
Panzer Corps

Reviews - From the Press

Review at Gamer.no

Posted: 28 NOV 2013

8/10 - "Whether you are Panzer General veteran or a beginner who wants to try a serious strategy game with huge amounts of detail and rulebook with as many pages as the bible Panzer Corps is a very good buy".

Link: http://www.gamer.no/artikler/anmeldelse-anmeldelse-panzer-corps/101080

Review on Strategy Core

Posted: 2 APR 2012

8/10 - With Panzer Corps, The Lordz Games Studio have proved that reimagining past classics doesn't have to be a lesson in disappointment.

Link: http://www.strategycore.co.uk/articles/reviews/panzercorps-review/

Review of Grand Campaigns on Gamer's Hall

Posted: 23 JAN 2012

88% - I can say for all the fans a clear recommendation.

Link: http://www.gamershall.de/index.php?p=articles&area=1&action=displayarticle&id=122&name=panzer-corpsgrand-campaign39-grand-campaign40

Review on Histogames

Posted: 23 JAN 2012

4/5 - Panzer Corps completely captivated me!

Link: http://www.histogames.com/HTML/test/panzer-corps.php

Review on PolitkBasis.de

Posted: 27 SEP 2011

8/10 - This will warm the hearts of beer and pretzel-strategists... Hence I give a strong buy recommendation.

Link: http://www.politikbasis.de/2011/09/panzer-corps-wehrmacht-pc/

Review on Whatafy

Posted: 16 SEP 2011

All in all, Panzer Corps is an amazing strategy game which can be enjoyed by players of all ages and gaming experience, so even those looking for a casual game as well as the ones that want a highly competitive one can enjoy this unique experience.

Link: http://whatafy.com/video-games/2913-panzer-corps-review.html

Review on AG.ru

Posted: 12 SEP 2011

79% - Those who are not familiar with or good at these types of strategy games can easily break into the genre with Panzer Corps.

Link: http://www.ag.ru/reviews/panzer_corps

Review on BestGamer.ru

Posted: 12 SEP 2011

83% - We have a reincarnation of the classic Panzer General with all the bells and whistles.

Link: http://www.bestgamer.ru/reviews/panzer_corps.htm

Review on Armchair General

Posted: 8 SEP 2011

90% - Overall, PanzerCorps is one of the best beer and pretzels turn based wargame releases in years. The game is very polished and stable. It is fun to play.

Link: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/panzercorps-pc-game-review.htm

Review on GamerTell.com

Posted: 6 SEP 2011

93/100 - Easy to learn, simple interface, hard to stop playing once you start, you don't have to be a serious wargamer to appreciate.

Link: http://www.gamertell.com/technologytell/article/panzer-corps-pc-game-review/

Review on PC Gamer UK

Posted: 5 SEP 2011

81% - It`s Panzer General in a new greatcoat. A perfect introduction to the wonderful world of wargaming.

Link: http://www.pcgamer.com/

Review on CPU Gamer

Posted: 2 SEP 2011

9/10 - "When it comes to being Panzer General, Panzer Corps beats the pants off the competition."

Link: http://www.cpugamer.com/reviews/panzer-corps-review

Review on Tacticular Cancer

Posted: 30 AUG 2011

Panzer Corps has hit the nail on the head with graphics and sound, is extremely faithful to the series, with some carefully thought out, solid gameplay changes.

Link: http://www.tacticularcancer.com/content.php?id=73

Review on PelipPlaneeta

Posted: 26 AUG 2011

90% - "...nothing short of brilliant."

Link: http://www.peliplaneetta.net/arvostelut/1352/Panzer-Corps-Wehrmacht/

Review on SimHQ

Posted: 25 AUG 2011

For those that have never played Panzer General and like a "wargame lite" title that can be learned relatively quickly and easily, this is an excellent title.

Link: http://www.simhq.com/_land3/land_161a.html

Review on Gamer.no

Posted: 23 AUG 2011

8/10 - Whether you're Panzer General-veteran or a beginner who wants to try a serious strategy game without the absurd amount of detail and a rule book with the same number of pages that the Bible is, Panzer Corps is a very good buy.

Link: http://www.gamer.no/artikler/91834/anmeldelse-panzer-corps/

Review on MMOGameSite.com

Posted: 23 AUG 2011

8/10 - The level of detail is outstanding, and delivers a blend of entertainment and historical accuracy in an exciting way.

Link: http://video-games.mmogamesite.com/panzer-corps.html

Review on Warfare and Wargaming

Posted: 20 AUG 2011

8.5 - Panzer Corps has successfully delivered a blitzkrieg of entertainment for strategy gamers everywhere.

