June 21, 1941 – The German army suddenly turns east and embarks on its ambitious Operation Barbarossa intended to put German troops to Moscow in a couple of weeks. This was the first move of a frightful 4-years conflict that involved millions of soldiers, tanks and weapons of all genres.
In Battle Academy 2, you will have the possibility to join both sides and re-fight some of the key operations that made the east front legendary. Building on the qualities of its predecessor, the gameplay of Battle Academy 2 will preserve both the accessibility and dynamism that built its reputation while enhancing it with brand new tactical tools and vast amounts of new content as well. There are 4 campaigns, a random map generator, multiplayer modes with cooperative and versus gameplay and a unique skirmish mode that allows to generate an infinite number of customized scenarios, you should prepare for long, tough journey on the Eastern Front!
Today we have the pleasure to unveil the official release date of the game: Battle Academy 2 will be available on both our sites and Steam on September 12th.
The press has already begun previewing the game “a very playable and solidly entertaining game.” (Armchair General), “hats off to Slitherine, random terrain engines of this calibre are ludicrously rare in contemporary PC wargaming” (Rock Paper Shotgun), so watch out for more coverage and get ready for the release!
Get more information on Battle Academy 2 from its official product page.