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RE: Lost contact

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RE: Lost contact - 8/19/2005 7:37:43 PM   

Posts: 3420
Joined: 9/12/2004
From: Dallas, Texas
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Look at it this way, maybe he's just afraid of losing


It doesn't make any sense, Admiral. Were we better than the Japanese or just luckier?

Banner By Feurer Krieg

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Post #: 211
RE: Lost contact - 8/20/2005 1:34:54 AM   

Posts: 1957
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Somehow I find it hard to believe that to be the reason

... cool avatar btw


Nec recisa recedit

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Post #: 212
Back in business - 9/4/2005 12:24:48 PM   

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GH is back and we are back in business

I have to remember where we left. I'm a bit at loss right now.

I was considering that I'm writing an AAR on the WORST (by far) game I'm running.
Sounds a bit stupid on my part, doesn't it?
I should be writing my victories

I'll soon be back with news.


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Post #: 213
Question - 9/4/2005 4:52:48 PM   

Posts: 1957
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I have a question for those of you reading my AAR.

Speedy has rightly - IMHO - asked for suggestions for his AAR.
Well I'm doing the same.

I'm somehow restarting, so any suggestion would be welcome.

My idea was to post every time a pictue of an Allied plane with the historical description of the model. Possibly a plane that has engaged in the last turn.
I've been sufing the web during the summer and I found some nice sites.

I will of course keep posting screenies, but I thought that maybe you could tell me, time by time, what you want to see.
It's not so easy to guess what you can understand without screenies and what you can't.

My request is strictly related to this AAR and to the fact that you can see the combat reports in GH's one.

Thanks for your feedback


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Post #: 214
RE: Question - 9/4/2005 5:00:05 PM   


Posts: 15998
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Hi MC,

Sounds like a good idea to me. Perhaps (what I plan to do more of) post pictures and photo's of action areas for that day?

For example if there was a lot of action at Guadalcanal then post a couple of historical photo's that relate to the day in hand...........

Just my initial thought.

I alos like to read about people's plans and thoughts on stuff. So perhaps post on your thoughts or future plans.



WitE 2 Tester
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Post #: 215
RE: Question - 9/4/2005 5:02:58 PM   

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I alos like to read about people's plans and thoughts on stuff. So perhaps post on your thoughts or future plans.


I thought I was doing that already
Thanks Speedy


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Post #: 216
RE: Question - 9/4/2005 6:07:38 PM   


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You are indeed MC

I just thought i'd say that it is interesting to read them and as such no need to change that IMO


WitE 2 Tester
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Post #: 217
Back in action - 9/6/2005 6:43:46 PM   

Posts: 1957
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From: Italy
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We've fought a couple of days and I'm not yet back 'in' the game and in the AAR.

Anyway here's an update.
Operation Freedom Australia has initiated.
The following units are marching towards Daly Waters.
7th Australian Div
4th Australian Div
5th Australian Div
3rd Australian Div
25th US Div
Sparrow Force
23rd Australian Bde
Gull Force Bn
6th Australian Cav Bde
3rd Australian Bde
2nd Australian Cav Div
AUS II Corps
193rd US Tank Bn
3rd Australian Tank Rgt
2nd Australian Tank Rgt

Recon reports 13 Jap units in Daly for about 80.000 men.
I can't take it with the forces I have today.
But I'm betting on one thing: he doesn't have the some forces in Darwin.
Hence I'll engage only as little as required in Daly Waters, the biggest part of my force will go around it and attack Darwin.
If he retreats to avoid the encirclement I'm happy because I get an airflied to pound Darwin. If he stays I leave him there surrounded, I'll try to take Darwin and then come back to finish the job.
It sounds simple, hence it'll probably won't work


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Post #: 218
RE: Back in action - 9/6/2005 7:21:36 PM   
Tom Hunter

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I have enjoyed this AAR as written and though its nice to try to improve it your doing a fine job as is. Glad to see this game back in action.

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Post #: 219
RE: Back in action - 9/6/2005 7:52:39 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Tom Hunter

I have enjoyed this AAR as written and though its nice to try to improve it your doing a fine job as is. Glad to see this game back in action.

Thanks Tom, I really appreciate it


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Post #: 220
RE: Back in action - 9/6/2005 11:10:57 PM   

Posts: 1957
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April 30th, 1942

Not much going on.

