

Since elsewhere a discussion took place about armaments, production and the like - and I feel this is a very important topic, especially if there is a desire for a War in Europe; I believe a grander chunk of players want a more credible and malleable production model ... let's see what happens here in WITE through my own dedections and number crunching.

As per usual I underline that my approach is the one of a pagan player that approaches the game as a novelty. I've not been a beta tester or have grand experience and this is my first game reaching the '43!
So I purely look at the numbers I've in front of me.


So this whole ordeal is pratically a chain and a matrioska... and the screenshot I made lacks some fundamental bits which are Ammunition and Supplies ...

I feel there is an overcomplication here requiring a double dip, for the same of complicating it.

Resources -> Heavy Industry (That nets both Supplies and Ammo; not sure in which percentages) -> Supplies -> Armament Factories.

At this stage it would have been simpler and more straightforward the resources goes into Supplies (Canned Food, Medicines, etc - albeit I am not sure if Food is included as 'resource'), Ammos or Armaments.

The first bit that I see - and that may be problematic - is that ... 373000 Supplies are produced each turn, but 2611000 burnt out? (That is by the Logistic Screen bit).
That leads to the assumption the Supply pool is just being devoured fast and hard.
Present Heavy Industry pool (Supplies + Ammo?) is 4577000.

Going by this screen in 2 turns I'll be out of supplies - which I doubt is how it works.

The math simply do not return to me here ...

Somehow this amount of supplies that I am about to end (technically so) converts in Armaments and in turn into Wepon Systems. (Like the 500 Nebelwelfers 280/320 that suddenly went out of fashion and got parked in the arsenal just because)

Roughly since October '42 the Armament Pool barely increased, which means all the production delivered is tossed into units. Pretty much.

With utmost chances the best is not to think of production and these numbers at all and accept just that the game gives you stuff to fight with no matter what.

To me it's extremely depressing since I know economics dictated wars of conquest and not vice versa.
And anyhow ultimately there is absolutely 0 control over the production aspect.

Like, I need more 88s or more Panzers, or even just Infantry Guns. But I've a cap there.
And the system probably keeps spending armaments in this or that weapon system that is overflowing (and maybe somewhen turns obsolete and it will sit forever in the arsenal).

In the end there is little number crunching to do... to me if I produce 373+373 in 2 turns and I've a pool of 4577, rounding up 380+380+4600=5460 (I rounded, doing math with my head! Faster!).
Now the Heavy Industry consumption is 2600 a turn? 5200 in 2 turns.
But if this is not the right math it's moot for me to build bridges and castles on the math that underlines how in 2 turns I am out of supplies and ammunitions.
Because that's not going to be the case.

Thus any other math will be wrong.

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< Message edited by AlbertN -- 1/24/2022 4:15:30 PM >

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Post #: 426
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/24/2022 4:22:03 PM   


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T97 - Air Recon

The Soviet masses ready to storm the Axis defenders.

This is the only location where Air Recon was extensively used this turn. I lost a heavy amount of recon planes between enemy flak, interceptions and operational losses. A good 40% of what has flown does not exist anymore...

Supposedly recon planes should be sneaky and flak not exactly efficient on what I assume it's a single plane flying over at grand height.

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Post #: 427
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 12:45:22 AM   


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I wonder if that one figure for HI consumed might be a display bug? I can't find a way to make it fit with any of the other numbers????

Looking at your numbers your total supply stores are 5236k - 115k stored as supply in units, 303k stored as ammo in units, 4577k stored as supply in the HI pool and I guess that leave 241k stored as supply in cities.

You have 1492 active HI factory points - so at 250 tons of HI per point that give the 373k HI production figure.

You produced 163.8k armament points - which should have cost you 41k of HI/supply. You also produced 3260 vehicles which will have cost 16k of supply. That leaves 316k of HI production that will go towards supply.

This is where it gets a bit murky...lets say for the sake of argument that the in-unit supply/ammo stores and the city stores need replacing in their entirety each turn. That would be a usage of 632k supply each turn. So you would be running at a deficit of 316k per turn.

The fact that that 316k figure is identical to the figure referenced above is not lost on me. It may be that the production/logistics system works off a global assumption of 50% supply consumption per turn. So in your situation it might be sending 57.5k of supply/151.5k of ammo to the front (maybe represented as 209k tons added into the depot system???) and retaining 107k each turn in 'city stores'. That is all speculation though.

