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Anyone here who wants to buy my Game?

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Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 8:45:39 PM   


Posts: 42
Joined: 10/14/2002
From: Mr. Diehls Asshole Country
Status: offline
I am a bit angry by the fact that I wanted the game fast and trusted Matrix.

Not only I payed 79,90$ for the game because they billed me in Euros (64,99), no they did put a tax on it which they didnt showed in the bill before I hit "submit".

So I payed 76.36 Euros or in other words 93,88$ for a digital download without a CD or a box.

I feel so cheated at this moment, I had never a problem with the 64,99$, but I dont like to be treated this way. If there are hidden costs- then show them, the Euro thing is a cheap trick but my mistake I guess.

I guess nobody want to buy this thing from me, since I have no CD... nothing. I cant even return it! All I have is this EMail with serial key from Digitalriver(?). Try to sell that on EBay...


< Message edited by MG3 -- 7/5/2004 6:49:16 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 8:52:46 PM   

Posts: 5498
Joined: 2/6/2004
From: astride Mason and Dixon's Line
Status: offline


I am a bit angry by the fact that I wanted the game fast and trusted Matrix.

Not only I payed 79,90$ for the game because they billed me in Euros (64,99), no they did put a tax on it which they didnt showed in the bill before I hit "submit".

So I payed 76.36 Euros or in other words 93,88$ for a digital download without a CD or a box.

I feel so cheated at this moment, I had never a problem with the 64,99$, but I dont like to be cheated.

I guess nobody want to buy this thing from me, since I have no CD... nothing. I cant even return it! All I have is this EMail with serial key from Digitalriver(?). Try to see that on EBay...


Don't blame Matrix for die Mehrwertssteuer, blame your Government. Matrix is also not responsible for currency exchange rates. Welcome to the world economy.


Fear the kitten!

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 2
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 8:54:07 PM   


Posts: 9088
Joined: 5/16/2004
From: Colorado
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Sorry about the bad experience... if you can, and you may not, get over the hurt of feeling betrayed this game is sooo incredible.. well worth the money spent in my opinion...
I could give all kinds of price per hour etc... but the real issue for you seems to be one of communication.. Matrix does have high standards.. but theyare like all of us limited in their perspectives seeing issues as a game design and publishing house... that is one huge reason these forums need to be read by them.. and they are !!!

So again, sorry and hope you can find it within yourself to forgive them... they do not see anything from taxes by the way...

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 3
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 8:56:04 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000
From: Vermont, USA
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We are required to add the VAT by the laws of the countries we sell to in Europe. As the order is being created, it tells you that VAT will be added and gives you an informational link. It also offers a detailed VAT receipt after the order is finished. We have received feedback from several customers that these links and notices are not obvious enough (or at least, easy to miss in the rush to order WitP ;-) ) so we will work with the store this week to make them more obvious.

We don't get this money, your government does. Before the VAT was added, you were charged exactly what we charge customers in all other countries.

I'm sorry that you felt surprised or betrayed by this, we really have no choice and were advised by our store (which handles many international orders) that by displaying VAT information and offering a VAT receipt, we were complying with all norms in that regard.


- Erik

< Message edited by Erik Rutins -- 7/5/2004 1:58:28 PM >


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to tsimmonds)
Post #: 4
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 8:56:25 PM   


Posts: 9088
Joined: 5/16/2004
From: Colorado
Status: offline
Hi irr,
Not getting it are you... the poster wasn't in the clear before he hit submit.. it is a matrix issue because it is a companies responsibility to adequately inform... not that I'm blaming matrix... but you totally blew this guy off..

< Message edited by freeboy -- 7/6/2004 2:56:36 AM >

(in reply to freeboy)
Post #: 5
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:00:30 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000
From: Vermont, USA
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We didn't blow anyone off. As far as I know and have seen, the information is available before hitting submit. We'll test this again today - if it's not, then that's a store bug. The store info for our new releases was set up by DR right before they all left for the 4th of July holiday so I can't say I would be surprised if something went wrong, but it was certainly not a design decision. The test run I did, VAT info was available before the purchase was finalized.


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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Freedom is not Free.

(in reply to freeboy)
Post #: 6
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:00:50 PM   

Posts: 482
Joined: 10/12/2002
From: Alberta. In Texas.
Status: offline
I hate surprise charges but I'm a little bit confused. What is the "cheap trick" about the Euros?

Why order it (If it was) from the US store? Isn't there a European store that would avoid currency issues? Or do people order it from the US store hoping to avoid the taxes?


