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DEV INFO: Customizing the zoom levels

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DEV INFO: Customizing the zoom levels - 4/3/2005 7:46:41 PM   


Posts: 324
Joined: 7/24/2001
From: Oslo, Norway
Status: offline
We figured that not everyone wanted to have the same zoom levels, so like so many other concepts in the game, we made them configurable.
To change the zoom levels yourself, open up the art.txt file and find the three following lines:

// zooms for the game

// chip scaling by zoom

// Y ofsets by zoom

- The first line is the zoom at the three different levels. The numbers goes from the highest zoom to the lowest zoom. Increasing the number increases the zoom level and vice versa. That also means you can actually zoom further out at the highest level by lowering the first number. This should satisfy the request of some to get a large overview mode where you can to do strategic planning without using the strategic map.

- The second decides the scaling of the unit icons on each zoom level.

- The third decides the x and y coordinate offset for each zoom level when placing the unit icons.
The unit icon coordinates for each region is in another file.

So changing the first set of values and then playing around with the two other sets to find the optimal values you can completely customize the zoom level to your liking. I suggest once players has found new values they like that you share them with other players posting replys to this thread.


ADMINS, please make this sticky.

< Message edited by color -- 4/3/2005 7:51:02 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: DEV INFO: Customizing the zoom levels - 4/4/2005 12:35:24 AM   
Marc von Martial

Posts: 10875
Joined: 1/4/2001
From: Bonn, Germany
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For a customer made example see also this thread in the main GGWAW forum:


(in reply to color)
Post #: 2
RE: DEV INFO: Customizing the zoom levels - 4/24/2005 10:29:18 PM   


Posts: 224
Joined: 9/23/2002
From: Terrapin Station
Status: offline
anyone know the max of how far out you can zoom and still see the numbers? .... the numbers like transport capacity in a region?


Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism. ~George Washington

(in reply to color)
Post #: 3
RE: DEV INFO: Customizing the zoom levels - 6/3/2005 5:18:28 AM   

Posts: 2166
Joined: 5/30/2005
From: Upper Michigan
Status: offline
I found that to be 4000. So that is what I set my normal zoom to. The others are 3000 and 2000. But at them zooms the program uses the enlarged unit icons from the old zoom-in. I guess if you want the unit size to stay uniform though all the zooms you will need to go though all the lines of code for each unit type. Its not worth the effort.
From the art.txt file

// zooms for the game

// chip scaling by zoom

// Y ofsets by zoom

If you would like keep the original default zoom level use 4800 in place of 4000. At 4800 the icon offset was originally at 35. But I think 25 works better because it places the ships closer together. Also air sits a little closer to land units. I think you'll like the tighter look better. Try both 25 and 35 to see for yourself.

< Message edited by Lebatron -- 8/23/2005 6:06:35 AM >

(in reply to marc420)
Post #: 4
RE: DEV INFO: Customizing the zoom levels - 9/8/2005 10:32:36 PM   


Posts: 1
Joined: 9/8/2005
Status: offline
It turns out that you can have more than three zoom levels, if you so desire. Just add the extra ones at the end. Make sure that all three lines have the same number of numbers

(in reply to Lebatron)
Post #: 5
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