I'm waiting to be able to upgrade British planes and to have the Zero bonus down.
Then I'll resume some serious air operations in Burma.

Night time training session

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Post #: 221
RE: Back in action - 9/6/2005 11:13:57 PM   

Posts: 3420
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MC, are you using your bombers in Australia to recon Darwin? Also, can you get any recon planes close enough to be of any use there? I'd try to make sure you know what you are up against there before you commit your forces. Better safe than sorry.


It doesn't make any sense, Admiral. Were we better than the Japanese or just luckier?

Banner By Feurer Krieg

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Post #: 222
RE: Back in action - 9/7/2005 12:08:09 AM   

Posts: 1957
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I see your point.
The problem is that I cannot reach Darwin in any way, by air.
The only option would be a sub commando. I don't like it, I don't know why

I'm fairly sure he cannot have another 100k men in Darwin.
Anyway I'm strong enough to resist. At worst we'll face each other until I get more troops in.

I'll think about the commando though.
It's poor strategy to go in without some knowledge.

Uhm, the more I think, the more I feel like sending some rednecks there

I'll let you know, thanks


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Post #: 223
RE: Back in action - 9/7/2005 5:50:10 AM   

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From: Dallas, Texas
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good luck mc, we're all counting on you


It doesn't make any sense, Admiral. Were we better than the Japanese or just luckier?

Banner By Feurer Krieg

(in reply to mc3744)
Post #: 224
Upgrading the British air force - 9/7/2005 3:44:45 PM   

Posts: 1957
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May 1st, 1942

This is an important day because I can finally upgrade the British planes!

Upgrading Strategy
My idea is to try to keep using all the different models to make the best use of the pool.
Obviously some aircrafts are much better and will see the larger use.
My biggest problem now is the inexperience of my fighter pilots. I still have Hurricane’s squadrons below 60 exp.
Hence what I’m doing is:
- Fighter squadrons below 60 exp will be downgraded to Wirraways to make use of their decent range for night training.
- Fighter squadrons over 70 exp will be upgraded to Hurricane’s
- So far I have several groups between 60 and 70, I’ll keep them as they are because I still need CAP protection.
- Buffalo’s I will keep the night training, they are the easiest to train thanks to their long range. Most squadrons are around 70, I’ll keep training them till they hit 80 exp.
- Most bombers will be upgraded to Wellington III, but I’ll keep some Blenheim’s IV in recon role.

Initial air upgrades
(3) Hurricane’s squadrons downgraded to Wirraway’s
(1) Blenheim IF upgraded to Beaufighter VIF
(2) Blenheim IV upgraded to Wellington III
(1) Blenheim I upgraded to Wellington III
(2) Vildebeest upgraded to Wellington III
W Flight RAF (8) Wirraway squadron at 75 exp upgraded to Hurricane’s II

I’ve decided to send the Australia HQ with Daly strike force. They need more support
I’ve also decided to follow Gem35’s advice. As soon as one sub on rescue mission will be back I’ll send a commando to Darwin to evaluate the Jap’s strength there.

Built in greater numbers than any other British bomber, the Wellington formed the backbone of Bomber Command operations until the widespread introduction of four-engined bombers into service in 1941.

Introduced into service in 1938 Wellingtons and Blenheims shared the honour of being the first Royal Air Force aircraft to attack Germany when they bombed ships at Brunsbüttel on 4 September 1939. Even with its power-operated turrets the Wellington was unable to defend itself adequately in daylight and had to switch to night operations to survive the German defences.

Using the geodetic type of construction developed by Barnes Wallis, the Wellington was immensely strong and could take large amounts of damage and still return safely to base. The Wellington served in many roles during its long service life. Designed as a bomber, it became an effective torpedo carrier and submarine killer in Coastal Command before going on to Transport and Training Commands.

No. 2036. Vickers 290 Wellington Mk.I (L4288) RAF

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Post #: 225
China's troubles - 9/8/2005 6:00:04 PM   

Posts: 1957
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May 4th, 1942

Still waiting for the up/downgraded squadrons to become operational.
Meanwhile the 2nd UK Division has joined with the CD Rangoon Force in Akyab. More units will soon arrive and I’ll probably be able to retake Akyab.