(in reply to freeboy)
Post #: 7
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:02:38 PM   

Posts: 482
Joined: 10/12/2002
From: Alberta. In Texas.
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I think he was saying irrelevant blew him off, not you. (There I go again speaking for someone else. I'm prepared to be spanked. <G>)


(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 8
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:04:03 PM   


Posts: 42
Joined: 10/14/2002
From: Mr. Diehls Asshole Country
Status: offline

Don't blame Matrix for die Mehrwertssteuer, blame your Government. Matrix is also not responsible for currency exchange rates. Welcome to the world economy.

You must think I am stupid or something. I order in the States all the time and never had to pay any "Mehrwertsteuer". Only when the custom thinks you have to pay- you pay. But with an digital download... hardly belivable.

And about the world economy- why I have to pay 25% more (without taxes) then the US people when I DOWNLOAD a game?


thanks, I know what you mean. I have played many Grigsby/Billings (ironic, that name- hehe) to no end. PACWAR, WIR, BTR...

But I dont think I will enjoy this game for the next few weeks... this VAT/Euro things made me pretty upset- even it is partly my fault, since I didnt read every little letter but only the numbers.

(in reply to freeboy)
Post #: 9
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:07:38 PM   


Posts: 9088
Joined: 5/16/2004
From: Colorado
Status: offline
Right.. irrelevent not you guys.. !!!
MAtrix rules (the seas at least with witp) ok land too...

(in reply to Arnir)
Post #: 10
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:08:53 PM   


Posts: 42
Joined: 10/14/2002
From: Mr. Diehls Asshole Country
Status: offline

I hate surprise charges but I'm a little bit confused. What is the "cheap trick" about the Euros?

Why order it (If it was) from the US store? Isn't there a European store that would avoid currency issues? Or do people order it from the US store hoping to avoid the taxes?

This would be no currency issue, since the credit card company does all the change.

Also I have never seen that an American Shop bills a German tax- they cant, since they are no German business.

But that not the main thing about the Euro/US Store. If I buy there, I want to be billed the same prices as other customers. But now I have payed 25% more for nothing- or better the pockets of Digitalriver. Think about it what they earn with this kind of stuff- a hidden price rise of 25%...

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 11
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:08:57 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000
From: Vermont, USA
Status: offline


You must think I am stupid or something. I order in the States all the time and never had to pay any "Mehrwertsteuer". Only when the custom thinks you have to pay- you pay. But with an digital download... hardly belivable.

I don't know why you don't have to pay VAT normally, but I know that we are legally required to add VAT when selling our games to you. It's not a choice and we don't get to keep the money.


And about the world economy- why I have to pay 25% more (without taxes) then the US people when I DOWNLOAD a game?

I'm not sure why you paid in dollars rather than Euros, but an exchange rate is not a surcharge. If you pay the equivalent dollars to the Euro price, you are still paying the same price. If you converted it back to Euros, it would still be the same price.


But I dont think I will enjoy this game for the next few weeks... this VAT/Euro things made me pretty upset- even it is partly my fault, since I didnt read every little letter but only the numbers.

The goal is not to hide the VAT, we thought it was evident, but as I said we've been getting some feedback to the contrary. The fact is that as far as we know, the VAT is unavoidable. You were charged the same price as a US customer + VAT. That's the only difference. If there's a problem with the store, please help us fix it - we rely on feedback from our European customers to know whether our European store is meeting their needs. If not, we will fix it, but removing VAT is not legally possible for us.


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

For official support, please use our Help Desk:

Freedom is not Free.

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 12
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:10:03 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000
From: Vermont, USA
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: freeboy
Right.. irrelevent not you guys.. !!!
MAtrix rules (the seas at least with witp) ok land too...

Whoops, sorry for my misreading that, I see now what you meant. Reading too quickly...


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

For official support, please use our Help Desk:

Freedom is not Free.

(in reply to freeboy)
Post #: 13
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:14:41 PM   


Posts: 42
Joined: 10/14/2002
From: Mr. Diehls Asshole Country
Status: offline

I'm not sure why you paid in dollars rather than Euros, but an exchange rate is not a surcharge. If you pay the equivalent dollars to the Euro price, you are still paying the same price. If you converted it back to Euros, it would still be the same price.

I didnt payed in Dollars- thats the main problem! If I would, there would be no problem. Think about it- instead of $ they billed me Euros- but the same amount kept the same which in the end, they/you got over 20% more money from me, since one Euro are 1,22 US Dollars. All I wanted is WITP for 64,99, not for nearly 100 bucks.

