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Excellent - 7/7/2010 8:44:03 PM   


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Now I just need to adjust my future gaming budget to work this into the mix.
Post #: 1
RE: Excellent - 7/7/2010 8:56:22 PM   

Posts: 330
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From: Florahduh, yea that state.
Status: offline
man I got the card out and counting. This might be the best of the 4 reworks to date.


(in reply to Bison36)
Post #: 2
RE: Excellent - 7/7/2010 10:06:10 PM   

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Bought. Wasn't letting this one go. I've missed my original for over 10 years now.

Thank you.


Alba gu' brath

(in reply to D.Ilse)
Post #: 3
RE: Excellent - 7/7/2010 10:08:33 PM   

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Keep us posted on how it it compared to the original!


(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 4
RE: Excellent - 7/7/2010 10:10:50 PM   
Erik Rutins


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Hi guys,

Make sure you also notice the Close Combat sale!

< Message edited by Erik Rutins -- 7/7/2010 10:12:22 PM >


Erik Rutins
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(in reply to boatrigm)
Post #: 5
RE: Excellent - 7/7/2010 10:12:58 PM   

Posts: 727
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From: Oslo, Norway
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Awesome stuff, digging out my credit card now

CC2 was the first CC game I played and really looking forward to playing it again!

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 6
RE: Excellent - 7/7/2010 10:18:59 PM   

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Damn you Matrix! Quit releasing games that I am forced to buy!


"The fruit of too much liberty is slavery", Cicero

(in reply to Shadrach)
Post #: 7
RE: Excellent - 7/7/2010 10:47:24 PM   

Posts: 27
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Oh man. The original is one of my fave games of all time. Just need to know how this improves on the original as I stopped playing CC about 4 releases ago.

(in reply to sol_invictus)
Post #: 8
RE: Excellent - 7/7/2010 10:49:35 PM   
Erik Rutins


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Have a look at the product page and also please read the Developer's Notes here:


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to Foolio)
Post #: 9
RE: Excellent - 7/7/2010 10:56:32 PM   

Posts: 8573
Joined: 11/14/2003
From: Scotland
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Looks great.

Play any one of 6 Campaigns
Arnhem Sector
Eindhoven Sector
Nijmegen Sector
Hells Highway
The Island
Grand Campaign

Play 1 of 7 Operations
Arnhem Relief
Best of Best
Groesbeek Heights
Last Stand Arnhem

Lots of missions (far more than I remember, though my memory is bad, so I could be wrong)

Create Scenario - looks comprehensive though it'll be a while before I use it


Boot Camp

Plays lousy (me that is). I've always been bad at these games...and this one is no different. Only played the one mission where I'm holding off some German light recon units and infantry on Arnhem Bridge...and getting a beating. Same in all these Close Combat games really - I move, I die. Must try harder is the report.

I doubt it's a game issue and most definitely think it's my fault, but I can't for the life of me keep those wee troops alive!

I did notice of my units was down to one man. When I was watching what he was doing (using the Soldier Infor screen) he kept changing from a rifle to a machinegun and back again...loading/aiming and firing (as below)

Attachment (1)


Alba gu' brath

(in reply to sol_invictus)
Post #: 10
RE: Excellent - 7/7/2010 11:35:56 PM   

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I was playing CC2 the original the other day and my vague memories where confirmed that the soldiers moral and actions that come up in the info box where far more and varied than the later releases...also the vehicles looked far better and in proportion to the later releases....has all this been kept for the remake or in this area is it the same as the later releases? This aswell as the campaign engine where the things I was looking forward to in CCLSA...obviously the campaign engine isn't the same but what about the other two issues...I'm honestly not interested if it's just CCTLD remade for Arnhem...I wanted the old CC2 engine to be used and modified.


(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 11
RE: Excellent - 7/7/2010 11:42:06 PM   
Erik Rutins


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Hi Wodin,

Have you read through the Developer's Notes I linked above and looked over the product info? That and the screenshots and trailer should answer most of your questions hopefully. IMHO it is better than the original A Bridge Too Far but I realize I am not an objective source here.


