
Alea Jacta Est

Product Info

“ALEA JACTA EST” (The Die is Cast) is what Caesar said as he crossed the Rubicon River when he learned that the Senate had removed him from his command. Crossing that small Italian river was equivalent to disobeying Rome’s orders and entering into open rebellion.

The great confrontation with Pompey was about to begin… One of them would become the Master of Rome, and the other would die…

Alea Jacta Est is the first historical strategy game on the PC to cover the main Roman civil wars, created by a dedicated team of experts to bring the epic battles that pitted Romans against Romans in conflicts such as those between Rome, Sertorius, and Mithridates.

With an incredible level of rich historical detail and historical accuracy, it is one of the few strategy games where the player must face the real dilemmas and challenges of the Romans during the time. Not only must you build and train armies, maneuver them and engage the enemy, but you must also maintain an economic and diplomatic balance with your neighbors.

Using the successful and famous AGE engine, Alea Jacta Est covers the whole of Europe, Northern Africa, and part of Eastern Europe, part of more than 2,800 regions, complete with cities, roads, fortifications, weather types, tribes and kingdoms of the time of the scenario. Featuring 5 campaigns from 87 BC to 197 AD, hundreds of historical leaders, units and events, Alea Jacta Est is a must-have for any grand strategy fan.

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  • Ancient Command System (based on the Wars in America system), allowing for a good representation of historical army command in the Roman era.
  • Quick and simple system of Construction of Units, allowing players to choose and purchase their forces as they wish (or can).
  • Decisions features, playable on the map, like wild cards assetsDiversified set of historical events, allowing multiple choices events and options, hereby enhancing flexibility and re-playability.
  • Different updates and other rules, in particular combat system adapted to the Ancient warfare.
  • Map: all of the Roman Empire and neighboring lands, with over 2800 different regions and seas, a lot of room for maneuvers.
  • Over a thousand of leaders and units with specific pictures.

View AllReviews - From the Press

Review at eurogamer.dk
7 / 10 - "There is a whole lot of exciting things that help to create realistic situations and processes".

Review at GrogHeads
"If you are into Ancient strategy and want something that is very accessible, easy to play and yet ironically has massive depth and complexity to it, then I have no hesitation in recommending this excellent game".

Review on Armchair General
94% - "Alea Jacta Est is a big, wonderful game that puts all other Ancient-period games in the shade. Some players may flinch at its complexity and processing time, but connoisseurs of the period will recognize its brilliance."


Alea Jacta Est

Release Date: 27 SEP 2012

Language: English, German, French, Spanish
Genre: Strategic
Turns: Turn-Based WEGO
Complexity: Intermediate
Period: Ancients


Product Specs

  • Theatre: Eastern Europe, Western Europe
  • Unit Scale: Regiment
  • Turn Scale: Monthly
  • Players: 1-3
  • AI: Yes
  • PBEM: Yes
  • File Size: 793mb
  • Download Time:
  • - 56K Modem: 31hr 28min
  • - DSL or Satelite: 103min
  • - High Speed: 21min
  • Version: 1.00
  • Manual: PDF E-Book
  • Editor: No

Product Requirements :
    OS: Windows Vista/Win7/8/10
    DirectX 9.0c or more
    Processor: Pentium IV 1800+ MHz
    4GB free on hard disk - 1024 Mo RAM
    Video card: 128 MB
    DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


Strategycon Interactive "Best Strategy Game" Bronze Award


Alea Jacta Est- The Spartacus Revolt  73 BC

Alea Jacta Est-
The Spartacus Revolt 73 BC

Release Date: 30 MAY 2013

This short and epic scenario covers the 3 years of the famous gladiators and slaves revolt led by Spartacusthat brought the Roman republic to a major crisis between 73 and 70 BC. Players can either select Rome or the famous Spartacus in a fast-paced and active struggle, where each side will have to achieve hard-to-reach objectives: Rome must destroy all the rebels and kill Spartacus, while the latter must attempt to have as many of his followers as possible to leave Italy.

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Digital Express Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it) and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.
Standard Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it), a Printed grayscale manual and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.
Collector's Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it), a Printed full color manual and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.