He managed to push back Ichang’s northern wing garrison. As you can see in the picture he now threatens to encircle Ichang.
I’m not sure it’d be such a bad thing. For some reason (in all my games) no supplies arrive to Ichang. It has being at zero for a long time already, hence the encirclement would make little difference in this regard.
However now he doesn’t know I’m at zero supplies, if he cuts the road he can guess and therefore resume the push.
As you can see in the picture I’m sending more troops to secure the road hex NW of Ichang. Once he gets there I’ll have to be able to push him back.
Chengtu situation is also real bad. Despite a force ratio of over 2:1 my attacks and bombardments achieve no results. The disruption is very high 70+ and no supplies get there. I really don’t know how to solve that problem.
I believe that I’ll have to wait till I regain air supremacy over China. Then I’ll be able to pound him form Kunming and Chungking. But that won’t happen for a long time, I guess.

A commando from the Papuan Infantry Bn is waiting to land in Darwin aboard the SS Gar, they just crossed Thursday Is. point.
They know it’s a suicide mission, but they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the liberation of Australia.

China's situation

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Post #: 226
RE: China's troubles - 9/8/2005 7:05:09 PM   

Posts: 1829
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Nice to see that this AAR is back in action again!

Chengtu suggestion:

1) Bomb the airfield of that place with your heavies + Blenheims and Wellingtons (to destroy his supplies).
2) Expand the airfield at Ledo.
3) Move SEAC to Ledo, it will draw 20K supplies
4) When the airfield of Chengtu is cratered, us your Dakotas to drop supplies on your troops, they'll recover.
5) Additionally: If you still have the AVG equipped with Tomahawks, move'em to Chungking and LRCAP Chengtu from there if the weather permitts.
6) When available, fly one of the Chindit brigades to Chungking for the final attack on Chengtu.

(IMHO Ledo is the key both for the supply and for the defense of China).

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Post #: 227
RE: China's troubles - 9/8/2005 7:23:42 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Kereguelen

Nice to see that this AAR is back in action again!

Chengtu suggestion:

1) Bomb the airfield of that place with your heavies + Blenheims and Wellingtons (to destroy his supplies).
2) Expand the airfield at Ledo.
3) Move SEAC to Ledo, it will draw 20K supplies
4) When the airfield of Chengtu is cratered, us your Dakotas to drop supplies on your troops, they'll recover.
5) Additionally: If you still have the AVG equipped with Tomahawks, move'em to Chungking and LRCAP Chengtu from there if the weather permitts.
6) When available, fly one of the Chindit brigades to Chungking for the final attack on Chengtu.

(IMHO Ledo is the key both for the supply and for the defense of China).

Hello Kereguelen

1), 4), 5), 6) are dependent upon air control. So far he has it, at least over China.
I need to train my fighter pilots and then I can do what you suggest. Right now I'm to weak to defend any airfiled within Sally's range (8).
I didn't know you could supply tansport to an enemy hex, it's a paradrop, cool.
2) It's already under way. It's now size (4) going for (5).
3) There are enouh supplies as it is. I'm using Ledo to fly supplies to Kunming, where I have the British troops escaped from Burma. I's already size (5) going for (6), with 150+ air support. It'll be one of the airfields I'll use to regain control over China.

Hence I agree with you, the supply paradrop is a very good tip, but it'll have to wait some more


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Post #: 228
RE: China's troubles - 9/8/2005 9:34:07 PM   
Tom Hunter

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Your not going to throw him out of Chengtu unless you knock out his supply for a period of weeks or more. At this time I would reduce the garrison and use the troops somewhere else while pinning his Paras in place. Basically make it a prison camp and slowly strangle it. In a few months move more troops back and finish him off.

I've had Japanese troops cut off from supply for well over a month and gotten very little in the way of favorable effect until the first 4-5 weeks were over.

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Post #: 229
RE: Back in action - 9/8/2005 10:32:39 PM   

Posts: 3870
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From: Pax River, MD
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ORIGINAL: mc3744

April 30th, 1942

Not much going on.

I'm waiting to be able to upgrade British planes and to have the Zero bonus down.
Then I'll resume some serious air operations in Burma.

Night time training session

Nice screenie!



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Post #: 230
RE: China's troubles - 9/8/2005 11:30:35 PM   

Posts: 1957
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ORIGINAL: Tom Hunter

Your not going to throw him out of Chengtu unless you knock out his supply for a period of weeks or more. At this time I would reduce the garrison and use the troops somewhere else while pinning his Paras in place. Basically make it a prison camp and slowly strangle it. In a few months move more troops back and finish him off.

