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Joined: 2/4/2022 Status: offline
Why is airbase attack so effective in turn 1 and not thereafter? It really should not be as extreme as it is. Or rather, post-day 1 airbase attacks should not be as bad as they are for the Luftwaffe. Air base attacks were periodically and successfully conducted by the Luftwaffe against the VVS. But in WiTE2, it simply is not worth the costs involved. There are some ongoing, unresolved issues with AC altitude and the pseudo-abstracted flak combat mechanics. The manual states: quote:
In air to ground combat (19.4) it is assumed that fighter and tactical bombers with a mission altitude over 5,000’ will actually conduct their attacks at 1,000’. Well, considering a Stuka's bomb release altitude has been cited to be 3,000 ft to as low as 1,300 ft, it is not clear what the ramifications of using the 1,000 feet mission altitude other than making them more vulnerable to flak. quote:
A dive from 15,000ft (ca. 4,572 meters) to a release altitude of 3,000ft (ca. 914 meters) (usual for attacks against defended targets) took about 30sec, during which the pilot controlled his aircraft to hold the target in the center of his reflector sight. quote:
This was just as well, because the pull-out put an acceleration of 6g on aircraft and pilot. Under such conditions one could not expect the pilot to perform complicated control sequences. Normal procedures called for a bomb release at an altitude of about 2,953 ft (900 m), which brought the Stuka down to about 1,312 ft (400 m) before it started to regain altitude. Additionally, the high-low altitude bands for flak appears to be 20k feet. quote:
Numbers displayed are between 0 and 9 to indicate intensity of flak, with the left number being low/mid altitude (below 20k feet) and the right number being high altitude (above 20K). With FOW enabled, the accuracy of the flak values will vary depending on the detection level of the AA support units. And then you have... quote:
In addition, anti-aircraft guns can target planes flying in adjacent hexes. AA units in cities/airfields will fire at aircraft flying in adjacent hexes if they are 15,000 feet or higher. Any AA attached to combat units or HQs (whether part of the unit TOE or an attached Support Unit) will fire into adjacent hexes if the enemy aircraft is 10,000 feet or higher Confused yet? As it turns out, it remains so confusing that most WiTE2 players aren't able to discern when something is a bug to be reported - or - it is working as designed (WAD). So, it has been generally accepted to not conduct airbase bombing missions after turn 1.