Product Name        Qty Ordered  Platform                       Delivery Method  Price      
War In The Pacific  1            Digital Download/CD on Demand  Digital River    64.99 EUR  
                                                                     Sub Total:  64.99 EUR
                                                                           Tax:  11.37 EUR
                                                                         Total:  76.36 EUR]


But I dont think I will enjoy this game for the next few weeks... this VAT/Euro things made me pretty upset- even it is partly my fault, since I didnt read every little letter but only the numbers.


The goal is not to hide the VAT, we thought it was evident, but as I said we've been getting some feedback to the contrary. The fact is that as far as we know, the VAT is unavoidable. You were charged the same price as a US customer + VAT. That's the only difference. If there's a problem with the store, please help us fix it - we rely on feedback from our European customers to know whether our European store is meeting their needs. If not, we will fix it, but removing VAT is not legally possible for us.

I have never heard of such a thing "VAT"- I know sometimes youre asked if you are from certain states (in the US or Canada), since you get billed a few percent extra. Never so with Germany.

And what would you think if you get a screen where 64,99 is the amount to pay in the bill, you hit submit and suddenly 76 shows up.

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 14
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:22:43 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000
From: Vermont, USA
Status: offline


I didnt payed in Dollars- thats the main problem! If I would, there would be no problem. Think about it- instead of $ they billed me Euros- but the same amount kept the same which in the end, they/you got over 20% more money from me, since one Euro are 1,22 US Dollars. All I wanted is WITP for 64,99, not for nearly 100 bucks.

Product Name        Qty Ordered  Platform                       Delivery Method  Price      
War In The Pacific  1            Digital Download/CD on Demand  Digital River    64.99 EUR  
                                                                     Sub Total:  64.99 EUR
                                                                           Tax:  11.37 EUR
                                                                         Total:  76.36 EUR]

I'm not sure I entirely understand you - did they convert Euros to Dollars and then charge you the dollar amount in Euros? Is that what you're saying? Sorry for the confusion here, but I want to make sure I understand exactly what happened.


I have never heard of such a thing "VAT"- I know sometimes youre asked if you are from certain states (in the US or Canada), since you get billed a few percent extra. Never so with Germany.
And what would you think if you get a screen where 64,99 is the amount to pay in the bill, you hit submit and suddenly 76 shows up.

Clearly, it should show you the VAT before you click to process your card. As far as I knew it was, if it's not we will fix it as quickly as possible. I have this issue on my list to discuss with the store folks today. Regarding the existence of VAT, it's not something we're very familiar with here in the US either, but we have been informed that it is a necessity for selling to Europe. The VAT info on the store should explain more, other than that you will have to ask your government, they get this money.

Edited: I notice that you also ordered CD On Demand, which is why your price ended up equivalent to $79. The normal price is $69.95 + $10 if you choose CD On Demand. Were you aware that you ordered CD On Demand?


- Erik

< Message edited by Erik Rutins -- 7/5/2004 2:24:26 PM >


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

For official support, please use our Help Desk:

Freedom is not Free.

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 15
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:22:56 PM   
Marc von Martial

Posts: 10875
Joined: 1/4/2001
From: Bonn, Germany
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MG3, VAT is the general english term for "Value added tax". In Germany called "Mehrwertsteuer".

There are EU laws that let Digital River no choice to charge the VAT. Even for "downloads". You might remeber the big discussion about this 2 or 3 years ago in Germany.

This is the info from the "Information about VAT" link that is promted for everybody when they pruchase one of our prodcuts.


Any digital products sold into the European Union include a VAT (Tax) charge of 17.5%.
NOTE: If your product is being delivered outside of the EU, you will not be charged VAT once you have entered your payment information.

Any physical products sold into the European Union include a VAT charge. However the VAT rate, and hence the total price, may alter once your shipping destination has been selected.

For customers from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and UK the national VAT rate will be applied. For all other EU customers, the UK VAT rate of 17.5% will be applied.

A VAT invoice can be viewed and printed at the end of your purchase.
NOTE: If your product is being delivered outside of the EU, you will not be charged VAT once you have entered your payment information.

I agree that this link might not be very prominent (and we will look into making it more apparent) to everybody. But it is also your responsibility as a customer to read everything that is promted to you on the screen.

Sorry for the hazzles.

< Message edited by Marc Schwanebeck -- 7/6/2004 2:24:26 AM >


(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 16
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:26:12 PM   


Posts: 42
Joined: 10/14/2002
From: Mr. Diehls Asshole Country
Status: offline

The goal is not to hide the VAT, we thought it was evident, but as I said we've been getting some feedback to the contrary. The fact is that as far as we know, the VAT is unavoidable. You were charged the same price as a US customer + VAT. That's the only difference. If there's a problem with the store, please help us fix it - we rely on feedback from our European customers to know whether our European store is meeting their needs. If not, we will fix it, but removing VAT is not legally possible for us.