Link: http://www.warandgamemsw.com/blog/663768-panzer-corps-review/

Review on 24Timer

Posted: 13 AUG 2011

Review on Page 18 - The game is seen from the German point of view. Very unique in todays entertainment industry. But it is extremely well executed, in a sober and sound way

Link: http://www.e-pages.dk/24timer/2913/

Review on Gamere.dk

Posted: 9 AUG 2011

8/10 - Panzer Corps manages 15 years after Panzer General to capture the exact same sentiment, and the gameplay still works just as well.

Link: http://www.gamere.dk/pc/pc-anmeldelser/1282-panzer-corps-pc

Review on GameShark

Posted: 9 AUG 2011

A- - Now that the official review is complete, if this were any other game it would go on the shelf next to other games that have been finished but I have every intention of firing it up again.

Link: http://www.gameshark.com/reviews/3865/Panzer-Corps-Review.htm

Review on Suite101

Posted: 9 AUG 2011

Panzer Corps is the perfect introduction for newcomers to wargaming, and also blast to play for those already captivated by the genre. It truly is the 21st Century version of the classic Panzer General series.

Link: http://www.suite101.com/content/panzer-corps-remakes-the-strategy-gaming-classic-panzer-general-a383698

Review on GameSquad

Posted: 6 AUG 2011

8.5/10 - Panzer Corps is a blitzkrieg of entertainment for strategy gamers everywhere.

Link: http://www.gamesquad.com/review/panzer-corps-review

Review on EntDepot

Posted: 4 AUG 2011

9/10 - Panzer Corps has me dreaming in hexagons nowadays.

Link: http://www.entdepot.com/2011/07/29/pc-review-panzer-corps/

Review on Investor-Verlag.de

Posted: 4 AUG 2011

"Recommendation of the Day!" After work, I'll start a scenario.

Link: http://www.investor-verlag.de/ein-aspekt-zur-bewertung-der-bonitaet-eines-emittenten/112106101/

Review on No High Scores

Posted: 3 AUG 2011

Panzer Corps has been such a pleasant surprise as its brought back a flood of great memories of nights eschewing college partying in order to try and achieve a major victory in France or to capture Moscow.

Link: http://www.nohighscores.com/node/1228

Review on Onet.pl

Posted: 26 JUL 2011

9/10 - If one asked how would Panzer General be like if it was released today? The answer is simple - it would be Panzer Corps.

Link: http://gry.onet.pl/recenzje/panzer-corps,1,4796444,artykul.html

Review on PC4War

Posted: 26 JUL 2011

8/10 - All honors to the developers as they restored an gaming masterpiece based on a proven concept and on deeply tactical gameplay.

Link: http://www.net4war.com/pc4war/numeros/pc4war51.html

Review on The Wargamer

Posted: 25 JUL 2011

Matrix, Slitherine and the Lordz Games Studios have done a superlative job not only of reviving a classic but improving it while keeping the original feel.

Link: http://wargamer.com/article/3064/panzer-corps

Review on Gamers with Jobs

Posted: 22 JUL 2011

A brilliant job...

Link: http://www.gamerswithjobs.com/node/109125

Review on Rapid Fire Games

Posted: 22 JUL 2011

the spiritual successor to the Panzer General series.

Link: http://www.rapidfiregames.com/content/panzer-corps-playtest

Review on Gamedot

Posted: 21 JUL 2011

7/10 - Good concept, well executed. Plenty of depth.

Link: http://www.gamedot.co.uk/2011/07/21/panzer-corps-review/

Review on Gamespot

Posted: 19 JUL 2011

8/10 - Panzer Corps is a great turn-based strategic wargame that captures Panzer General's deep and involving classic gameplay.

Link: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/panzer-corps/review.html

Review on Looki.de

Posted: 19 JUL 2011

85% - This successful remake of a great classic should be missed by no strategy gamer!

Link: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.looki.de%2Fpanzer_corps_test_a4933_1.html

Coverage on Quarter to Three

Posted: 15 JUL 2011

The first thing I noticed was how easy it is to get back into the routine of scooting the units around and letting the basic numbers do their thing... Before you know it, you're hurtling down the street with the wind in your hair and feeling like a kid again.

Link: http://www.quartertothree.com/fp/2011/07/08/three-reasons-to-play-a-remake-of-a-strategy-game-from-1994/

Review on Gameokratie.de

Posted: 15 JUL 2011

Panzer Corps is a thoroughly enjoyable game that will give all Hobby Generals great fun. My advice: buy it yourselves now!

