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May 27th 1940 Germany invades Belgium

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May 27th 1940 Germany invades Belgium - 10/21/2004 6:59:10 PM   

Posts: 1438
Joined: 5/9/2000
From: Covington Ky USA
Status: offline
Western Front Brussels: 1700 Hours 5/27/40

We have been ordered to set up a delaying action against the Belgiums near Brussels. Visability is good near 1450 yards. Did not recieve any mines for this engagement except what the engineers carried with them. The Captain in supply waited too long to order them. I should say the second LT. in supply forgot.

I do not know much at all about our enemy and how they fight. Nor do i know anything about any armor they might have. I do know my men tho and depend on them to fight to the death if need be.

We have managed to trade in our 37MM ATG section for a section of 88s. They should stop any tanks they can throw at us. I also managed to get a battery of 150s assigned to us. I also understand that we can call for support from the Luftwaffte if needed.

The sector we have set up in is small no more then 2500 yards wide. So my small force should be able to cover it. We have taken our positions and eagerly wait to show the enemy what German soldiers are made of.

Commander XV Panzer Grendier Group: Col Rak Rokert


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RE: May 27th 1940 Germany invades Belgium - 10/21/2004 7:12:20 PM   

Posts: 1438
Joined: 5/9/2000
From: Covington Ky USA
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Western Front Brussels: 1715 Hours 5/27/40

The enemy has been sighted near 1200 yards out. My 150s opened up at about 1000 yards 5 minutes ago. They were right on target so far. Have called for the Air Force to send in a couple of planes. Should arrive in about five minutes or so.

No tanks have been sighted as yet. Not even any recon cars. But we can see at least four companys coming at us. Although my AAs and 88s have a lot of targets to shoot at i have given the order to hold fire. They are not to open up till they are with in 600 yards.

No Artty. has opened up from there side as yet. My troops are all hunkered down in there fox holes waiting for the order to open up.

I put the 2nd LT. in supply up in front of a firing squad. He also forgot to order me any cigerettes. Thats is a close to mutiny as i can stand.

Commander XV Panzer Grenadier Group: Col Rak Rokert


Robots wear armor for skin.Grunts wear skin for armor.

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RE: May 27th 1940 Germany invades Belgium - 10/21/2004 8:35:36 PM   

Posts: 1438
Joined: 5/9/2000
From: Covington Ky USA
Status: offline
Western Front Brussels: 1740 Hours 5/27/40

We are still holding and inflicting heavy losses to the enemy. Our 150s are cutting the infantry to pieces. It is a slaughter of humanity. They must cross mosly open field. Not much cover anywhere.

Our stukas came in while back took out two of there tanks. One was a T-15 and the other a MK VI 47MM type.

A 37MM AYG got a MK VI as well there first kill. A 10/4 AA Gun got a T-13 B3 tank as well. One of our PZK IVC got a T-15 for his fifth kill.

They have a mess of 77MM Howitzers laying in a very steady bombardment. Couple of casualties so far but no real damage. None of there troops have gotten any closer then 400 yards of our front lines.

Commander XV Panzer Grenadier Group: Col Rak Rokert


Robots wear armor for skin.Grunts wear skin for armor.

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RE: May 27th 1940 Germany invades Belgium - 10/23/2004 4:56:44 PM   

Posts: 1438
Joined: 5/9/2000
From: Covington Ky USA
Status: offline
Western Front Brussels: 1810 Hours 5/27/1940

We are holding against a human tidel wave. Most of there armor we have sighted so far has been destroyed. There troops show no fear and keep coming towards us. This is with a murderous fire from our sig 150s and 88s. The big 150s from corp keeps hammering them as well. The 10/4 and 6/2 AA continues to cut a murderous path thru there squads. And yet they keep moving forward. What courage they have shown today in the face of death.

There 77MM bombardment is starting to land on the target. We have lost some armor to it in the last 15 minutes. Lost two 231-6 Rad scout cars as well as two light tanks PZK IIC to this fire. It is very heavy and has been continuous for the last half hour or so. Supprisingly tho not much in the way of loss of life so far.

The bad news is the 88s and sig 150s are running out of HE ammo. Another ten minutes or so and they will be quite. I assume i wont be having the 150 from corp much longer either. It will really get ugly then. Will be mostly close in fighting. I have ordered the troops to fix bayonets and prepare for the worst.

Commander XV Panzer Grenadiers: Col Rak Rokert


Robots wear armor for skin.Grunts wear skin for armor.

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Post #: 4
RE: May 27th 1940 Germany invades Belgium - 10/23/2004 6:40:43 PM   


Posts: 1555
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From: Colorado, USA
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Robot, what spwaw build are you using?


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Post #: 5
RE: May 27th 1940 Germany invades Belgium - 10/24/2004 3:55:28 PM   

Posts: 1438
Joined: 5/9/2000
From: Covington Ky USA
Status: offline
Bryan it is the standerd long campaign. Started in 1939 with germany. The battles are the ones that come up as you progress thru the campaign. The only thing i have done is i use every major power when they start in the long campaign. In other words Germany starts in 1939 with an east and west core force. That means i have 2 long campaigns going with Germany east and west. I also have Japan in asia and russia going to right now. I will be starting another long campaign with the british in europe as they start in may 1940 in the long campaign. May seem like they are all together from my reports but they are all seperate long campaigns just running the dates as the long campaign does.

Hope this explains what i am doing. Takes alot of note book paper to keep them straight for me. But then i have to fight witth all different equipment and type of force. Each power has defects and quality of troops and equipment. And the terrain is a wide array of possibilitieas. The USA did not get into the war until 1942 at the time i will have 2 more longs going. US Army in africa and the Marines in the pacific. 2 more will start around that time as well. The Japs in the pacific and the british in asia. At that time i will have around 8 or ten long campaigns going.


Robots wear armor for skin.Grunts wear skin for armor.

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Post #: 6
RE: May 27th 1940 Germany invades Belgium - 10/24/2004 4:10:08 PM   

Posts: 1438
Joined: 5/9/2000
From: Covington Ky USA
Status: offline
Wesren Front Brussels: 1825 Hours 5/27/40

The Belgium Army has retired from the battle field with there tails between there legs. Was just in time too. All 81 mortars, Sig 150 and corp 150 were out of ammo. My 88 ATG were down to AP only and the AA platforms were just about out of ammo as well. This was a long range fight most of the way thru.

Our losses were very slight due to the constant 77MM bombardment that went on all during the battle. We lost 25 men and 4 AFV which included 1 recon car 2 light tanks and one support tank.

The enemy was caught out in the open and suffered heavy troop loss. Men 1496 Artty 2 and 14 assorted tanks. I must say even with the losses they kept coming at us right up too the very end.

We have been ordered to the rear for rest and repair. There have been rumors flying around that we may be sent to France next month. OO LA LA those Frenchies.

Commander XV Panzer Grenadiers: Col Rak Rokert


Robots wear armor for skin.Grunts wear skin for armor.

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