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Scenario 1 LCU's not loading on to AP's????

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Scenario 1 LCU's not loading on to AP's???? - 7/4/2004 7:24:58 PM   

Posts: 48
Joined: 3/13/2004
Status: offline
Ok. I finished the Tutorial and now I'm on to Scenario 1. WOW. Nice scenario for acting as punching bag. Save, Save, Save what you can.

Why won't the dutch LCU load on to AP's? All I want to do is re-org and get them to where they will do some good at other Dutch bases.

Why won't the US LCU in Manila load on to AP's? Again. Trying to save the HQ's and such, but when I have a AP in port, and try to load troops, they aren't even showing up on the troop selection screen.

I have 6000 AP points to load a 2500 LCU. So I kow it's not having enough AP's, AK's, LST's.

How are you to get ole Dugout Doug from the dugout if you can't load him. Other than using PP points to change out leaders?

I've saved a few B17's doing this.

One other thing. Why can't the dutch planes upgrade until 7/42?

Do the Japs transports have some special unload capability? 17,000 troops unloaded at Kurching in like over night using AK' and AP's not a Fast Transport convoy.

I know...I know.... Its the AI, but the LCU not being able to load. Scenario one should be called.........Have you lunch handed to you with you hands ties behind your back.

Oh. Don't get me wrong. I love this game. Just curious about things.
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RE: Scenario 1 LCU's not loading on to AP's???? - 7/4/2004 7:29:11 PM   

Posts: 1651
Joined: 8/20/2003
From: back in Commiefornia
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Read the manual about Political Points. You have to change the LCU's HQ to an unrestricted HQ before you can load them. The list of restricted HQ's is in the forum not too far away.


So much WitP and so little time to play.... :-(

(in reply to Larz6235)
Post #: 2
RE: Scenario 1 LCU's not loading on to AP's???? - 7/4/2004 7:31:51 PM   
Iron Duke

Posts: 529
Joined: 1/7/2002
From: UK
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Dutch and PI units belong to restricted Hq's therefore will not load onto transports. You can use PP's to change the unit to a unrestricted Hq , they will then load onto transports.

Piped at the post!

< Message edited by Iron Duke -- 7/4/2004 5:32:41 PM >


"Bombers outpacing fighters - you've got to bloody well laugh!" Australian Buffalo pilot - Singapore

(in reply to Larz6235)
Post #: 3
RE: Scenario 1 LCU's not loading on to AP's???? - 7/5/2004 6:51:26 PM   

Posts: 48
Joined: 3/13/2004
Status: offline
Thanks, that's what I thought. I totally missed the SouthWest Command. I had changed to ABDA but that didn't help.

Duh! My eyes are hurting after playing 12 hours of WiTP. Musy go now and refuel.

Thanks for the post. I read the manual, just missed it on the change screen.

(in reply to Iron Duke)
Post #: 4
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