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Amphibious Assaults

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Amphibious Assaults - 5/15/2005 5:38:49 PM   

Posts: 18
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Can someone please give me the page number (Not the one on page 50) or try to explain to me how Amphibious Assaults work. No matter how many time I try an A.A., I can only get 1 unit to land and attack. It's driving me crazy.


Post #: 1
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 5/15/2005 6:30:08 PM   


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Hmm, what kind of opposition do you face ? Basically an amphib-invasion is very hard as long as there is still an artillery in the attacked province since it is able to op-fire on the landing units.


(in reply to BeeDub)
Post #: 2
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 5/15/2005 10:33:03 PM   

Posts: 2001
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From: WV USA
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Did you play through the tutorials? They may help a little. How many transports do you have in the area being amphibiously assaulted? If only two, then only one infantry may invade. Larger invasions require more transports. A "D-Day" sized amphib assault would take many transports. Transports have an amphib rating (capacity) and each land unit has an amphib value. If a unit's amphib value exceeds the transport(s) amphib capacity, the unit cannot invade.

Roy, old wargamers never die

(in reply to CharonJr)
Post #: 3
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 5/16/2005 3:23:44 AM   

Posts: 827
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the transports have two numbers seperated by a slash. the right hand number is the total amphibious capacity. infantry cost 5 and tanks cost 10.

so if you want to take 2 infantry units you'll need 10 points. as the WA this will require at least 4 transports be in place next to the target.

each WA transport has a capacity of 3:
so 3 (capacity) X 4 (transports) = 12 (amphib capacity).

(in reply to Tac2i)
Post #: 4
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 5/16/2005 4:35:42 AM   

Posts: 18
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Ok, thanks.

I see what I'm doing wrong. I was reading the values wrong on the transports, I thought they were able to land more units then they actually could.



(in reply to BeeDub)
Post #: 5
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 5/16/2005 8:33:58 AM   

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I can't tell you how long it took me to figure it out also. :)

(in reply to BeeDub)
Post #: 6
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 6/11/2005 9:47:30 AM   

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The otherwise smashing manual does not seem to really mention the unit/transport ratio. I figured it was a bug or my failure to grasp the game.

I made my conceptual breakthrough, when in a rageful fit of most un-commander in chief behavior, I jammed every damned available transport off-shore Morocco.

Back in the day, I remember Eastern Front omitting the left click to load a vehicle and how much confusion that caused. This little gem of info should be stuck up at the top of the forum.

(in reply to aletoledo)
Post #: 7
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 7/5/2005 8:20:13 PM   


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I'm still not getting it. In the current scenario I am using, I transported an infantry unit from Egypt to my single transport in adjecent Mediterranian square and was able to successfuly load it onto a transport. On the Next turn, I tried to invade the Crimea which had no troops (only a train), but the cursor indicated "illegal move". I tried invading several other areas, some with troops, other without. All I got was "illegal move". Please help!!

(in reply to dgotrek)
Post #: 8
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 7/5/2005 11:06:28 PM   

Posts: 1626
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From: Central Florida
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The way that this game handles Amphibious Assaults is really weird.. I don't care for it at all. I really can't warm up to the game. Nothing wrong with it and it works OK. Just my preference in games. I guess I don't care for "Generic" wargaming. I enjoy historical situations better.



(in reply to slmintz)
Post #: 9
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 7/6/2005 5:20:13 AM   

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slmintz, you don't need to "load" the unit onto the transport, you strat move your unit from start to landing point "along" the transports. You need several transports adjacent to the landing zone for amphibious invasions.


No Will but Thy Will
No Law but the Laws You make

(in reply to Toby42)
Post #: 10
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 7/6/2005 8:54:40 PM   

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BTW, what is accomplished by putting troops on the transports? You can't move loaded transports, and putting them on the ships just makes them vulnerable to attack.

Is there any reason at all to load a transport?


The older I get, the better I was.

(in reply to 5cats)
Post #: 11
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 8/29/2005 6:27:25 AM   


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Loading on transports is just an A&A thing. Unless you have some mathematical way you are preserving strat move points along a chain of transports I don't see the point. But I did try this myself because I was having trouble doing amphib assaults as well. The reasoning was "maybe if my trannie is sitting offshore with a unit on it at the beginning of the turn then I will be able to offload the unit onto the enemy beach". Of course, as I learned form this thread, my problem was that I was misreading the transport capacity for amphib assault versus strat move capacity. Thanks for the tips.

