Posts: 4443
Joined: 9/23/2000 From: Hessen, Germany - now living in France Status: offline
BlackMan, as far as I understand the process, 'alpha version' is the early stage of a game, where the 'skeleton' of the game mechanics is built, but the 'flesh', i.e. the graphics, maps, sounds, unit databases etc., is still provisional - this is to test the main features of the game. Beta-testing then has the more or less final 'skeleton' as well as the 'flesh' in place and their working-together is tested, as well as checking and adjusting the game balance (e.g. Wildcats are found being too weak in comparison to Zeros, or B-17s too invulnerable *ducking for cover* ), scenarios and looking for 'smaller' errors like spelling mistakes or a missing unit in the database. When everything seems to work, the game goes 'gold' and production will start, and the customers should have the game on their HD within a few weeks. The game testers usually take pleasure in torturing us poor future customers with their posts on AARs, new features, screen shots and the like, well knowing that we will start to drool in happy anticipation. In Germany we call it 'Anfüttern', LOL!