I've had Japanese troops cut off from supply for well over a month and gotten very little in the way of favorable effect until the first 4-5 weeks were over.

I think you are right. I'll probably withdraw some units and I'll come back to Chengtu in 3-6 months time. Once I'll have total air control over the airspace.
At least he can't go anywhere form Chengtu. It's a pity for the 300 supplies per day lost.


Nec recisa recedit

(in reply to Tom Hunter)
Post #: 231
RE: Back in action - 9/8/2005 11:34:45 PM   

Posts: 1957
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Hi Theelf,

when you asked who was usig your planes in the AAR and I replied, I then thought that I had actually never posted any screenie with your planes. So here we go.

I'll post more in the following turns.

Thanks again for the wonderful job you are doing.
I did not like the Sally's a lot, but the in the last version they are way cooler (especially when they are not bombing me ).

If I may. I also find Betties and Blenheim IV a bit 'dull'. Still great though


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Post #: 232
The air war - 9/9/2005 12:18:52 PM   

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May 6th, 1942

Air war
A good day with night bombing, most of the heavies took off from Diamond and Alice (some 200 planes) and I managed to destroy 25 Japs on the ground (in Rangoon and Daly). Not bad.
The first Wellington’s III are ready and the squadrons of Wirraway’s are being deployed for night time training (see picture).
The pool situation is very good, the only aircraft with the pool at (0) is the Martin 139, every other plane has some replacements available in pool.

The CV Illustrious has arrived in Karachi, together with her escort has set sail for Colombo.
It will bring my fleet to (1) CVL, (3) CV, (5) BB, (1) BC, (10) cruisers, (5) CLAA and (21) DD. Once I have the Seafire’s I can start thinking to use the RN fleet for some raiding operations.


Popondetta, Papua, 1942-12-12. Two RAAF Wirraway aircraft stand on the grass shortly after landing close together at Popondetta airstrip. Before Wirraway A2-103 (left) had come to a complete stop, its pilot, Pilot Officer (PO) J. S. Archer, had leapt from the aircraft and run across to the Control Tent where he had found the Control Officer talking to NX34655 Captain Alan Oliver Watson, Dental Officer with the 2/4th Field Ambulance. Puffing hard, PO Archer exclaimed excitedly, 'Sir, sir, I think I've shot down a Zero!' To this the Control Officer replied, 'Don't be silly, Archer, Wirraways can't shoot down Zeros.' 'Well, sir,' continued Archer, 'I went in to look at the wreck off Gona and I saw this thing in front of me and it had red spots on it, so I gave it a burst and it appeared to fall into the sea.' Within a few minutes, a dozen telephone calls from observers all around the Gona area confirmed Archer's story. While on a tactical reconnaissance mission over the Japanese ship wrecked in the sea off Gona, Archer and his observer, Sergeant J.F. Coulston, had sighted the Zero 1,000 feet below. After diving on the Japanese aircraft, they had fired a long burst into it with the Wirraway's two Vickers .303 machine guns, causing the Zero to crash into the sea. Archer was later awarded the DFC for his exploit.

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Post #: 233
Recon in australia - 9/9/2005 11:42:11 PM   

Posts: 1957
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May 8th, 1942

The commando landed in Darwin has been spotted and captured almost immediately.
Against all odds they succeeded in sending a radio message with the enemy army composition (see picture). We’ll soon come to the rescue. Brave men!!
As guessed, the Japanese have a garrison force in Darwin, about 10.000 men.
I’m sure they’ll now strengthen the position, but I wouldn’t expect more than one additional Rgt.
Additional recon around Daly revealed that the Japanese have covered their flanks, there’s one unit at the east and one at the west of Daly. I’m betting they are Tank Regiments, nothing to worry about.
Given the current situation I can probably try to take Darwin with (2) Divisions, plus (2) Tank Battalions and (1)-(2) Infantry Rgt, the rest will engage and encircle the forces in Daly.
It’s too early to feel confident, but – at least – I’m not pessimistic.
The bad news is that the surprise is gone. Recon planes have spotted my forward Tank Bn. They will be expecting us. I was hoping for a bit less warning.
But such is war.


The valorous men of the Papuan Infantry Bn fighting an impossible battle!