(in reply to Bradley7735)
Post #: 12
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 8/30/2005 1:40:16 AM   


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BTW, what is accomplished by putting troops on the transports? You can't move loaded transports, and putting them on the ships just makes them vulnerable to attack.

Is there any reason at all to load a transport?

I have not done this yet but I can think of 3 reasons off the top of my head.

1) You would have more transport capacity from the trannys at the begining of the Chain on your next turn then you would if you had not staged units out a couple zones.

2) You could move the trannys at the beginning of the chain on your next turn. Handy if you are short trannys or need many for the invasion.

3) Your troops are staged that much closer to an Amph Assault on your next turn and there offenseive dice will not suffer as much of a penalty. (Assumeing they are moving more then 2 zones from original position to assault)

Of course you would have to weigh all this against the risk of the Transports being destroyed.


(in reply to Bradley7735)
Post #: 13
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 9/3/2005 7:00:18 AM   

Posts: 8
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Good Question. I was ready to scrap the game for want of the amphibious assault. Fortunately I looked here first. Just tried it with mutiple transports and this game will live to fight another day. Thanks.


Enough of that tomfoolery....

(in reply to BeeDub)
Post #: 14
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 11/16/2005 1:31:28 AM   


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I had the same problem, and maybe I am crazy, but my solution was to conduct an air assult before the amphibious assult. Maybe I just don't understand, but that seems to supress the Op-Fire.

(in reply to TomFoolery)
Post #: 15
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 11/16/2005 6:07:32 AM   


Posts: 3684
Joined: 5/2/2005
From: Aalborg, Denmark
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The op-fire is from ART units in the target area. Your air assault probably knocked out those art units letting your troops land safely. Thats normal procedure.

(in reply to Krisanie)
Post #: 16
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 2/3/2006 3:05:46 PM   


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This will probably be my last journal entry as CINC Allied Forces. A few hours ago 3 transports were sunk by the Japanese off the coast of the Marshall Islands with 2 tank units led by America's finest (albeit inexperienced) soldiers. It is the latest in a long string of attacks that have left virtually all of the allied forces under my command without a single transport in the inventory. My staff lieutenant is accusing me of not having read the manual and being too proud to ask for help when I am stumped. I have done those things and for the record, I did NOT hear her call for dinner two hours ago and I wasn't swearing, I was deep in thought and perhaps talking out loud.

The press is correct in that I have been incapable of carrying out an amphibious assault but it isn't for lack of trying. I have lined up transports in a silly way from the coast of friendly countries to the doorstep of our enemies. Yet our troops no matter their type, refuse to get off the boat into enemy territory even when it is unoccupied. I have let them sit in the transports, basking in full daylight for all to see (especially enemy aircraft and naval vessels) for a full quarter of the year (1 turn) to think about what they must do but when ordered they simply reply, "illegal move!". I am then forced to watch them be massacred by a cold, vicious enemy who manages to land his troops hither and yon with little more than a single transport at the beachhead. I have been impotent in my ability to defend the Pacific and I will forever rue the day when I lost Australia.

SIMPLE questions hound me in my sleep as the ghosts scream at me from the depths of Davy Jones Locker;

1. Exactly how many transports (new and shiny) does it take to move a single infantry or tank unit from friendly territory to the shore and eventual beachhead of enemy occupied territory?
2. If I have question 1, then the next is; if it takes two or even three, must each step of the silly transport chain also have the magic number of transports per step?
3. Can an attack force attack at the end of a strategic move or must they wait for hell, brimstone, and the next turn to attack the enemy?
4. Is an upgrade to this game that makes this all go away remotely possible? An upgrade that doesn't require me to have a battlegroup stationed in defense of transports at every single hexagon between the homeland and enemy territory?

The picture below is from a war correspondent no longer with us and shows my position before we lost the transports. It pains me to say that the correspondent was shooting footage when the Japanese carrier group shown in the North East took out his transport.

I may very well retire from the field before they come for me. There is a position open as head coach for a soccer league over in XBox. I would at least, be on time for supper.