Back to your situation though. You have 5236k of supply 'in hand'. Lets say you are aiming to hold Berlin till turn 206 - 109 turns from now. So (in the current situation at least) you can afford a deficit of 48k per turn. So that would give a total of 364k supply going into the system. If we use your current proportion of stores distribution this would equate to your units using 55% of their supply and ammo stocks each turn. So it looks to me as if you might actually be slightly 'ahead of the curve' in terms of your supply???

I'd be interested to see the production pie charts to see your current figures in terms of supply need and supply used (and how those general figures are sub-divided)? You can access them by going to the production screen and clicking on "Production Charts"

(in reply to AlbertN)
Post #: 428
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 1:36:29 PM   


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T98 - Italian Situation

Ulterior bleed of VPs but thanksfully this turn no 'Advance' of events.

On the other hand I realized with utmost horror that the Panzer Divisions are worth way less than what I expected and that the CV they've shown in the Axis reserves is roughly 33% higher of what is depicted here in Italy.

I am not sure if there are hidden multipliers or so that alter the numbers from TB to TB (Which could be somehow ideal considering Italy and Balkans can be quite rough terrain and panzers not too suited but in the end of the day it's not documented anywhere).

To fill the 'gap' to get to 100% will be an enormous feat for what the Germans have at hand right now from my perspective.

To strip the Ostfront of a whole infantry army is not exactly easy.

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Post #: 429
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 2:00:06 PM   


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T98 - Operations

The German mobile forces operating at support of the Hungarian sector aggressed two Soviet corps that came hugging the front.

By now the Soviets are hugging the Germans / Axis in many places, being ready to move their hard hitters via admin movement up to the Axis face!

I am far from sure if this is a good idea - to attack.
From one side losses are inflicted, yes. From the other side my combat values are lowered by a lot as well - and thus I expose myself to more serious counterattacks from the fresh Guard units that I assume are still looming behind the 'screening' forces.

A luxury I do not have as German, to have 'screening forces'. To screen with regiments is not something I consider viable, if I was Russian player (and now I am in another game) I'd just attack the regiments and crush them one by one without overexposing and sooner or later the German replacement system won't cope with that type of combat losses.

I am not even sure a 2 regiment per hex line would do - but I am pondering to do that in the further north except for corners.

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Post #: 430
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 2:05:54 PM   


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Will you make an AAR from a Soviet game? Would be a pleasure to read!


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Post #: 431
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 2:10:54 PM   


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T98 - Caucasian Operations

If the previous turn there one of the two Panzerkorps remaining perform offensive operation - that was to destroy the closemost railyard of the Russians to my front.

A Cavalry corp was mauled but by now I am planning to pull the panzers back.

This turn the Romanians aided by an Italian 2nd class Alpini division operated fiercely against a Soviet Mountain division.
I had eyes on it since some turn, left hanging with a red triangle as supply label - I've learnt the hard way for my own troops that the morale drops, drops and drops further; attrition is severe and fatigue climbs up.

As you can see even shoddy Romanian troops bested quite easily a 'quality' (on the paper) Russian unit in favorable terrain (rough) almost scott free whilst the massed German panzers and artilleries have suffered well severe losses above by attacking your generic Soviet Infantry Corp in open plains and with 0 or 1 of fortification level. - Some people may say 'leadership' but in above cases both sides had excellent leaders.

Here I suspect the Soviet leader was some 2nd or 3rd class one and Romanian leaders are known for their lack of skill...

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Post #: 432
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 2:30:49 PM   


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@Sammy - Will post later the 'cakes'. I've done that already in the past in the AAR somewhen!

@Stamb - Not sure - but in general I prefer to wait some time before to start an AAR; also I've a very casual gameplay style, so for instance I shoved pretty much the VVS into the Reserve without much thoughts and things like that. And I am experimenting something but my opponent is also a 'Soviet' player trying out the Axis so it's another exploration game. What I am testing out may not work against a honed Axis player that breezes through things; but the concept is that the 30 to 40 morale units are useless on map and I remove units from map to send them to the reserve to up the Morale and have them a bit more combat capable whenever they return on map. The risk is IF that happens in time as the Germans advance easier on the map in the first turns as they've less units to waste CCPs and movements points for. - I am not an Axis expert either but a depleted unit around on the map can also be shoved away by a regiment.

