We have the final list of the participants who completed the Challenge #1 – Conquer Italy playing as Rome in as few turns as possible.
It was a bitter fight and many valorous soldiers have died trying. But what are they compared to the sempiternal glory of Rome?
This is the final ranking, kudos to all the participants!
We will announce soon the Challenge #2, its setting and task. Stay tuned!
Here’s below a comprehensive list of videos published so far, including the ones completing the challenge:
IGN Plays Live - Field of Glory: Empires Challenge 1#
Fields of Glory: Empires Gameplay - VAE VICTIS
Let's Stream Fields of Glory Empires - Challenge I [deutsch] "Die Eroberung des Stiefels"
Field of Glory: Empires CHALLENGE #1 Ep. 01
Field of Glory Empires - challenge 1, Rise of Rome part 1
Field of Glory Empires Challange 1 Rise of Rome part 2
Field of Glory Empires Challenge 1, Rise of Rome - part 3
Field of Glory Empires Challange 1, Rise of Rome - part 4
Field of Glory Empires - Challange 1, Rise of Rome - part 5
Field of Glory Empires - Challange 1, Rise of Rome - part 6 - Attempt 2
Field of Glory Empires Challange 1, Rise of Rome - part 7
Field of Glory EMPIRES Conquer Italy Challenge 1 of 6
Field of Glory EMPIRES Conquer Italy Challenge 2 of 6
Field of Glory EMPIRES Conquer Italy Challenge 3 of 6
Field of Glory EMPIRES Conquer Italy Challenge 4 of 6
Field of Glory EMPIRES Conquer Italy Challenge 5 of 6
Field of Glory EMPIRES Conquer Italy Challenge FINAL
Field Of Glory: Empires gameplay español | Preview - Reto 1
Preview: Field of Glory: Empires - #01 Zunächst mal das grobe Blitz-Tutorial |Gameplay|Deutsch|
Preview: Field of Glory: Empires - #02 Etrusker ante Portas |Gameplay|Deutsch|
Preview: Field of Glory: Empires - #03 Schicksalsschlacht von Tiberus |Gameplay|Deutsch|
Preview: Field of Glory: Empires - #04 Sumpfdebakel in Venetien |Gameplay|Deutsch|
Preview: Field of Glory: Empires - #05 Legionen mögen keine Sümpfe |Gameplay|Deutsch|
Preview: Field of Glory: Empires - #06 Eigentlich haben wir schon gewonnen? |Gameplay|Deutsch|
Preview: Field of Glory: Empires - #07 Vertreibung der Barbaren aus dem Norden |Gameplay|Deutsch|
Preview: Field of Glory: Empires - #08 Nachschubprobleme auf Sizilien |Gameplay|Deutsch|