Attachment (1)

(in reply to BeeDub)
Post #: 17
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 2/3/2006 4:43:40 PM   


Posts: 3684
Joined: 5/2/2005
From: Aalborg, Denmark
Status: offline

Lets take a look at your transports in the area with your CV.

Below your units its says "13 10/3".

13 means you have 13 units present.
10 means you have a remaining capacity for strategic movement of 10.
3 means you have a remaining capacity for amphibious landing remaining.

Each land unit that you try to land by amphibious means requires 5 points of amph capacity (Armor requires 10). It also requires its normal capacity in strategic movement but thats rarely the problem. Finally, it needs to be in supply - but I doubt thats the problem.

Your problem almost certainly is that you lack sufficient amph capacity in the sea-area next to the invasion site.

Let me give an example of how it needs to be done. Lets say I want to invade Wake Island using the forces from Midway (1 MIL) and Hawaii (1 INF). Here we have the situation at the start. Note that I have 120 strategic capacity and 12 amph capacity off of Wake Island (continued)

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by JanSorensen -- 2/3/2006 4:48:49 PM >

(in reply to BeeDub)
Post #: 18
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 2/3/2006 4:46:10 PM   


Posts: 3684
Joined: 5/2/2005
From: Aalborg, Denmark
Status: offline
Now I have moved the INF from Hawaii to Wake.

Note that the strategic capacity has been lowered by 5 for each of the 3 sea-areas the INF had to cross.

Note that the amph cap has been lowered by 5 (from 12 to 7) in the sea-area off of Wake while the amph cap is unchanged for the other two sea-areas.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to JanSorensen)
Post #: 19
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 2/3/2006 4:50:18 PM   


Posts: 3684
Joined: 5/2/2005
From: Aalborg, Denmark
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Finally, I moved the MIL from Midway to Wake to also invade.

Because there was no supply on Midway I first moved 1 supply from Hawaii to Midway (using up 1 strat cap for each of the 2 sea-areas involved). After that I could move the MIL from Midway to Wake - using 5 strat cap in each sea-area and 5 amph cap in the sea-area off of Wake.

Now the remaining unused amph cap is down to 2 - so no more units can land unless I move more transporters into the sea-area.

If you do not play with advanced supply you can ignore the part about moving the supply.

I hope this helps.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to JanSorensen)
Post #: 20
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 2/3/2006 5:04:50 PM   

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From: Upper Michigan
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I enjoyed your narrative, it was funny.
Well anyway it seems that after you read the above meanderings you still are lost. Its a terrible example for a FAQ as I just mentioned a few days ago. We get your exact question a lot so don't feel stupid.
I noticed Aletoledo's explaination is out of date. The transport number for the WA's is now 2 not 3 as he explained. You can upgrade it to 3 through research. But until then, you will need 3 transports to get your amphib number above 5. See the smaller number to the right of the larger number. That's the amphib number. As others explained above, it takes 5 points to offload one Infantry or 10 points for a tank. These numbers are listed on screen F4. But its not hard to memorize since every unit takes 5 except the tank. I noticed in your pic it looks like you are trying to invade the Marshall Islands. Is that correct? If it is you can't because your amphib number is only at 3. You will need to add one more transport to get your number above 5, then you can invade. Over in Europe there is one other small detail players need to be reminded off. Its Winter. You will not be able to amphib a zone that is in the winter snow belt during winter. That one always fustrates newbies because after they think they got it down pat winter comes along and then they ask why they can't invade Western France. Another thing you should remember is that an amphibing unit can move to another area after its done invading. Just watch Japan and you will understand. Well I think you can get it from here.

Jan got to you first. He's a fast one His pics and details should explain it all.

< Message edited by Lebatron -- 2/3/2006 5:07:26 PM >

(in reply to rothaar)
Post #: 21
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 2/4/2006 1:10:28 PM   


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Just before 2200 hours last night we received word that Berlin had fallen. An hour later a massive Japanese carrier group was destroyed in the sea of Japan. The Japanese still fight on tenaciously but their days are numbered and it appears that Imperial Japan itself with be taken in a few more moves.

Chow last night was Jeno's Personal Pizza and all of the general staff reported on time.

To show my personal gratitude for dedication above and beyond the call of duty (which is a good game itself), I 've put JanSorensen and Lebatron in for field promotions. Thank you. (applause).