T98 - Operational Temptations ...

I know due to the previous turn recon that the Soviets here are ready and ammassed.
From one side I've the temptation of attacking these corps but I know it will kind of 'sell' the hex to the Soviets once my units are sapped in combat power and exhausted by the attack!

On the other hand this would be a good chance to inflict ponderous losses on these infantry corps that moved so close and out of their forts.

Decisions ... decisions ... argh!

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< Message edited by AlbertN -- 1/25/2022 2:31:18 PM >

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Post #: 433
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 2:46:50 PM   


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T97 - The North

The 1st Corp gains another victory for the veteran divisions but I suspect it was a way to invite me to gain the hex so that the Soviets can fortify more hexes.

I do not mind if they fortify there. I have no desires to push further through swamps and thick forests. My position here is to just keep Leningrad 'safer' as it is a railyard hub and a HIWI hub pretty much!

On the other hand ground scouting reveals Soviet Cavalry formations, and by the CV perspective, they're corps.
Air recon may be flown next turn but in general I associate the concept of Cavalry with offensive operations.

Their logistic net does not warrant armoured or mechanized forces there, but my line up there is thinned down to regiments.

With utmost chances the 8th SS Cavalry division will be moved further north to act as mobile reserve there.

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Post #: 434
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 2:55:24 PM   


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T98 - North of Moscow

A hex is gained to straighten the line in the Moscow sector.

A minor operational plan is being evaluated - similar to last year - riverlines here can be interesting to be reached and another sector of the Russian front may rely on supplies from the northern railroad.

The 'supposed' gain of the operation would be to hinder the Soviet invincible logistics. In this sentence itself it is explained why I should NOT do it.

But if for magical reason the Germans were to reach from here the Rubinsk Lake Depot thing, all that long arm toward Leningrad would have even less supplies.

On the other hand the whole motorized and armoured assets of the northern (Moscow to Leningrad) front would be invested into the operation.
And they're not that many.

Even the Infantry I had as extra 'smoked away' because I had to send it to Italy. 3 Infantry Divisions that sieged Leningrad and moved there for other operations simply had new orders, to entrain for Italy. (That's where the magic of transfering works for Axis too - good grace that was not freight moving east to west...). More will be needed.

I am kind of clueless where to scavenge more forces for Italy though.
If I could I'd raise new German Infantry Divisions for ... but I cannot due to game mechanics impairing me.

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< Message edited by AlbertN -- 1/25/2022 2:59:54 PM >

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Post #: 435
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 3:16:11 PM   


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T98 - TB relative Combat Value

Now to a problem I try to seek a solution.

Here we go - a Security division is more valuable in the Soviet Garrison; than a Panzer Division at 90% TOE in the Italian TB.

Now this is one of the original Security Divisions that start in June '41 on the map. As you can see it has a very high morale too as I cultivated them by having them attack around during the first turns. (On easy targets on T1 in general and on T2 teaming up with regular line units on isolated Russians) - troop experience also matters though for all I am seeing.

Though in general the Static Division is virtually a line infantry division here.
It has more guns, more machine guns, etcetera. And it worthy like 2/3 of the Security Unit.

Thus - I can only assume that Security Units have an added value in the Soviet Garrison.
I am not sure if that is about 'Security Unit' or ... it is down to the ground elements proper (Security Squads, Cavalry Squads, etc).

This can be another bit where to mix-max may not be too taxing (once one understood the how) and plenty doable.

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Post #: 436
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 3:32:47 PM   


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T98 - Of Security Divisions...

So ... rifled through the TBs a bit.

A Security Division of the Germans, in France, has only 3.x CV... Interesting.
This one is being sent right off the bat into the Soviet Garrison Box.
If it turns into an 8 or 9 CV in there, all the better!
In exchange I'll take away already a German infantry division, to be shipped to Italy from there. The West is at 99% and won't suffer from that.

Then we've the Italian security divisions - they do not have Security Squads though.
And there can be quite a fluctuation in their values.