As I said- I was charged more then the "US" customer, because I had to pay the same amount in money as an US one, only in my currency which is "harder" than the Dollar.

I think it is my fault because I was so stupid to click on the EU flag when I bought the game. And then I was to stupid to see the EURO sign behind the numbers and when I missed the small VAT link in the lower right, my fate was sealed.

Really, I dont want this game anymore- but what can I do? I have payed nearly 100$ for it with no chance of getting a part of it back.


(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 17
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:30:11 PM   


Posts: 42
Joined: 10/14/2002
From: Mr. Diehls Asshole Country
Status: offline

I agree that this link might not be very prominent (and we will look into making it more apparent) to everybody. But it is also your responsibility as a customer to read everything that is promted to you on the screen.

Sorry for the hazzles.

But I still would like to hear an explaintion how a digital download suddenly becomes 1/4 more expensive when you download it from Germany instead of the US (which are propably the same servers anyway).

And I love the clarification of the VAT price a lot:

Attachment (1)

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 18
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 9:51:44 PM   

Posts: 20
Joined: 7/1/2004
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vat was not shown until after i accepted payment for me. but i was expecting a tax level just did nt know what amount not knowing US tax laws. come on fellas you should expect tax to be added!!!!!

however matrix, DR should be showing total cost before purchase

It could be worse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I order several games from HPS had to pay VAT to the post office for total amount which included shipping!!!!!!!!!

that one pissed me off! even more so when i found Duchet did for cheaper in europe!!

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 19
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 10:00:07 PM   


Posts: 42
Joined: 10/14/2002
From: Mr. Diehls Asshole Country
Status: offline
It gets even better.

Now I know they really bill EU people a lot more: when you click on the EU flag- you pay 25% more because they bill you the same sum as the price in US $- only in Euros (which is roughly 25% more money). Ok, ok, I already said this- but: when you click on the Canadian flag, you will be billed around 94$- so they have calculated actually the price (1US $ ~ 1,33 Can $)- sure in this case they would lose 33% of their money.

These are really cheap tactics...

(in reply to Greenhough222)
Post #: 20
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 10:12:04 PM   


Posts: 4
Joined: 7/5/2004
From: Pittsburgh, PA
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O.k. this is really getting out of hand. What you are loking at MG is the exchange rate. I just looked up todays current exchange rate for a few countries.

If I took 69.99 USD to a canadian bank and asked to get the equivelent amount back in Canadian $ I would recieve 92.78 CAD

If I took 69.99 USD to a british bank and asked to get the equivelent amount back in Pounds I would recieve 38.24 Pounds

If I took 69.99 USD to a german bank and asked to get the equivelent amount back in DM I would recieve 111.21 DM in return.

And finally:

If I took 69.99 USD to a bank and asked to get the equivelent amount back in Euros I would recieve 56.86 Euros in return.

and these exchange rates change daily. So get off matrix's back...they are not trying to jack up your price because you are not in the US, nor are they trying to tack on hidden costs.

just my .02


"Goddam it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!" - Captain Henry P. "Jim" Crowe (Guadalcanal, January 13, 1943)

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 21
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 10:12:14 PM   


Posts: 8683
Joined: 3/24/2002
From: Olympia, WA
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MG3, I don't know where you are getting your numbers from. A US customer ordering the DD plus CD would be paying $79.99 US, and you only paid E64.99 before tax. You did not pay E79.99, not even after the tax was added, so why are you claiming that you were charged the US number in Euros? Your claim is not holding up in the light of day. Maybe you should calm down, install the game, play it some and try to relax...


fair winds,

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 22
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 10:24:10 PM   


Posts: 42
Joined: 10/14/2002
From: Mr. Diehls Asshole Country
Status: offline
Listen you guys,

first at PIMP:

When I take my 64,99 Euros to a German Bank, I will get 79,90$. So Matrix earned 15$ extra because I am an EU fool- seems like you think the same.


I didnt ordered a CD, only DD- and payed 79,90$ for it. Is this simple enough for you?

All in all I payed over 93$- maybe you have you money to burn- I have not. Matrix/DR are able to recalculate the currencys for Countries, which have a lower exchange rate but not so if its higher. Then the sum keeps the same 64,99$ = 64,99 Euro at an er of 1,22$ per Euro, but in case of Canada they charge 94,99$ because 1US$ = 1,33 Can $.

Simple math- I payed 15 $ more for this game WITHOUT taxes.

But keep on bringing up the insults.

And that the 17,5% of that DD are going to the EU- that you can tell your grandma.

