FredSanford3 -> RE: COTA combat & supply - sticky request (12/17/2007 6:45:08 AM)
1. I think there should be a time-based aspect of fuel consumption since much of the time, even a stationary unit will have engines running, especially if the weather is cold. In a deployed moving/assault situation, there would be individual vehiclular movement within the unit footprint that wouldn't be reflected at the company scale. There will also be a constant bleed of fuel for couriers, liason vehicles, all sorts of miscellaneous trips, so on that will increase demand despite a lack of visible movement. 2. Casualty rates seem ok to me. One tweak I'd like is that surrender of an HQ unit should have a good chance of there being a cascade effect of nearby units. I'd think that seeing the Colonel throwing in the towel would be a bit, well, demoralizing. Also, at some point, an HQ unit that has suffered casualties should lose it's staff abilities/command ability. It would be cool to have an option to voluntarily disband spend units into other units as well. Also, when artillery units rout (not in place, and not as a withdrawal/movement command), it should abandon its guns. Instantaneous hookup and speeding away while simultaneously panicking does not strike me as realistic. This makes artillery units far to resilient, IMO. There should also be abandonment of guns if there are not sufficient vehicles to tow the guns. I've seen many cases where a single remaining truck is towing 2 or 3 guns, at least according to the equipment list. 3. Cannon ammo consumption seems ok, I think the small arms ammo usage doesn't account for wastage that occurs in real life- as well as deliberate tactics like recon by fire and suppressive small arms fire on suspected enemy locations. Inexperienced troops in particular should consume ammo faster than veteran troops as well. If I'm not having any particular supply problems, I find myself using "rapid" fire far more often that I should be able to get away with. Are basics consumption rates weather dependent? I would expect temperature extremes to increase the consumption rates. I'd also like to see a way to redistribute supplies amongst co-located units. This goes with the voluntary disbandment, though there would have to be some mechanism to prevent abuse (Disbanding your entire force into a single Super Unit), such as not being able to exceed the original estab values). But I guess this is getting pretty micro-managerial.