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(in reply to mc3744)
Post #: 234
RE: Recon in australia - 9/10/2005 2:39:32 AM   

Posts: 3420
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From: Dallas, Texas
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Neat-O mc, now go for the jugular in the land down under.

"Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."

Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six foot four and full of muscles
I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich
And he said,

"I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."

ok ok, Sorry got off on a tangent there. I wish you luck my good friend.


It doesn't make any sense, Admiral. Were we better than the Japanese or just luckier?

Banner By Feurer Krieg

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Post #: 235
RAF is back! - 9/10/2005 1:53:07 PM   

Posts: 1957
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Looks like we got a poet around here
Thanks for the support Gem (I'm really envious of your Avatar )

May 10t, 1942


The first daylight raid over Mandalay (see picture) with the new Wellington’s has been quite a success.

Day Air attack on Mandalay , at 33,29

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18

Allied aircraft
Blenheim I x 5
Blenheim IV x 28
Wellington III x 71
P-40B Tomahawk x 17
P-40E Warhawk x 19

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 7 destroyed, 5 damaged
Ki-46-II Dinah: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
Wellington III: 9 damaged
P-40B Tomahawk: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged
P-40E Warhawk: 5 destroyed, 2 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
60 casualties reported
Guns lost 4

Airbase hits 6
Airbase supply hits 9
Runway hits 57

I achieved a ratio of 1:1 which – I think - is just great at this time of the war.
Combined with the night bombing and the op losses the air losses ratio today has been 9:28 in my favour.

I’ve switched to daylight training over Myiktyina, he has – so far - left Mandalay and cannot LRCAP from Rangoon or Moulmein, they are too far away.
I’m training from Ledo, Dimapur and Kohima, to keep the planes as dispersed as possible. He still has the G3/4M to hit me.
The Buffalo’s I squadrons (some 40 planes) on night training from DH have eventually all reached and passed 70 exp. One more month and they’ll probably be ready to go into battle.
I’m going to hit Mandalay a couple more days and then I’ll start using the Wellington’s to hit oil and resources. A lot will of course depend on his reaction.

Two Base Forces are approaching Alice. Once they’ll be on station (42) additional Liberator’s will join the night bombing of Daly.

Nothing new here.
I’ve sent (5) ASW TF’s to hunt for his subs between PH and Palmyra, no big hopes however.
(2) BB’s are repaired in SF and (2) are in PH. Right now I don’t really know what to do with them. Without air cover they are more or less useless.
I’ll keep consolidating the defences.
All the action of the following months will be in Australia, India and China.


RAF’s return!

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(in reply to Gem35)
Post #: 236
RE: RAF is back! - 9/11/2005 7:50:40 PM   

Posts: 1957
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From: Italy
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13th May, 1942

It’s been a good day for the Allied air forces.
The combined night a day strikes in India and Australia have brought a toll of 32:82 in favour of the Allies.
In Burma the Japanese Air Force has been surprised over Rangoon by a morning attack. A storm of B-17s and LB-30, after clearing their way through the reduce daylight CAP, bombed Rangoon airfield into Stone age!
At the same time a hundred Wellington and Blenheim, escorted by the brave Flying Tigers (see picture), hit Meiktila inflicting, once again, heavy losses upon the defenders.

Recon now reports a strong increase of Japanese aircrafts in Rangoon.
While assessing the Japanese reaction, some bomber squadrons have been put to rest, some switched back to night bombing and the Wellington and Blenheim IV will hit the oil fields in Mandalay, most probably left undefended.
Fighter squadrons have been put on LRCAP - range (0) - those above (65) exp will suspend their training for a couple of days and reinforce the CAP of Chandpur and Diamond Harbour.
The morale among the pilots is high and the Air Force Command is confident air supremacy over Burma will soon become a reality.

Our top pilot has scored yet another kill.
Maj Overend - (12) kills - AVG/C - P-40B Tomahawk
1LT Koonce - (9) kills - AVG/C - P-40B Tomahawk
FO Hubble - (8) kills - AVG/A - P-40E Warhawk


The AVG in action

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(in reply to mc3744)
Post #: 237
Chunking surprise! - 9/12/2005 10:14:02 AM   

Posts: 1957
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From: Italy
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May 17th, 1942

The air war in the last few days has proven successful and effective.
He is retreating Sothbound, now Rangoon seems to be his main air force base in Burma.
Sometimes he comes back North, but never further than Meiktila.
Once he’ll be out of Rangoon too I’ll start seriously hitting oil and resources.
The time has come to try a few ambushes over China, the first will be over Kunming with the P-40B flown by the Flying Tigers.

