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Posted: 16 MAY 2018
The new expansion in the Order of Battle series, Sandstorm, is now out!
Posted: 9 MAY 2018
We have lots of news for Order of Battle today.
First off we will be streaming Sandstorm for the first time ever on our Twitch channel next week! Be with us on Monday May 14th at 5 pm CEST on our Twitch channel for an exclusive first look at the expansion! General Agrippa Maxentius will do his best to do better than Rommel, the desert fox.
Posted: 2 MAY 2018
We have the release date all Order of Battle fans were waiting for: Sandstorm is going to be released on May 16th!
Posted: 27 APR 2018
In Sandstorm, the upcoming new expansion for Order of Battle, the Italian army obviously plays a very important role.
As commander in chief of the Axis forces in North Africa, you will be leading a joint army of German and Italian troops. Today we'll look at some of the new units available to Italy coming with Sandstorm.
Posted: 16 APR 2018
Sandstorm is the new upcoming expansion in the Order of Battle series, bringing the game to the sands of North Africa.
We asked the developers to talk of the new campaign and tell us about some of the new scenarios.
Posted: 12 APR 2018
The Beta for Sandstorm, the new upcoming DLC in the Order of Battle series, goes on, and we are gathering some tremendous feedback from the community.
We're really busy balancing the scenarios right now, but we're getting there. We will start to publish more information on the expansion very soon.
Posted: 8 MAR 2018
1941. Erwin Rommel is appointed commander of the newly created Deutsches Afrika Korps, with the goal of supporting Italy in their campaign against the Allied forces in North Africa.
It is the beginning of a great military campaign which will show the world the military genius of Rommel, a series of great accomplishments which will earn him the immortal nickname of the Desert Fox.
Release Date: 16 MAY 2018
Language: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian
Genre: Operational
Turns: Turn-Based
Complexity: Intermediate
Period: World War II
The Artistocrats
Release Date: 14 JUN 2016
Order of Battle: World War II is a breath of fresh air for all strategy fans. It is a game that takes wargaming to a new level by upgrading every single game element and rebooting the genre for a new generation of players. Detailed terrain, rich animations and a slick interface, all within a traditional setting and with the elements that are familiar to experienced players - Order of Battle: WW2 follows in the footsteps of all time classics, such as Panzer General.