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 12
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 1:10:08 AM   
RD Oddball


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ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

I did notice of my units was down to one man. When I was watching what he was doing (using the Soldier Infor screen) he kept changing from a rifle to a machinegun and back again...loading/aiming and firing (as below)

We'll look at it JD. It doesn't sound entirely right although I can think of one scenario where a soldier could be switching between two weapons as a legit part of the engine. (scavenging) but an MG as a second weapon that was scavengend doesn't sound entirely right. So I need to check to be sure. Thanks for saying something.

(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 13
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 1:42:36 AM   

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I was playing CC2 the original the other day and my vague memories where confirmed that the soldiers moral and actions that come up in the info box where far more and varied than the later releases...also the vehicles looked far better and in proportion to the later releases....has all this been kept for the remake or in this area is it the same as the later releases? This aswell as the campaign engine where the things I was looking forward to in CCLSA...obviously the campaign engine isn't the same but what about the other two issues...I'm honestly not interested if it's just CCTLD remade for Arnhem...I wanted the old CC2 engine to be used and modified.

I'm also a fan of the original campaign engine.
But this one is a hybrid of CC2 and CC5.
Sounds good right? So I must try this out to know for sure.


(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 14
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 1:51:05 AM   


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While I was in college two of my buddies would come over and we would play A Bridge too Far for hours, taking turns, and yelling at each other if they lost. For some reason my buddy Rick would take over and our tanks would start to spin in circles, our soldiers would be getting murdered, and we would be yelling at him "Achtung Rick, Achtung" thinking that we were saying attack, when achtung really means "attention." This game brings back lots of memories. I'm downloading the new one right now, and I have already invited my buddy to come back over and "Achtung!"

(in reply to jomni)
Post #: 15
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 6:53:05 AM   

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From: Scotland
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ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

I did notice of my units was down to one man. When I was watching what he was doing (using the Soldier Infor screen) he kept changing from a rifle to a machinegun and back again...loading/aiming and firing (as below)

We'll look at it JD. It doesn't sound entirely right although I can think of one scenario where a soldier could be switching between two weapons as a legit part of the engine. (scavenging) but an MG as a second weapon that was scavengend doesn't sound entirely right. So I need to check to be sure. Thanks for saying something.

Should be clear here - he was part of an MG they had (as part of their arsenal) an LMG. I didn't have the soldiers info screen up when the unit was full, so I have no idea whether he was assigned the LMG as default. What I didn't get is why it was changing between rifle and LMG - from what I watched and tried to work out, he switched to showing his rifle when he was reloading the LMG and vice versa - seemed like he was shooting one weapon with one hand and reloading the other weapon with the other. I honestly can't say weather I saw it coming up as firing for both weapons at any other words, I saw it saying firing for the LMG, but I don't recall seeing it saying firing for the rifle.


Alba gu' brath

(in reply to RD Oddball)
Post #: 16
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 7:07:06 AM   

Posts: 2004
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From: brisbane oz
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if the mortar does not kill the guns and open top tanks in 2 shots like in WAR,TLD...i would be happy!....Ahh the old days seeing the parra hiding from MG42 and trying to take bridges.

downloading now.



You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life

(in reply to Scotters1)
Post #: 17
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 7:25:46 AM   

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From what I watched and tried to work out, he switched to showing his rifle when he was reloading the LMG and vice versa - seemed like he was shooting one weapon with one hand and reloading the other weapon with the other. I honestly can't say weather I saw it coming up as firing for both weapons at any other words, I saw it saying firing for the LMG, but I don't recall seeing it saying firing for the rifle.

He must be playing too many FPS.


(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 18
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 2:43:35 PM   

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Going golfing right now but when I get home I already got the game dl'ed and ready to install. Glad to hear some positive feedback and hoping to chip in my 2cents later tonight.


Paradox Interactive Forum Refugee

(in reply to jomni)
Post #: 19
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 4:36:52 PM   
RD Oddball


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ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

Should be clear here - he was part of an MG they had (as part of their arsenal) an LMG. I didn't have the soldiers info screen up when the unit was full, so I have no idea whether he was assigned the LMG as default. What I didn't get is why it was changing between rifle and LMG - from what I watched and tried to work out, he switched to showing his rifle when he was reloading the LMG and vice versa - seemed like he was shooting one weapon with one hand and reloading the other weapon with the other. I honestly can't say weather I saw it coming up as firing for both weapons at any other words, I saw it saying firing for the LMG, but I don't recall seeing it saying firing for the rifle.

