RE: Additional converted data packs for Greece and Highway to the Reich (Full Version)

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Joe D. -> RE: Additional converted data packs for Greece and Highway to the Reich (7/15/2014 3:25:25 PM)



The HTTR Data Pack is just a zip file. Drag it into your BFTB Game directory and unzip it. It should extract the maps and scenarios to their respective directories automatically.

Thanks. So far, it has worked like a charm.

pacwar -> RE: Additional converted data packs for Greece and Highway to the Reich (7/28/2014 12:42:27 AM)

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I went into my members page and pulled up the HTTR page but the Data Pack doesn't seem to be there...when I went to the Bulge page the latest update shown was 4.263 from last do I update that page?

jimcarravall -> RE: Additional converted data packs for Greece and Highway to the Reich (8/13/2014 2:17:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: pacwar

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I went into my members page and pulled up the HTTR page but the Data Pack doesn't seem to be there...when I went to the Bulge page the latest update shown was 4.263 from last do I update that page?

After logging into the Members Community Page ( the appropriate updates are available from the "Downloads for Registered Games" link:

BigDuke66 -> RE: Download Patch V4.6.279 (9/14/2014 10:31:01 PM)

Should I install patch .279 before or after installing HttR and BfG?
Are patches for HttR and BfG still needed or only BftB .279?

jimcarravall -> RE: Download Patch V4.6.279 (9/15/2014 2:10:09 PM)



Should I install patch .279 before or after installing HttR and BfG?
Are patches for HttR and BfG still needed or only BftB .279?

You should install .279 and then the HttR and BfG.

The basic .279 patch includes BftB map files recompiled with the .279 MapMaker function and overwritten on existing BftB maps directory. The recompiling allows for an improved interpretation of terrain attributes built into the .279 game software.

The HttR and BfG sets are map files recompiled under the MapMaker .279 patch that will replace the Maps for those battle sets.

Overwriting existing map files with those reduces the delay in loading HttR and BfG games after the .279 patch is installed.

I don't believe the delay in the game software loading the old maps for HttR and BfG (or custom maps for that matter) replaces the old map files with the recompiled versions.

It's tedious, but you can accomplish the same actions as downloading and installing the HttR and BfG packs by using MapMaker to "recalculate terrain tables" and "build map cache" on appropriate map files.

If you play any custom scenarios with custom maps authored prior to the .279 patch, you have to use MapMaker to permanently recalculate terrain tables and build map caches for those to load quickly and operate appropriately with the .279 attributes.

Phoenix100 -> RE: Download Patch V4.6.279 (9/15/2014 3:23:03 PM)

Install basic BFTB, patch it with .279. Install the add-ons - HTTR and BfG. Then, from the member's area get the conversion packs for HTTR and BfG and add them in. They convert the add-on pack maps to .279 level

BigDuke66 -> RE: Download Patch V4.6.279 (9/15/2014 4:51:36 PM)

Thanks guys.

Count Sessine -> RE: Download Patch V4.6.279 (9/19/2014 8:45:43 PM)

Forget about it - problem solved by running the updater as admin...

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