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Newbie Here, and Scenario Design Question

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Newbie Here, and Scenario Design Question - 8/31/2001 6:17:00 AM   


Posts: 15
Joined: 8/30/2001
From: TX
Status: offline
Hello all, Just finished downloading SPWAW over a 56K (Thank God for GetRight) and would like to voice my humble opinions: Well, the only thing negative about this game I can say is that I wish I had heard about it sooner!! I still am amazed that this game is free!! I've paid good money for many games I found not 1/10th as good as I have found SP3 to be so far. In other wrods, I find it amazing that a game which is availiable for free can be so good!! But I will not complain, eh? LOL. I used to play SP3 and Close Combat 2&3 but this blows away both of them easily!! Things I like that are different from Sp3: Op Fire Confirm Feature: I was sick and tired of too many times, in SP3, the following happening: having my StuG fire all its main gun shots in opfire at advancing infantry, and then have nothing but MG rounds when 2 T-34's and a KV-1 showed up... Unit Upgrade after campaign not limited to categories....a couple of times, in SP3 Campaigns I found my armor/infantry balance could use tweaking. This is especially good in the WW2 long campaign if, for example, if I want variety by fighting in North Africa for a few battles, then in Russia the next, or the US Army in the Pacific vs. W. Europe when you fight in either infantry or armor-favorable terrain conditions. The sounds are AWESOME!! Love the small arms sounds especially, like the Garand's empty clip ejecting with the distinctive "CHING!!" and the sound of the bolt being worked on a 1903 Springfield...also, good to be able to identify my opponent's weapons by differentiated sounds. Like the aircraft "dive bomber" noise too....Trumpets of Jericho on the stukas, perhaps? LOL. The armor damage model is great too. Much better than the "kill/no kill" from SP3, it's interesting to have a radio mast blown off or main gun destroyed. To me it never made sense in SP3 that 99% of the time, a track hit would have "no effect"...I figured it could at least have immobilized the tank even if it was not destroyed...glad to see that changed. The scenarios and campaigns are excellent, at least the ones I've toyed with, and I'm glad to see a detailed manual and tutorial scenarios that actually help. Speaking of, 1 question, to you various folks who design scenarios out there (as I would like to try it, I have some interesting ideas)... When designing a historically correct scenario, how do you ensure the map is accurate? Sure, it's easy to find a map of Russia, for example, but how do you find a source for representing the small scale battlefields of SP3 accutrately?
I could see some, like, for example, the Ramelle scenario from SPR as an exception, because you could see the terrain on film...btu regardign accurate building and vegetation placement, for example....Any good sources for such things for a guy who doesen't have a lot of cash to order old military maps or travel around taking pictures? LOL I could ramble on for quite some time about how enamored I am of the game, but for now I will leave it at this and thank in advance any experienced scenario builders who could answer my question. Ciao,


Post #: 1
- 8/31/2001 7:18:00 AM   

Posts: 1660
Joined: 9/28/2000
From: Haines City FL, USA
Status: offline
Clikin: Let me say "welcome aboard" you'll find that SPW@W is nopt only the best game around but that the people who are on this forum are great help to all....for info on scenario design I can reccommend you go to SEARCH at the top of this forum and search for either author Wild Bill or scenario and I'm sure you'll find a few tutorials on that subject...if not try this channel again and I'll try to be of better the way have you updated to 6.1 yet ?


"God Bless America and All the Young men and women who give their all to protect Her"....chief

(in reply to smokstak2)
Post #: 2
- 8/31/2001 10:13:00 AM   
Wild Bill


Posts: 6821
Joined: 4/7/2000
From: Smyrna, Ga, 30080
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Welcome, Clickin! Glad you joined us. You'll find this to be an extremely helpful and friendly group. You'll have a home here as long as you want it. Glad you like the game. You can imagine the many thousands of hours that have been invested in these improvements over the last 18 months...and all for free! Who woulda' believed it! Wild Bill


In Arduis Fidelis
Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant

(in reply to smokstak2)
Post #: 3
- 8/31/2001 11:04:00 AM   


Posts: 15
Joined: 8/30/2001
From: TX
Status: offline
Chief, Wild Bill: Thanks for the warm welcome!! This seems like a nice place with discussions for tactics, technical stuff, history, and everything in between...all of which I am interested in. Also, seems a much more "civil" board than many of the WW2 related boards I visit, none of that "my tank is better than your tank" kind of thing seems to be prevalent on here. Chief: Will try the search tip you reccomended, although I kept getting a timeout on my connection earlier Now off to play "for real" (not just "getting a feel for the game")...perhaps I will post an AAR later. I'm a pretty loquacious guy, so I should probably be posting quite a bit here and hopefully getting into some interesting and insightful discussion. Ciao,


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