Gunners will carry a rifle as a secondary weapon depending upon nation and unit type so that's normal operation but constant switching may be a data thing. Was discussing it with Steve and he'd said that "The Bren should be rated higher than the rifle for any target. Maybe the Bren was low on ammo and he was trying to save it by using the rifle." We'll look into tweaking it so it operates more as we expect it to.

(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 20
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 5:05:33 PM   

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The bren had around 190 rounds left...and as I watched this "switching" it carried on going down to 144 is a number I remember. Like I said, I can't recall seeing "FIRING" showing up for the seemed to show up during reloading of the bren.

I'll check it tonight. It didn't seem to be a gameplay issue - the unit seemed to be using the Bren for firing. It just seemed like a graphical/data glitch which kept switching to the rifle.


Alba gu' brath

(in reply to RD Oddball)
Post #: 21
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 5:23:25 PM   
RD Oddball


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Ah okay. Glad it wasn't a major issue. Still sounds like it should be looked at. Thanks for passing it along!

*EDIT* If you don't mind doing so, please note exactly which team type/name it was and any specifics related. That will help us find the exact location to start looking at. Thanks!

(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 22
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 7:42:53 PM   

Posts: 330
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From: Florahduh, yea that state.
Status: offline
played the first battle of the GC solo as the germans.

nice to see this isn't a tank heavy game for the germans or allies
also nice to see LW, KM, FJ, SS and Heer..makes it that much more CC2 was with it's mixed KGs.

man there are alot of maps, and a lot of bridges.

So far I like it.


(in reply to RD Oddball)
Post #: 23
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 7:58:57 PM   

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I've been loving WAR for quite some time now and figured I wasn't gaining much by picking up this new title. After all, WAR has so much replay potential plus the added new grand campaigns which are almost like another free game.


The more I read the design notes and changes the more I realize this has a lot of new features that sound very interesting:

Blowing up and repairing bridges and their impact on strat movement.
Ferry and river crossings.
All the new battle group capabilities (stacking, sharing units, front line and reserves, etc.)
Video playback.

Just to name a few.

Hopefully the new editing features will lead to tons of new scenarios and campaigns as well.

(Reaching for wallet...)

(in reply to D.Ilse)
Post #: 24
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 9:06:25 PM   

Posts: 330
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From: Florahduh, yea that state.
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This is def a Game of the Year candidate


(in reply to mavraamides)
Post #: 25
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 9:49:50 PM   
RD Oddball


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Wow! That's a pretty big compliment. Thanks for saying so. Kudos go to Steve McClaire our lead developer for his features list selections and Grand Campaign design.

(in reply to D.Ilse)
Post #: 26
RE: Excellent - 7/8/2010 11:45:59 PM   

Posts: 447
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Downloading now...

Thanks again Matrix!

(in reply to RD Oddball)
Post #: 27
RE: Excellent - 7/9/2010 1:18:31 AM   

Posts: 302
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CCLSA looks and plays great!  Maps are truly usual (SL rules!)...very nice textures and the maps also plays great and should provide lots of tactical challenges.
Looks like a lot of research went into this release...this one looks very polished out of the box...great stuff!
The artwork and interface/menus also look great.  I've only played some single battles and 2 days into a short Ops...the AI is pretty nasty so far...well done, Dev Team!
Thanks for a great game...and looking forward to play and explore this for the upcoming months!

Looks like CCLSA will be the best platform for porting all those great CC5 mods...and also for brand new mods.

Maybe one minor complaint...not enough ambient noises during battles...too quiet

(in reply to mavraamides)
Post #: 28
RE: Excellent - 7/9/2010 2:29:42 AM   

Posts: 131
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From: Canadian mosquito infested swamp
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Oh man so many games so little time
I totally loved the old ones...this one will be incoming tonight when I get home...


"Our profession should always be crowned by heroic death in battle" Generalfeldmarschall Fedor von Bock

(in reply to squadleader_id)
Post #: 29
RE: Excellent - 7/9/2010 5:03:24 AM   

Posts: 2004
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From: brisbane oz
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tanks drive all over the place i think its worse than have to give short move orders or they will drive into the trees...i am only talking about the parthing,The game looks good.


< Message edited by tigercub -- 7/9/2010 5:20:04 AM >


You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life

(in reply to Kubel)
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