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Scenario updates

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Scenario updates - 5/4/2007 5:25:55 AM   

Posts: 2166
Joined: 5/30/2005
From: Upper Michigan
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I could update the Uncommon Valor scenario, in there is any interest, to include recently added features to the game engine.

1. NMRC for Germany.
2. Port benefits to transports.

Just let me know.


Jesse LeBreton, AKA Lebatron
Development team- GG's WAW A World Divided
Post #: 1
RE: Scenario updates - 5/4/2007 7:03:32 PM   


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What is NMRC?

(in reply to Lebatron)
Post #: 2
RE: Scenario updates - 5/4/2007 9:33:09 PM   

Posts: 617
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NMRC = Non Military Resource Consumption = a resource malus simulating production for civilian purposes (see USA)

(in reply to BenTaylor)
Post #: 3
RE: Scenario updates - 5/4/2007 9:55:08 PM   


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Does port benefit mean the Allied merchant marine get free port rations from Portugal?

(in reply to GKar)
Post #: 4
RE: Scenario updates - 5/5/2007 12:01:27 AM   


Posts: 2134
Joined: 9/22/2004
From: GMT-8
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You can check out the Global Glory scenario to see how an example of how the port benefits could be implemented. Lebatron may choose different numbers, but you'd get the idea.

It's well documented, so you can just look at the description.

< Message edited by WanderingHead -- 5/5/2007 12:02:40 AM >

(in reply to BenTaylor)
Post #: 5
RE: Scenario updates - 5/5/2007 1:33:31 AM   

Posts: 2166
Joined: 5/30/2005
From: Upper Michigan
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NMRC could have been working for Germany when the game went gold but we made a little mistake, now its corrected, so I'm just offering to update the scenario to get it working as intended.

If the changes to transports included in Global Glory were well liked I might add them to Uncommon Valor. The transport update would work in any scenario and frankly should become official but that's up to 2by3 games. As WanderingHead says, Global Glory documents the new transport rules he added. His mod is very well done. It emphasizes oil locations which gives it a distinctly different flavor.

Since I haven't been around in a while I may have missed balance, setup, AV and SP suggestions, etc. If anyone has got some play experience with Uncommon Valor and has some suggestions to improve it let me hear them. BTW, how has Uncommon Valor been received anyway? Anyone like it for PBEM?


Jesse LeBreton, AKA Lebatron
Development team- GG's WAW A World Divided

(in reply to WanderingHead)
Post #: 6
RE: Scenario updates - 5/5/2007 1:46:23 AM   


Posts: 2134
Joined: 9/22/2004
From: GMT-8
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ORIGINAL: Lebatron
NMRC could have been working for Germany when the game went gold but we made a little mistake, now its corrected, so I'm just offering to update the scenario to get it working as intended.

Heh heh! I will always remember that this was my little mistake. I was tasked to see if it worked for Germany. I ran a test, but misunderstood exactly when the NMRC resources are consumed. So I misunderstood the test results and thought that it didn't work. 2by3 didn't have the time to debug the feature in the code, and it never happened.

The feature has actually always worked, it just never got turned on for Germany until Global Glory.

It really should be there in all scenarios. Right now in all stock scenarios, Germany has a resource glut prior to war with Russia. There is no reason to connect to Scandinavia in the early game, the resources will eventually disappear unused if you maximize resource access. The Russian gift is also rather meaningless.

(in reply to Lebatron)
Post #: 7
RE: Scenario updates - 5/5/2007 2:14:34 AM   


Posts: 125
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Where is the transport difference for Global Glory described? I have looked in my downloaded files (pdf and txt) and I can't find it.



(in reply to WanderingHead)
Post #: 8
RE: Scenario updates - 5/5/2007 3:48:52 AM   


Posts: 2134
Joined: 9/22/2004
From: GMT-8
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Where is the transport difference for Global Glory described? I have looked in my downloaded files (pdf and txt) and I can't find it.

Global Glory v2.00 Description (PDF), section 3.7 "Transport capacity changes", page 14.

Be sure you got v2.00.

BTW - better to post this in the GG thread, let's not hijack this one for GG.

< Message edited by WanderingHead -- 5/5/2007 3:52:26 AM >

(in reply to BenTaylor)
Post #: 9
RE: Scenario updates - 5/5/2007 3:49:42 AM   


Posts: 718
Joined: 4/26/2005
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ORIGINAL: Lebatron
Since I haven't been around in a while I may have missed balance, setup, AV and SP suggestions, etc. If anyone has got some play experience with Uncommon Valor and has some suggestions to improve it let me hear them. BTW, how has Uncommon Valor been received anyway? Anyone like it for PBEM?

MrQuiet chose to use the UV scenario for his 2x2 tourny - so it has been well played. I'm not in that one - but I'll bet you can get a lot of feedback from the players and AARs.

(in reply to Lebatron)
Post #: 10
RE: Scenario updates - 6/12/2007 9:03:45 PM   
Charles Lamb


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Yes Lebatron, please do update Uncommon Valour.

I have played it as the scenario of preferance against most opponents so makes for a far more interesting Pacific outcome and is my scenario of choice.

WH's Global Glory is really good now too however a player has to be quite experianced for this I think.

I think UV would really benefit from the new improvements

(the port rules and NMRC do make for a more complex (and more realistic) game...perhaps there should be two versions, one with and one without ? )

(in reply to Forwarn45)
Post #: 11
RE: Scenario updates - 6/12/2007 10:28:34 PM   

Posts: 4919
Joined: 12/13/2005
From: Madrid, Spain
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ORIGINAL: Lebatron

Since I haven't been around in a while I may have missed balance, setup, AV and SP suggestions, etc. If anyone has got some play experience with Uncommon Valor and has some suggestions to improve it let me hear them. BTW, how has Uncommon Valor been received anyway? Anyone like it for PBEM?

Your scenario is being used on the 2x2 tournament, and I think it's working pretty fine.
Also I concur with Charles that you should upgrade it, though hope that doesn't interfere with the tournament.

(in reply to Lebatron)
Post #: 12
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