Link: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gameokratie.de%2F20110711%2Fspiele%2Fstrategie-rundenbasiert%2Fpanzer-corps-review%2F

Review on 7idGaming.de

Posted: 13 JUL 2011

88% - A great strategy game with addictive gameplay and high replay value.

Link: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.7idgaming.de%2Fcontent.php%3F94-Slitherine-Review-PANZER-CORPS

Preview on Cyberstratege

Posted: 12 JUL 2011

I am here jumping, exploding of joy, even my eyes are crying for the return of an improved masterpiece...

Link: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cyberstratege.com%2Fmagazine%2Fblog%2F2011%2F07%2F12%2Fjour-j-pour-panzer-corps%2F

Review on DigitallyDownloaded.net

Posted: 11 JUL 2011

4/5 - As a labour of love, its good to be able to say Panzer General is back!

Link: http://www.digitallydownloaded.net/2011/07/review-panzer-corps-pc.html

Preview on The Reticule

Posted: 24 JUN 2011

Link: http://www.thereticule.com/?p=1760

Review on 4Players.de

Posted: 22 JUN 2011

86% (Very Good) - A thoroughly successful and addictive remake of Panzer General - tactical, complex, very good!

Link: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.4players.de%2F4players.php%2Fdispbericht%2FPC-CDROM%2FTest%2F25868%2F72164%2F0%2FPanzer

Preview on Armchair General

Posted: 10 JUN 2011

Panzer Corps may succeed in its goal of bringing Panzer General style wargaming back to modern PCs.

Link: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/panzer-corps-pc-game-preview.htm

Poland AAR on Digitally Downloaded.net

Posted: 30 MAY 2011

Link: http://www.boardandwargames.com/2011/05/step-by-step-panzer-corps-poland.html

Preview on the Wargamer

Posted: 30 MAY 2011

Link: http://www.wargamer.com/article/3033/panzer-corps

Tutorial Walkthrough on DigitallyDownloaded.net

Posted: 16 MAY 2011

Ive been thoroughly impressed with the Beta build of Panzer Corps...

Link: http://www.digitallydownloaded.net/2011/05/step-by-step-panzer-corps-tutorial.html

Preview on DigitallyDownloaded.net

Posted: 10 MAY 2011

Its great to see Panzer Generals spirit lives on, and Matrix Games seems to have the style down pat with this release.

Link: http://www.digitallydownloaded.net/2011/05/preview-matrix-games-panzer-corps.html

Review on GamersHall.de


96% - Panzer Corps is a solid and loving overhaul of the classic Panzer General. Technical implementation and graphic design leave little room for any criticism.

Link: http://www.gamershall.de/index.php?p=articles&area=1&action=displayarticle&id=113&name=panzercorps&artpage=5


Panzer Corps

Release Date: 11 JUL 2011

Language: English, German, French, Russian
Genre: Operational
Turns: Turn-Based IGOUGO
Complexity: Basic, Intermediate
Period: World War II

Flashback Games

Product Specs

  • Theatre: World
  • Unit Scale: Corps
  • Players: 1-2
  • AI: Yes
  • PBEM: Yes, Server Based
  • File Size: 2883mb
  • Download Time:
  • - 56K Modem: 114hr 24min
  • - DSL or Satelite: 6hr 15min
  • - High Speed: 76min
  • Version: 1.30
  • Manual: PDF E-Book
  • Editor: Yes

Product Requirements :
    Minimum Spec
    OS: Windows Vista/7/8/10
    CPU: Pentium 4 or equivalent
    RAM: 1GB RAM or 2GB RAM (Vista/7)
    VIDEO: 64Mb video card
    HDD: 500Mb
    SCREEN: 1024x768
    INTERNET CONNECTION for multiplayer
    CD or DVD Drive (not required for the digital version)

    Recommended Spec
    RAM: 2GB RAM or more
    VIDEO: 128Mb video card or more
    SCREEN: 1024x768 or greater

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Panzer Corps Teaser Trailer

(click to view)


GameStar Gold Award


Operation Barbarossa - The Struggle for Russia

Operation Barbarossa -
The Struggle for Russia

Release Date: 9 SEP 2009

The Fate of the Eastern Front is in your hands!

On June 22, 1941 an avalanche of 153 German divisions crash into the Soviet Union and the largest military operation in history is begun: Operation Barbarossa. In this elegant turn-based strategy game, compelling gameplay combines with gripping history to create an addictive mix. Aimed at all levels, this is an entertaining and mentally challenging game of combined arms strategy.

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Digital Express Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it) and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.
Standard Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it), a Printed grayscale manual and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.
Collector's Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it), a Printed full color manual and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.