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Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only

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Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/12/2021 1:06:52 PM   


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We'll see how long it takes Napoleon to force an armistice.

Relying solely on reports forces one into the mindset of a commander who only sees what's in front of his eyes, but has to 'see' the whole campaign area in his mind's eye.

I picture Napoleon sprawled on the ground in his HQ tent, upon a map of the campaign area, at 2 AM, digesting reports coming in from his far-flung commanders and cavalry recon - barking out orders to be sent by General Bertheirs.

The 'genius' of this game is that it allows the player to get some minute sense of what that was like.

I guess I'll take the copy of the game map in the graphics folder and every turn mark on it whatever the reports give me.

using Rasputitsa's House Rules:

--Coalition units are not ordered to 'force march', unless the corps commander's stress level reaches (10 or more). Exception, this does not apply to detached units.

--supply transfers of 100 or less

[note: NOT using the house rule: no move to the sound of the guns]

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< Message edited by gwgardner -- 12/12/2021 3:36:37 PM >
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RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/12/2021 1:19:18 PM   


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RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/12/2021 3:11:20 PM   


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OOB and Intelligence on French forces; French forces west of Linz not shown but essentially 3 Corps.

[note that the enemy at Vienna is listed as 360k either a typo or representing exaggerated estimates of French strength]

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< Message edited by gwgardner -- 12/12/2021 3:14:09 PM >

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Post #: 3
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/13/2021 2:11:38 PM   


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Kolowrat's Corps near Linz could serve to delay the unification of the Grande Army, but could be mauled without chance of relief from the main Austrian force.

In addition, the French could unite their forces without ever crossing to the north side of the Danube. Kolowrat would have to cross to the south to guarantee any disruption of French plans.

Charles will order Kolowrat east to the expected theater of operations south and east of Znaim.

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< Message edited by gwgardner -- 12/13/2021 2:14:48 PM >

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Post #: 4
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/13/2021 2:32:04 PM   


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With the Center of Operations at Braun, the expected decisive battles will be north of Vienna. But what route will the Emperor of the French choose to break into the likely theater of operations?

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Post #: 5
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/13/2021 3:55:58 PM   


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Looking forward to this AAR. Hopefully the movement problem you described in the other thread doesn't cause too much of a problem.

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Post #: 6
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/13/2021 5:10:10 PM   


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ORIGINAL: zgrant

Looking forward to this AAR. Hopefully the movement problem you described in the other thread doesn't cause too much of a problem.

I wonder if Frank Hunter made that hex like that on purpose, to allow for the French to cross the river once the bridge is repaired, and replicate Aspern-Ellsing.

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Post #: 7
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/13/2021 11:04:01 PM   


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May 19

From observations across the Danube, it appears the French have denuded the garrison at Vienna itself, and are sending forces towards both Krems and Pressburg.

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Post #: 8
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/14/2021 1:37:22 PM   


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May 20

Still unsure about French intentions. Does the cavalry skirmish at Pressburg indicate anything other than recon? And Krems?

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Post #: 9
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/14/2021 2:33:17 PM   


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May 21

Reports only mode is not working as I expected. I've had no reports of orders received.

The French appear to be moving en masse through Krems. Hiller's Corps has been dispatched towards Pressberg just in case, but would only be able to hold for a while if there were a substantial French force coming from that direction. The rest of the army is established west of Wagram on the road to Krems.

Thus far there has been no French repair of the bridges from Vienna, and their engineering brigade were sighted on the road to Krems.

Charles will move his HQ there on the 22nd.

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Post #: 10
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/15/2021 12:20:20 PM   


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May 22

An alarming situation has developed almost overnight, as the French forces are moving at lightening speed, with the apparent intent to cut the Austrian army off from its source of supply.

Strong French forces have moved towards Znaim, brushing off our cavalry screen.

Meanwhile a relatively strong (1 corps?) force has continued its push from Pressberg. Hiller's Corps was dispatched to forestall such a move, but took a drubbing in a pitched battle and had to fall back.

The speed of these French moves should not be so surprising, given the Grande Army's achievements over the last four years, but it is ever as shocking as before.

Charles has ordered the entire army out of its prepared positions onto the roads north.

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< Message edited by gwgardner -- 12/15/2021 12:24:12 PM >

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Post #: 11
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/15/2021 12:51:54 PM   


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May 23-25

Charles has ordered the army to Nikolsburg, but now seeing that the French have repaired one of the bridges over the Danube north of Vienna, he is considering posting Lichtenstein's Corps there either as a holding force or to perhaps attempt a quick crossing against what appears to be a weak garrison at Vienna.

Hiller's Corps is in danger of being destroyed or simply left behind, as it is still reorganizing from the battle on the 22nd.

Poor staff work and command work, as the road to Goding has been left completely open. Cavalry scouts will be sent immediately.

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< Message edited by gwgardner -- 12/15/2021 12:54:17 PM >

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Post #: 12
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/17/2021 4:15:07 PM   


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May 26-28

The general movement of the army to Nikolsburg continues, but Charles is hindered by lack of reports on the Grande Army's movements.

Reports finally came in on the 28th concerning action near Vienna. Hiller's corps has rallied, and acquitted itself well at the skirmish with French cavalry on the 27th, but Hiller himself is in an agitated state, his stress level is off the charts. He has been given an order to proceed up the road towards Goding, removing his corps from action for the time being, it is hoped.

Our cavalry crossed into Vienna, observing evident confusion in French movements in the city. How long we can actually hold the city center is questionable, as limited intelligence there indicates 30000+ French troops nearby.

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Post #: 13
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/17/2021 4:16:09 PM   


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With the army moving north, there is little reason to attempt to hold onto Vienna, especially as our understanding of the enemy movements is so hazy.

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< Message edited by gwgardner -- 12/17/2021 4:18:17 PM >

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Post #: 14
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/17/2021 4:41:13 PM   


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May 29-30

The picture of Grande Army movements is murkier, with disturbing glimmers.

1) They appear to have sent a strong force towards Iglau to intercept Kolowrat's attempt to rejoin the main army. A pitched battle near Tabor resulted in a resounding drubbing of Kolowrat's Corps, and it has withdrawn to the south.

2) The enemy sits astride the road from Vienna to Goding, and has contested access to that road again with a strong cavalry force.

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< Message edited by gwgardner -- 12/19/2021 1:20:49 PM >

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Post #: 15
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/19/2021 1:18:56 PM   


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Kolowrat's situation is dicey. Cut off from the LOC and hospital. Have sent orders to hold near Tabor but not sure if those orders can get through.

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< Message edited by gwgardner -- 12/19/2021 1:20:12 PM >

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Post #: 16
RE: Crisis on the Danube vs French AI Reports Only - 12/19/2021 1:39:35 PM   


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July 1-3

Continued cavalry recon has not resulted in any useful intelligence reports. 1000 French are reported at Krems, 20000 at Vienna. Both of those appear too low.

the only battlefield action has been north of Vienna, where Lichtenstein's Corps again fought off a cavalry force.

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Post #: 17
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