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Best modern turn based strategy game?

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Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/19/2005 12:44:18 AM   


Posts: 8
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I've recently been playing Grigsby's World at War. This is the first turn-based strategy game I've played since Panzer General on my Playstation back in the mid 90s, and over 10 years of some great and some mind-numbing online sports, MMORPG, online RTS, and even FPSs, I had totally forgotten how much I really enjoy the addiction of a good old fashioned TBS game.

The problem with Grigsbys is I've already beaten the axis playing the allies and I think I will have soon played it out.

So considering that every great game in the past few years is still out there for me to discover, what should I get next? Is War in the Pacific or the more manageable (and less life consuming) Uncommon Valor a ' must play'? Or is there an all time greatest turn based strategy that I should now about?

Post #: 1
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/19/2005 1:54:04 AM   

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For grand strategy game such as GGWAW

Strategic command was very good, covering european theater
Demo is available from
SC 2 is on the way

For operational level war game

KP, BIN, BII are very good excellent indeed

(in reply to blubalou)
Post #: 2
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/19/2005 2:10:57 AM   

Posts: 3564
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From: Cornwall, UK
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Are you talking about TBS in general or wargames in particular? In the broader sense, my recommendation would be for Dominions 2 (on the grounds of huge depth, while being easy to learn, and absolutely vicious AI) but fantasy may not be your thing.

As to WaW being "played out", that's what PBEM is for

(in reply to bostonrpgmania)
Post #: 3
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/19/2005 2:26:37 AM   


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Ya, I guess I'm talking about war based TBS games, but it's really just the challenge of making strategic decisions then seeing how the work out. So I will check out Dominions II; In fact I just clicked your link and it does look super-cool.

As for PBEM.. I hear ya, but I'm looking for something to obsess on for that hour or two a day after my kid is in bed and before I have to go to bed. Don't really have the time or patience for PBEM.

Thanks for the tips.

(in reply to blubalou)
Post #: 4
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/19/2005 2:27:33 AM   


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bostonrpg, reviews say AI is not very good in Strat Command, agree or no?

(in reply to blubalou)
Post #: 5
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/19/2005 6:27:17 AM   


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Try the demo, then decide. There are more difficult settings, up to expert and +2 experience for the AI. Can't go wrong on the price.

Later on, there are custom made campaigns (SC has an editor) that will really try your abilities.

I'll send you my classic "Return of the Allies" if you purchase the game......and you will receive a good ass whompin.

Its like any other AI, after numerous tries, you will eventually learn its scripted moves.

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Post #: 6
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/19/2005 7:15:56 AM   


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ORIGINAL: blubalou
bostonrpg, reviews say AI is not very good in Strat Command, agree or no?

Ive played strat com to death. Its not that the AI is bad, in fact it'll give you a good run. Its that the AI responds to triggers. And once you get to know the AI you will find his moves to be the same each game. Unless you drastically change your gameplay things will become repititious after a couple weeks worth of play.

Cheers Herston for mentioning Dominion II. I never noticed that one before. What I've read so far seems very appealing.


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Post #: 7
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/19/2005 10:35:39 AM   

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ORIGINAL: blubalou

bostonrpg, reviews say AI is not very good in Strat Command, agree or no?

Previous two posts are very close to my view

I heard Dominion II is a superb game
Bruce Gerwyk (computer gaming world) rated it as one of the best (above age of wonders II)
To me, Age of Wonders II was better but Bruce is professional and I am just a casual gamer
If you liked master of magic you might like age of wonders II
Now age of Wonders II should be avaiable at bargain bin price

< Message edited by bostonrpgmania -- 6/19/2005 10:48:41 AM >

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Post #: 8
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/19/2005 10:42:04 AM   


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With fog of war on the Strategic Command is a challenge - once you decide to reveal the AI's dispositions you sort of diddle yourself out of a lot of replayability.

Play it with fow on from the start.

