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Poor USA AI vs Japan

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Gary Grigsby's World at War: A World Divided >> Tech Support >> Poor USA AI vs Japan Page: [1]
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Poor USA AI vs Japan - 3/30/2007 2:03:22 AM   


Posts: 37
Joined: 8/28/2006
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I hate to dis a great game, but I really think some work needs to be done on the WA AI vs Japan. In several games when I've played the Axis side vs the AI for Russia and the Western Allies, I've found that the AI lets a massive combined fleet of carriers with air fleets, heavy fleets and light fleets, sit for turn after turn in port in the southwestern USA while I repeatedly decimate that combined fleet with attacks from my carrier planes. And since I've used research to raise the movement range of my carrier planes to 3, their air to air attack and evasion levels to 5 and 6, and their torpedo and ship attack levels by one each, my Japanese combined fleet sits out of range of counter attacks by the WA carrier planes sitting in port and the Japanese carrier planes suffer few losses while doing great damage.

Even worse is how, after the Japanese eventually wipe out the USA southwestern combined fleet, the AI lets a small Japanese invasion force take the west coast of the USA. AND THEN the AI continues to transfer American land units to Europe while my small Japanese army marches across the continent!

I realize that the AI can't equal a good human opponent, but it appears that the AI is failing to even recognize grave, but elementary, dangers to its USA forces and regions.

Have other gamers seen the same situations? Could these weaknesses be fixed by means of a patch of some sort. I'm all ears. 32 shaw
Post #: 1
RE: Poor USA AI vs Japan - 3/30/2007 11:07:23 AM   


Posts: 3684
Joined: 5/2/2005
From: Aalborg, Denmark
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If you are playing on Normal AI setting then change that to Hard. Playing against the AI on Normal is only to make you feel good not for a challenging game. The AI may not get all that much smarter - but you would as easily be able to exploit its weaknesses.

(in reply to 32shaw)
Post #: 2
RE: Poor USA AI vs Japan - 3/30/2007 7:03:24 PM   


Posts: 2134
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ORIGINAL: 32shaw
Have other gamers seen the same situations? Could these weaknesses be fixed by means of a patch of some sort. I'm all ears.

The recommendation I think you'll get from most folks is: play the AI a few times to get the hang of the game, then ditch the AI and find human opponents.

(in reply to 32shaw)
Post #: 3
RE: Poor USA AI vs Japan - 3/31/2007 9:51:34 PM   

Posts: 617
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Yep. Personally I played against the AI for too long before starting to play PBEMs. It's a whole new game against a human! 

(in reply to WanderingHead)
Post #: 4
RE: Poor USA AI vs Japan - 3/31/2007 11:37:52 PM   


Posts: 37
Joined: 8/28/2006
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In playing PBEM games, do people always/usually/sometimes/rarely/never use the advanced supply and fog of war rules?  And which scenerios are typically played?  How do you determine who plays which side?  32shaw

(in reply to GKar)
Post #: 5
RE: Poor USA AI vs Japan - 4/1/2007 1:25:34 AM   


Posts: 2134
Joined: 9/22/2004
From: GMT-8
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ORIGINAL: 32shaw
In playing PBEM games, do people always/usually/sometimes/rarely/never use the advanced supply and fog of war rules?  And which scenerios are typically played?  How do you determine who plays which side?  32shaw

Always advanced supply.
Always fog of war turned on.
Usually one of the 1939 scenarios, either "Total War" or "Uncommon Valor" (but don't be reluctant to go for another, they are fun too).

To determine which side, just by agreement and negotiation when you set up the game.

It is a good idea to play against the AI to get used to the mechanics and Advanced Supply before playing a human, because anyone experienced with the game will be unlikely to be willing to play without it (it is one of the things that makes the game so good), and if you don't have even the basics of the mechanics then you'll likely get slaughtered.

(in reply to 32shaw)
Post #: 6
RE: Poor USA AI vs Japan - 4/22/2007 11:19:18 AM   


Posts: 2
Joined: 9/10/2006
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i prefer playing against AI, since I don't have time to play regularly. I don't have played A World Devided, but I played it's predecessor. And as 32shaw might remember we had this discussion before with the base version of World At War.
Today I was thinking about the game, found this thread and noticed that AI apparently didn't change. I'm really sad and so I won't buy it.

(in reply to WanderingHead)
Post #: 7
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