The Piceno is in Italy TB (and I cannot move it anyhow), it is fresh, at baseline experience level.
The Emilia and Zara are both in the Balkans. Somehow one is 1.26 and the other 1.8. The Zara is pratically the double of the Piceno (Understandable though considering the ground elements of the Zara have a way higher experience level) but 1/3 over the Emilia (or 50% over it if you look at it from Emilia's perspective.)

What I cannot explain myself is the different value between Zara and Emilia.
Their Morale is 40 - baseline for both.
Both units accumulated experience over time (I believe that is an effect of being in an 'Active' TB with ground losses - troops in France do not train / gain experience or barely do) but I cannot see that grand gap that leads to that difference in CV.
Factually, as I look better, no single ground element of the Zara has an average better experience than the Emilia.

I am puzzled!

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Post #: 437
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 3:55:07 PM   


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T98 - Air Supply

I thought to be safe but alas...

The Romanian and Hungarian air transport fleets got oblierated, because light of heart I went right off the bat 'multiple missions', thinking that the enemy was not to intercept so deep...

Alas once launched, you cannot interrupt it. Planes will keep flying, into their own death.

I feel in general that the Air Supply UI needs an overhaul.
If I am to repeat single missions over and over and over I do not need to have to go through the same clicks to add, remove air units, etcetera.
Settings should remain through clicks ... but that is something I doubt it will be fixed. And yes fixed is the right term.
Because if I do a -single mission- then when I select again the same stuff I've to click again all over the place the same to get the same settings.

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Post #: 438
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 4:18:46 PM   


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T98 - Cakes

I've done a collage here and inverted order - to make them more compact!

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Post #: 439
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/25/2022 4:25:05 PM   


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T98 - Last bit of turn

Well last post for this turn.

I decided to attack a single hex with a mass of forces and the result was ... pleasant to say the least.

I realized that hex is actually convenient to have and advanced into it even if it has no fortification yet.

I attached to the advancing divisions a bucket of SU after the combat, so that the SUs are fresh and rested.
There is a riverline from 2 hexsides so I may hold a counterattack maybe.

These losses are ruinous but it's such an exceptional situation I doubt it can even remotely becomes a standard.

After all it's 9 Axis divisions pouncing on your baseline Soviet line unit.

Edit: No in fact I eat what I said. The GD Division just returned from the Axis Reserves, full of truck, with 95% of the compliments of its TOE, at its first combat after the return and properly supplied - and it is 160 CV? The motorized divisions here rested and all barely match the CV of the Soviet Infantry Corps?

Values are just off the scale - and favor the Soviets. That Rifle Corps was in open plain and the only shield it had was 'Light Mud' at best. Yet it had 103 CV.

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< Message edited by AlbertN -- 1/25/2022 4:31:31 PM >

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Post #: 440
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/26/2022 4:24:09 PM   


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T99 - Bad News...

I knew something was awry when I was already on the MP Game selection screen, as the VP score marked was down by 10.

Then as the game was loaded up ... I saw the disaster ... this is the 'major' portion of it.

But the German forces have been battered in various places across the front.
The Soviets pratically breezed through lvl 3 forts - though there many were undermanned, just by regiments in some locations.

Now there is a huge hole and the grandtotal of reserves is 0.
So I am sure I am doing something wrong and I had 4 Million Germans on the map.

Or simply the Soviets can concentrate easily and benefit of the 'weather switch' on their turn.

No matter, this is Crisis nr.1, the biggest!

I've still to inspect battle by battle but by the looks the Germans are crushed and the Soviets have still very healthy CVs there.

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< Message edited by AlbertN -- 1/26/2022 4:26:50 PM >

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Post #: 441
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/26/2022 4:36:35 PM   


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T99 - More Bad News

The GD Division, after the previous turn attack ... is left with a CV of 90.
Supposedly Wermacht finest...

Soviets simply gets up to 2000+ CV and trashes the Germans for almost even losses.
2 hexsides here were minor river...

The real problem that I see is the difference in CVs.

Pratically any German attack is prohibitive at this stage against the strong Russian formations.