Bad news here, once again GH has got me with my pants down!
(28) units have just appeared NE of Chungking (see picture). I wonder how he can have so many LCU’s. He is pressing on every front in China and still he has (28) units to spare!!
In Chungking I have (2) HQ, (4) Divisions and (7) Base Forces. Fortifications are only at (3).
Two main variables will determine my defeat or survival in China:
1) How long it’ll take to those Japanese units to get to Chungking. Several reinforcements are under way, but I need 1-2 weeks.
2) Disruption, fatigue and supplies of the Japanese forces. They are quite far from their supply lines and must be tired. While my units are in full supplies and completely rested. Of course they are also green.

He is eventually landing in Nandi (Fiji). Only one garrison unit there.
One more island to recapture.


The Chinese Front

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(in reply to mc3744)
Post #: 238
Bombing the Japs - 9/12/2005 4:42:53 PM   

Posts: 1957
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May 19th, 1942

I’m resting the heavies, I want to move them closer to the targets. DH is the limit of normal range for Rangoon, but it is already extended range for Moulmein.
I’ll move the heavies to Dacca, it’s size (6) with (270) AS and an Air HQ.
Meanwhile, to make sure the Japanese don’t get sloppy , I’ll night bomb with the mediums. Keep them busy!
I’m in serious doubt over Akyab. I’ll soon have enough troops to take it, probably at the first assault. Do I want it now? It’s excellent to train the Chinese I-16c from Chandpur. I could still train them from Akyab vs. Magwe, but Akyab can be naval bombed, while Chandpur would be too dangerous for the IJN.
I guess I will not resist and I’ll take it, but it could be a mistake.

The Japanese are pushing furiously on every front. Most of their air force is concentrated in China. They are attacking everywhere, Ichang, Changsha, Chungking, Canton.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold. Anyway they have not reached Chungking yet. The Chinese Tank Bn, (3) British Bde, (4) Chinese Division and (2) HQs are a few days away. If they make it before the Japanese get to Chungking I may be able to hold.
It would be a gigantic gridlock: Chengtu, Chungking, Sian, Sining, Changsha, Canton. Fighting’s everywhere.

Night bombing over Daly keeps scoring great. Countless Zero’s and Oscar’s must be lying around the airfield.
The freedom strike force is getting closer. One more week and the Battle for Daly and his encirclement will begin. It’ll be a turning point of the war.
If the Japanese manage to push me back, they’ll have gained (6) months and maybe a serious grip over final victory. If I get Daly …


One of the countless Zero’s destroyed by the proud men of the Bomber Command

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Nec recisa recedit

(in reply to mc3744)
Post #: 239
Akyab retaken - 9/13/2005 12:54:24 AM   

Posts: 1957
Joined: 3/9/2004
From: Italy
Status: offline
21 May, 1942

The Japanese are retreating!
No sign of fighters anywhere in Burma. It may be a faint, but I'll get advantage of the situation and I'll start bombing oil and resources.
I could not resist: I've retaken Akyab. It was a good training field, but it's still the first base retaken from the Japs. It's good for the morale!
I believe the Japanese want to unlock the Chinese situation real bad and they are throwing in everything they have.

Chungking reinforcements are getting closer, the hope for survival is getting higher.
Everywhere there are constant and ferocious air bombings, not one base is spared. The losses are high: men, guns, supplies, ...
I don't dare bring in the RAF, I'd be slaughtered.
My men will have to endure the bombings for several more months to come.

Daly strike force is now (3) hexes away. The tension is high. It'll be a decisive clash.
Night bombings continue to exact a high toll from the Japanese defenders, but Nell's and Betty's - from Darwin - are retaliating heavily against the advancing troops. We won't give up, Australia will be freed from the Yellow bug!

I'm mining all the bases and beaches in the tiny hope to get one of his subs.
Fiji is now half Japanese and half Allied. The Bde landed in Nandi seems to be happy there ... or maybe it's just taking some time to get to Suva.


Nec recisa recedit

(in reply to mc3744)
Post #: 240
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