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Wool, Waste, and Textiles

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Wool, Waste, and Textiles - 8/25/2005 5:23:20 PM   


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I am having the issue of creating way too much wool and not enough textiles so I am getting a big hit in waste. How do i minimize wool production while increasing textile production? Must i be trading away my wool (Which no other country seems to want either) and import textiles?
Post #: 1
RE: Wool, Waste, and Textiles - 8/25/2005 5:37:07 PM   

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a) The waste system in 1.1 seemed like a good idea at the time, but the concensus now it that it is sucky - we are testing some tweaks in beta at the moment. The upshot is that textiles become considerably free-er, IMHO. Theya re still something you save up, but not as silly as in 1.1

For the system in 1.1:

b) Please ignore your wool production and stop thinking about it. You will overproduce wool - so will everyone else in all likelihood. Ignore it. The huge waste of wool doesn't affect anything else. I would try to trade some of the wool away - many AI countries will often trade for it.

c) To increase your textiles:
-- trade for textiles obviously
-- increase work on textiles in provinces with high native textile ability (see the Consolidated Province list) AND high populations [tip: try to have your barracks a long way from your best textiles provinces: you dont want to be reducing their population when you build units!]
-- get cotton (according to the draft economy guide (in beta), each textile worker, besides producing wool and cotton, is capable of converting 2 wool and 1 cotton simultaneously into textiles. If you don't have any cotton, you are losing 1/3 of your textiles production off the top.) Trade for it. Conquer for it. Whatever.
-- reduce your feudal level and your tax rate (well, you probably can't, but these do affect textile production)
-- conquer some provinces that make textiles



(in reply to hmicc)
Post #: 2
RE: Wool, Waste, and Textiles - 8/25/2005 6:10:38 PM   

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For some upcoming patch we need to decrease wool production overall because it exists in a virtually unlimited supply (relative to the conversion rate into textiles) for most nations.

(in reply to Ralegh)
Post #: 3
RE: Wool, Waste, and Textiles - 11/1/2005 6:40:56 AM   


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This thread having a good reply to a question I'm currently pondering, I thought I'd resurrect this thread, rather than starting a new one. Ralegh's reply indicates what looks to be an exhaustive list of means to increase textile production, but I've just got to ask a few more questions explicitly:

1) Are there any province improvements that will increase textile production? It appears that roads, at least, will help out, since they allow max pop to increase, but would farms or factories have any impact on textiles? Farms of course increase wool, but since it seems that wool is in infinite supply, I'm looking for what impacts textiles directly.

2) On the province management screen, I seem to always see my textile production highlighted in red. Does this mean that I have a shortage of wool or cotton inhibiting my textile production?

3) Are there any major changes to wool/textile balance in 1.2?

(in reply to Ralegh)
Post #: 4
RE: Wool, Waste, and Textiles - 11/1/2005 6:55:35 AM   


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On the point of my national textile production being highlighted in red, I was just looking at what's going on a bit more carefully, which leads to:



-- get cotton (according to the draft economy guide (in beta), each textile worker, besides producing wool and cotton, is capable of converting 2 wool and 1 cotton simultaneously into textiles. If you don't have any cotton, you are losing 1/3 of your textiles production off the top.) Trade for it. Conquer for it. Whatever.

Based on trial and error, I'm thinking that this conversion of wool/cotton is applied to your current inventory, not to the amount of wool/cotton you will be producing the coming turn. Correct?

Does the above conversion formula mean that if you have 20 wool, and no cotton you will max out at a textile production of 10?

If you then had 20 wool and 10 cotton, would you max out at a textile production of 15?

(in reply to Ralegh)
Post #: 5
RE: Wool, Waste, and Textiles - 11/1/2005 7:49:23 AM   
Hard Sarge

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with the beta patch

Factories will help improve how much Tex you make (which I not sure, but Farms "should" improve wool/cotton ?)

roads will improve Pop, but more people in a poor wool/Textile province, will still be a poor textile province


(in reply to thufir)
Post #: 6
RE: Wool, Waste, and Textiles - 11/3/2005 11:22:25 AM   

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ORIGINAL: thufir
1) Are there any province improvements that will increase textile production? It appears that roads, at least, will help out, since they allow max pop to increase, but would farms or factories have any impact on textiles? Farms of course increase wool, but since it seems that wool is in infinite supply, I'm looking for what impacts textiles directly.

Not in 1.1


2) On the province management screen, I seem to always see my textile production highlighted in red. Does this mean that I have a shortage of wool or cotton inhibiting my textile production?

I don't know. Are either at zero?


3) Are there any major changes to wool/textile balance in 1.2?




(in reply to thufir)
Post #: 7
RE: Wool, Waste, and Textiles - 11/3/2005 11:25:04 AM   

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ORIGINAL: thufir
Based on trial and error, I'm thinking that this conversion of wool/cotton is applied to your current inventory, not to the amount of wool/cotton you will be producing the coming turn. Correct?

In 1.2 it is ap[plied to the stockpile (inventory) after the current turns worth is added to it. I don't remember the behaviour in 1.1 - sorry.


Does the above conversion formula mean that if you have 20 wool, and no cotton you will max out at a textile production of 10?

If you then had 20 wool and 10 cotton, would you max out at a textile production of 15?

Basically, Yes.
(In reality, tax, waste, morale etc etc etc mean the numbers aren't that obvious).



(in reply to thufir)
Post #: 8
RE: Wool, Waste, and Textiles - 11/3/2005 7:25:36 PM   


Posts: 654
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(In reality, tax, waste, morale etc etc etc mean the numbers aren't that obvious).

Such figures are at times unobvious enough that I can invest in my nation's culture (above level 0) with a "0" stockpile of luxuries.

(in reply to Ralegh)
Post #: 9
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