A very elegant design, I reckon. :)


(in reply to gunny)
Post #: 9
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/20/2005 7:05:48 PM   


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Dominions 2 is an instant classic, in the same vein as the original Civilization, Master of Orion, and Heroes of Might and Magic. Do not pass it up.

(in reply to Home40)
Post #: 10
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/20/2005 8:29:17 PM   


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WITP is defintely the ultimate WWII based strategy game. Very detailed. Very big. Very addictive. PBEM is the way to go, the AI is "quirky" at best. I have two PBEM's going and am trying to find time to squeeze in a third. It is by far the best game of its kind that I have run across.

The DB Series is an excellant one for operational level conflicts. KP, BiN and BiI are all excellant games and there is an active community at SSG that puts out new and interesting scenarios. I have been playing BiN between WITP games and hope to master it enough to start some PBEM games soon. These games are much more manageable than WITP but don't give a strategic overview of the war.

(in reply to blubalou)
Post #: 11
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/20/2005 9:09:22 PM   

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Heroes of might and magic 3

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Post #: 12
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/22/2005 2:02:45 AM   


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Since this seems to be a suplicate of another thread, I'll post here what I posted there:

The best traditional wargames out today are the SSG games published by Matrix: Korsun Pocket, Battles in Normandy, and Battles in Italy. Those games basically take the conventional wargame paradigm and do it as well as it has ever been done, or is likely to be done. If you like traditional hex-grid wargames, one of those is the logical (and probably inevitable) step.

War in the Pacific and Uncommon Valor are nice, but they are more projects than games. You have to enjoy the idea of immersing yourself in a game rather than worrying about finishing it. I'd argue they're role-playing games in their own right, almost as much as they are wargames.

The best turn-based wargame out now is almost certainly the Combat Mission series by Battlefront - If you like tactical combat, you really can't miss with this game. It's also possibly the best play-by-email game ever. I really can't recommend this enough.

Also, in re Dominions II: there is a demo available via that link (under Downloads). Since there is no in-game tutorial, make sure you download the walkthrough (under Links).

(in reply to gunny)
Post #: 13
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/22/2005 2:17:52 AM   

Posts: 10762
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I LOVE tactical combat but CMBO,CMBB and CMAK isnt top of my list.

So not everyone will enjoy them.

I have nothing against WEGo (infact I really like it). My problem lies with the 3D representation.

Many swear by thm though and they do have some great points


(in reply to bluemonday)
Post #: 14
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/23/2005 1:30:42 AM   


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Despite all my complaints, War in The Pacific!

(in reply to Toast)
Post #: 15
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/23/2005 9:35:44 PM   

Posts: 2932
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With no hesitation, you should purchase Crown of Glory ! (release date as of end of June 05!!)

This is a grand-strategy Napoleonic game with tactical battles. This game looks definitely too good ! Check the forum and screenshots :-)

check here >>>>> Crown of Glory

< Message edited by nukkxx -- 6/23/2005 9:39:46 PM >

(in reply to Bombur)
Post #: 16
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/24/2005 12:14:21 AM   


Posts: 233
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With no hesitation, you should purchase Crown of Glory !

Uh, I would wait for reviews/impressions/feedback, especially from messageboards.

(in reply to nukkxx5058)
Post #: 17
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/24/2005 12:34:56 AM   

Posts: 41459
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Concur... It's far too easy to end up disappointed; I speak from experience.


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to bluemonday)
Post #: 18
RE: Best modern turn based strategy game? - 6/24/2005 10:28:26 AM   

Posts: 3611
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From: San Diego
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My favorite that I still play to this day is Civilization II. It's more addictive then any drug. Ill never forget the day I bribed a city, placed some musketeers in it, and withstood attack after attack until I managed to break out with ARMORED TANKS!!!!


After 16 years, Civ II still has me in it's clutches LOL!!!
Now CIV IV has me in it's evil clutches!

(in reply to blubalou)
Post #: 19
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