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Post #: 442
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/26/2022 4:44:31 PM   


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T99 - Caucasus

Here the 2nd Tier Alpini divisions (In truth for all I know these were regular infantry divisions, but all of the big formations of Italian 8th Army in Russia were pre-war professional soldier formations so I assume the designers gave them 'MNT' status for +5 NM) simply got crushed.

First they got dislodged with ... extreme ease from their positions in rough terrain.
And then crushed in open plains with another attack.

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Post #: 443
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/26/2022 4:49:41 PM   


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T99 - Moscow Sector

The Soviets broadened their attacks also in the Moscow zone, but here I believe they've been out of luck.

The Jaeger division that got defeated had relatively low deads (albeit its CV is pretty low right now).

The other hex ... well these guys just did a double attack the turn before but they're lavishly rested and equipped, inclusive of the Sturm Division.

There were fort levels too and light wood.

The only 'good news' pretty much here.

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Post #: 444
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/26/2022 5:36:59 PM   


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T99 - First Counterattack awry

I was really not sure - supposedly these 2 Guard Corps bled white or so during the attack against my infanteries the previous turn.
Still they proved tenacious defenders and I consider this a tactical defeat as we trade 1:1 losses pratically and Germans lose a bucket of AFVs.

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Post #: 445
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/26/2022 5:51:08 PM   


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T99 - The Game of the 3 Cards

Since the Germans have no strategic reserve in the rearline the reaction forces are litterally taken from other frontline hexes, that will get filled up by regimenting troops in the respective locations or a tactical retreat will locally happen.

Voronhez is walked in by a division that is not exactly combat capable. 35 / 50 TOE, having been mauled 3 times the previous turn!

Then the still 'fresh' divisions of infanterie not touched from previous turn combats unhinged the northern flank of the Soviet advance, and the SS Panzerkorp hammers from the north with 3 hasty attacks.

But even if for 1 turn I hotpatch the situation and 'pocket' the Soviet mobile forces, their horde of Guard Infantry Corps is still there and well operational!

The Russian AFV losses are insane this turn though. They're already almost 3000 AFV (Think that includes their own turn though!) while Germans are at 350.

The other 'problem' I see is that Germany persistently lose guns while Soviet losses rarely encompasses 122s not to talk 152.
The 'guns' the Soviet lose are smaller calibers or large mortars for the most.

Anyhow need to unplug from the pc to do other stuff thus saving turn on server for now!

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(in reply to AlbertN)
Post #: 446
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/26/2022 9:32:37 PM   


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This is actually unbelievable for me that tanks divisions (both Germans and Soviets) are so bad at defense. Look at that CV for the defenders. I understand that they were fighting in they turn, but nevertheless.


(in reply to AlbertN)
Post #: 447
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/26/2022 11:13:48 PM   


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From: Italy
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@Stamb: The Soviet have low defence because they're exhausted there or marched a lot pretty much. They still retained a decent defence factor frankly! I feel the Germans often low in terms of CV instead. At least when attacking. (SS attacks above though are hasty attack so CV is halved)

(in reply to Stamb)
Post #: 448
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/27/2022 12:25:29 AM   


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T99 - Battle for Voronhez

The encirclement of the Soviet armoured spearhead has been completed BUT it's such a thin veil the Soviets will easily liberate their own forces. But there are fair chances the next turn these armoured units will still be there, or even brazenly pushed forward ... the Hungarians screening it may buckle in easily; but I do not think there will be a grand push.

I feel it will be an anticipation of Kursk where the Panzerwaffe will be immolated in a glorious blaze.

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(in reply to AlbertN)
Post #: 449
RE: A tale from '42 - AlbertN vs MSAG - 1/27/2022 12:45:00 AM   


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From: Italy
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T99 - Rubynsk Sector

I suspect the grand plan to reach the Rubynsk Reservoir is mere dream as attention is elsewhere but a localized victory was at hand here - the first attack was against a Rifle Corps that seemed low on supply. They fought well though despite the odds!

Then the panzers intervened, inflicting severe damage.

But that's the burst they can do.

With 2 attacks the panzers are down to less than 25 CCPs (They moved too to get in position), already exhauted and fatigued.
I'd not be surprised if there is a local counterattack here in turn that puts an end to any Axis velleity.

I am kind of getting the impression anyone that attacks the other end risks a lot unless it's a 'trench war attack'. I'll get there to the next reply.

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