< Message edited by MG3 -- 7/5/2004 8:26:19 PM >

(in reply to bradfordkay)
Post #: 23
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 10:25:42 PM   


Posts: 261
Joined: 3/23/2004
From: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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I'm the pain in the neck that keeps bringing the VAT thing up on other threads.

Matrix are doing absolutely nothing whatsoever wrong in charging VAT. They have to, and if you are a customer in the EU you are required to pay it.

They do disclose the VAT aspect - and prominently. The only problem I and some others evidently have is the wording is unclear. Something simple like "the price shown does not include VAT. If you live in the EU VAT at 17.5% will be added" would be perfect and no-one could complain.

If you live in the the EU VAT will make buying things 17.5%+ more expensive than for the customers in the US. That is just tough. Not Matrix's fault.

But please make it clear.

Plus, not clear why a digital download costs $69.99 but EUR64.99 (when the exchange rate is 1.20:1). For DD, surely prices should be the same? I have ordered HttR in a box from the UK warehouse, and am fine about paying a few $ more...the box had to be moved from the US to UK and then on to me in NL. More shipping = more $. No problem. But for DD? Surely your servers in the EU are not more expensive?

Simple solution...I'll get from US site for DD, from EU site for boxed stuff.

I have no beef with Matrix generally for pricing...$70 seems a fair price. Just have an issue with price differentiation and unclear wording.

I know I go on like an old broken record...but for a company with such good relations with your customers...unclear wording seems such an easy fix????

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 24
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 10:27:10 PM   

Posts: 6565
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I am a bit angry by the fact that I wanted the game fast and trusted Matrix.

Not only I payed 79,90$ for the game because they billed me in Euros (64,99), no they did put a tax on it which they didnt showed in the bill before I hit "submit".

So I payed 76.36 Euros or in other words 93,88$ for a digital download without a CD or a box.

I feel so cheated at this moment, I had never a problem with the 64,99$, but I dont like to be treated this way. If there are hidden costs- then show them, the Euro thing is a cheap trick but my mistake I guess.

I guess nobody want to buy this thing from me, since I have no CD... nothing. I cant even return it! All I have is this EMail with serial key from Digitalriver(?). Try to sell that on EBay...


You're not the first sweet, young thing who woke up in the morning feeling used.

By the way, have you tried playing the game?

(in reply to MG3)
Post #: 25
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 10:30:00 PM   


Posts: 261
Joined: 3/23/2004
From: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Plus (for the record) I really like many of the Matrix products I have seen (and bought), will no doubt buy WitP (for $69.99+ VAT) and CotA (just thing HttR is the best game ever). I am not accusing Matrix of trying to rip anyone off. Just reckon this is a boo-boo by people concentrating on other things.

(in reply to Hartford688)
Post #: 26
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 10:30:22 PM   

Posts: 273
Joined: 3/4/2004
From: Cuyahoga Falls OH
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Living in Washington state I was charged sales tax on my purchase. I knew this going into the transaction, what I didn't know was how much tax was going to be added to my purchase until I clicked the submit button.

I agree that DR should be telling you the total cost BEFORE you submit.


(in reply to bradfordkay)
Post #: 27
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 10:34:32 PM   


Posts: 42
Joined: 10/14/2002
From: Mr. Diehls Asshole Country
Status: offline
Who believes that:

first a company is not able to show you the exact taxes before you push "submit"

The same company doesnt use the right exchange rate when it is in their favor an they can gain a lot of money extra.

Oh- BTW, they got "only" 10$ more from me, since the US price is 69,99$.

So take this money and be glad for it, because I will never buy any product of this company again. Earned a few bucks- lost one potential customer of Close Assault and Combat Leader.

Case closed- have a nice day.

< Message edited by MG3 -- 7/5/2004 8:35:38 PM >

(in reply to Hartford688)
Post #: 28
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 10:37:50 PM   

Posts: 81
Joined: 6/6/2002
From: duesseldorf, germany
Status: offline
i think the first problem for mg3 is that a digital download (without cd) cost 69 $ when ordering by the us shop and 69€ when ordering by the euro-shop. so you pay more money for the euro-shop download (i think the exchange rate is today 1€ = 1,2$).
when i bought the game i checked both shops and bought in the us.

second problem is in europe we are used to see the price including vat. that may explain the anger of mg3 when buying from the "euro-shop"


Mein Auftrag: Vernichten.....

(in reply to bradfordkay)
Post #: 29
RE: Anyone here who wants to buy my Game? - 7/5/2004 10:40:21 PM   

Posts: 1434
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I agree these exchange rates seem off. Don't know why, maybe it cost extra to convert into dollars.

(in reply to MG3)
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