
Back to News Listing Strategic Command 'Gewehr' Update!

Posted: Monday, October 16, 2017 by Daniele Meneghini

Type: News

Strategic Command has always been one of our most interesting and modded games, with a huge and active community that keeps playing the game over the time.
We are very proud to update the game to version 1.10 that will fix most of the known bugs.
After the "Garand" Update, here you are the "Gewehr" Update!

You can download the patch from here
Last but not least, to celebrate our latest update, Strategic Command will be 25% off for a whole week! What could you ever want more to buy it?
The sale ends on Sunday 22nd!
Get more information about the game from its official product page
This is the whole changelog:
- fixed a Diplomacy screen error for when there are no active majors in a campaign for a particular side.
- fixed a spotting error that allowed non belligerent and non active Majors such as Italy to spot non friendly units in active Minor territories such as Egypt.
- units that swap will now lose a single entrenchment point rather than being reset to 0.
- fixed a surprised unit movement error for when a unit cannot actually advance at all when attempting to pass through a friendly unit and where it will then be subsequently surprised.
- fixed a PBEM++ Lobby games list error that caused incorrect listings and invalid game loads.
- fixed an air unit de-entrenchment error that caused air units to lose their entrenchment after attacking.
- fixed a recon spotting error that allowed recons to spot into adjacent bad weather hexes.
- fixed an end of game PBEM error that did not allow the current player to review the map once a game over condition had been satisfied and before exiting and sending the final turn to his opponent.
- fixed a unit supply determination error for when a unit is initially assigned to one HQ, and then re-assigned to another more optimal HQ (when HQ attachments are not set to Manual) during the land unit supply calculation phase.
- HQs can now only be linked if the first HQ has a supply value >= 3, lowered from a previous threshold of >= 5.
- fixed an AI Carrier unit combat error that caused the AI to hang for up to 30 minutes.
- fixed an AI HQ and other support unit reorganization error that didn't allow the AI to maximize the potential offensive and supply positions of these units.
- fixed a PBEM++ server communication error.
- fixed a convoy MPP transfer amount error in the Convoy Map screen for some custom campaigns.
- fixed a map update issue that did not show the updated fog of war status, and subsequent port strength, for previously hidden ports once a naval unit completed its move adjacent to the port.
- fixed a fog of war shroud display error that did not lift some sections of the shroud due to the spotting range of units.
- fixed an AI naval combat error that had some naval units strike targets beyond their normal strike range.
- Air units will no longer receive supply from an HQ unless they are attached.
  - under supplied Air units, due to not being attached to an HQ, will be indicated by a red hatch beneath the applicable Air unit.
  - under supplied Air units, attached to an HQ but not to the most optimal supply giving HQ, will be indicated by a purple hatch beneath the applicable Air unit.
- units that are temporarily removed from the northern coast of France due to the Atlantic Coastal Gun construction decision, will now be re-placed at the end of the turn on the same turn, instead of a turn later.
- improved AI calculation speeds for when the campaigns near their end dates and there are many hundreds of units on the map.
- Ports will now switch control if you've captured an adjacent resource.  The only exception will be if there is another enemy resource adjacent to the port, that resource will need to be captured as well.  All other port capturing rules remain the same.
- Ports no longer exert automatic control over adjacent and empty enemy hexes.
- units at 0 supply will have their morale, after recalculation, further reduced by 50%.
- units at 1 supply will have their morale, after recalculation, further reduced by 25%.
- added a LARGE ADDRESS AWARE flag to the game EXE that should improve performance and memory issues on systems running at resolutions >= 1920x1080
- improved AI calculation speeds.
- units at 0 supply may now suffer desertion losses if they are adjacent to at least 2 front line ZoC enemy units that have a minimum strength and supply >= 5. They will then have a 50% chance of 1 strength point loss per adjacent unit. If they are reduced to 0 strength then the unit surrenders.
- units at 1 supply may now suffer desertion losses if they are adjacent to at least 2 front line ZoC enemy units that have a minimum strength and supply >= 5. They will then have a 20% chance of 1 strength point loss per adjacent unit. If they are reduced to 0 strength then the unit surrenders.
- weather information will now display in the lower left hand corner geo locator panel on resolutions >= 1280x1024.  Previously this only displayed on resolutions >= 1680x1050
- HQs will now show their full attachment range when clicking on them a second time, similar to how intercept and escort ranges can be shown with fighter units.
- AI naval is less likely to bombard resources unless it is for an Amphibious assault.
- AI Axis early naval improved for the 1939 and 1940 campaigns.
- AI will attempt to upgrade less during good weather turns which should help it during OFFENSIVE opportunities.

More Info

Strategic Command WWII: War in Europe

  ( Views : 12685 )

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