
Back to News Listing Campaign Series Middle East 1948 1985 is out today and streamed!

Posted: Thursday, September 24, 2015 by Daniele Meneghini

Type: News

His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country

The Balfour Declaration, November 2nd 1917

Never a wargame has depicted in such fine detail one the most controversial parts of contemporary history. The proclamation of the Israeli state in 1948 and the US recognizing the state in that exact same day, opens up over four decades of conflicts, key battles, struggles and hostilities. This was also the time of landmark progression and evolution of tactics and weapons systems, where the weapons of NATO and the WARSAW PACT were tested on the battlefields. 

The Middle East is on fire!

Campaign Series Middle East 1948 – 1985 releases and this great wargame is ready to bring to life many of the tactical and technological innovations developed for the first time in the Cold War era!

Ten historical conflicts are covered in 3 Linked Campaigns and 65 scenarios (along with over a thousand of unique platoons available), this title describes the struggle for ascendancy in the Middle East with depth and with a military precision rarely achieved in a videogame!

Face off in an ancient conflict fought with modern weapons!

Grab the game here!


Do you want to know more? Watch our stream today at 20:00 CEST / 18:00 UTC / 2:00 PM EDT on our official Twitch Channel!

More Info

Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985

  ( Views : 7236 )

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