(in reply to Lebatron)
Post #: 22
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 2/4/2006 1:29:03 PM   


Posts: 3684
Joined: 5/2/2005
From: Aalborg, Denmark
Status: offline
It was my pleasure to help. Infact, your narrative gave me a good laugh making me more than happy to help. Its a nice change from the people that threaten to never buy another game again if they do not get help.

I am sure your newfound victories will also make for a happier domestic life :)

(in reply to rothaar)
Post #: 23
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 1/8/2007 6:58:57 PM   


Posts: 36
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Amphibious assault is very difficult..How do you take all those japanese islands, they have artillery and all of your attacking units suffer severe penalties..How would you take Japan?

(in reply to JanSorensen)
Post #: 24
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 12/1/2007 2:39:55 AM   


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Sigh k, well so my problem seems similar but I do know the "Amphibious Capability" of my units and it "according to info" should be enough but England still holds out with the infamous "Illegal move" defense which seems to out do any attack known to any German unit I hold ... Here's the sit maybe you can tell me the err of my Deutch ways :(
England (Computer) has
1 Heavy Bomber 4(move points)
3 Fighter 2
2 Infantry 1
1 Militia 1
2 Artillery 1 (yes I know I may or should have 1 or 2 Incomming fall to their merciless attacks, don't care :/ get in there and DIE boys lol)
1 Flak 1
Germany (Me)(Units presently on England Space)
5 Heavy Bomber 2
1 Heavy Bomber 2 (Carried my Airborne in thats why they're different)
2 Fighter 0
1 Fighter 0 (came from diff location)
1 Airborne 0 (dropped in go go go boys kill them arty :) )
in North Atlantic 9
1 Heavy Fleet 7
1 Transport 1
1 Transport 1 (second location)
numbers below fleet
3(number of units) 60(reg transport avail)/6(Amphibious Capability) AT LEAST 1 attempt at death for one sorry militia unit SHOULD BE AVAIL from my understanding of the tutorial which I bore JUST cuz I couldn't do amphibious :( :/ but alas sigh "Illegal Move" prevails again
Unit attempting transport move from
Western France
7 Militia 1 (using one at a time or trying to use just one :/ no such luck)(no previous move or strat move of unit prior to attempt)
3 Artillery 1 (attempted to move this not sure if it requires 5 or 10 but tried "Illegal Move" :/ )(no previous move or strat move of unit prior to attempt)
also have some fighters and supplies there. I moved 15 supplies there to make sure supply was not an issue or shouldn't be an issue either way still same "Illegal Move" arrg :? /
well maybe they don't like attacking from the south so with that still set up went north to my fleet sitting at
North Sea
2 Heavy Fleet 9
1 Light Fleet 10
7 Transport 6
1 Transport 5 (diff loc)
2 Transport 4 (diff loc again)
13(number of units) 300(transport capability)/30(Amphibious Capability) I should be able to nearly carry a battleship across that group right? hmmm nope "Illegal Move" wins again
Unit attempting transport move
8 Infantry 1
1 Flak 1
(same 15 supplies were moved back to original position then put on Netherlands to make sure supplies were avail for move.)
No success on either Flak or Infantry attempt
tried then doing strat move of unit from further attempted tank from
Eastern France
1 Armor 2 (strat move to Netherlands then to transport but still "Illegal Move" dang these guys are INVINCIBLE ahhhkkkkk
tried some diff units then 1 each of the following from
Western Germany
1 Infantry 1
1 Artillery 1
1 Militia 1
2 Flak 1
with each I attempted a strat move with AA no go
status of rail in each place all had at least 1 green rail and none had less than 30 rail move avail.


What am I missing why can I NOT Amphibious Assault? any ideas

Thanks in advance for your assistance


Always lookin for world of warcraft players check out my user name on Duskwood server :)

(in reply to todd77)
Post #: 25
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 12/3/2007 9:07:39 PM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
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First off, is it a winter turn? Next, it would be best if you could post a screenshot of the situation.

(in reply to RogueXXV)
Post #: 26
RE: Amphibious Assaults - 3/8/2014 1:58:29 AM   


Posts: 5
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I'm sorry, I don't have an answer to your question. I am brand-new to posting here (in fact, I'm new to any kind of posting), and I don't know how to start a new post here. Please help

(in reply to BeeDub)
Post #: 27
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