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Sponsored Minors

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Sponsored Minors - 4/8/2008 5:56:55 AM   

Posts: 1557
Joined: 2/1/2005
Status: offline
Feature request to go on the wishlist:

The whole "who controls a minor" thing is open to abuse, and is based on needing a human player to control stuff on a board game. Lets use the computer!

Situation: a major power declares war on a minor power.
- If a major power is allied to the minor, they get the chance to come to its defense (by declaring war on the aggressor). If they do, they control the minor as a free state. If they refuse, they have broken the alliance, and lose a PP: the minor is now neutral and controlled by the AI.
- If a major power has influenced the minor, they get the chance to come to its defense (by declaring war on the aggressor). If they do, they control the minor as a free state. If they refuse, the minor is now neutral and controlled by the AI.
- If the minor is neutral, it is controlled by the AI.

Oh - I suppose it should be an option so games can choose to play it this way, or using the current implementation.

< Message edited by Ralegh -- 4/8/2008 5:58:20 AM >


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RE: Sponsored Minors - 4/8/2008 1:04:14 PM   


Posts: 936
Joined: 8/8/2005
Status: offline
I do not agree on this one, it doesnt improve much, and brings the gamer further away from EIA.

Thing is by diplomacy you could persuade(maybe pay) all other nations not to try gain control for the minor you DOW "still able to in pbm".
IF no MP takes control to defend, the minor is automatically conquerord.(Like the boardgame Rule 4.6)/(EIANW Rule 6.6)

One problem which seem to happen is an Ally gaining control, this seems only because alliance is not in effect when you DOW the minor. Your ally could gain control, and his "enemies" could try conquer it to. Normal as the game is, an ally can only get control of a minor you are at war with is if no "neutrals" or "MP's At war with you" wants to gain control.
Maybe the sequence of alliances+dow-minors need to be checked.

About abuse, eg you get someone DOW an influensed/allied minor for one MP to gain free-states.
I do not think code can prevent this abuse. You would have to use a houserule.

Abuse  can be kept in hold if players use some houserules. The main problem is see is that the minor one MP-A controls by another MP-B DOW'ing it, is that automatically is considered part of MP-B's so anyone at war with MP-B is allowed to attack it to.

EIA didnt have influense btw, no idea about EIH.


< Message edited by bresh -- 4/9/2008 2:39:17 PM >

(in reply to Ralegh)
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