
Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa

Reviews - From the Press

Rock Paper Shotgun Review

Posted: 20 DEC 2015

"[The] Barbarossas most invigorating innovation [is] a nervous stroll through the minefield that was a WW2 generals in tray. Tramping through the political swamp the developers have so skilfully evoked with his plethora of history-rich, humour-flecked decision dialogues, provides a wonderful sense of what it must have been like to sit in the turret of the German war machine in 1941"

Link: http://https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/11/20/the-flare-path-decisive-campaigns-barbarossa-preview/

Wargames Player Review

Posted: 10 DEC 2015

8/10 - "This is a meaty game with plenty to like about it, most notable the addition of the political side adding to the intrigue of actually achieving your objectives"

Link: http://wargamesplayer.com/decisive-campaigns-barbarossa-review/

Softpedia Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa Review

Posted: 27 NOV 2015

8.5 - "VR Games has created a true gem, and I am eagerly awaiting to see how they can improve the overall experience via patches to make Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa a must-play for all lovers of history, regardless of their experience with the wargame genre."

Link: http://www.softpedia.com/reviews/games/pc/decisive-campaigns-barbarossa-review-496821.shtml


Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa

Release Date: 24 NOV 2015

Language: English
Genre: Simulation
Turns: Turn-Based
Complexity: Advanced
Period: World War II

VR Designs

Product Specs

  • Theatre: Eastern Europe
  • Unit Scale: Division, Corps, Army
  • Players: 1-2
  • AI: Yes
  • PBEM: Yes
  • File Size: 424mb
  • Download Time:
  • - 56K Modem: 16hr 49min
  • - DSL or Satelite: 55min
  • - High Speed: 11min
  • Version: 1.00
  • Manual: PDF E-Book, Printed - Color

Product Requirements :
    OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
    CPU: 1.5 GHZ Processor or Equivalent (Running the game in higher resolution requires more processing power.)
    RAM: 1.5 GB (XP), 2 GB (Vista / 7)
    Video/Graphics: 8MB video memory
    Minimum screen resolution: 1024x768
    Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card


2015 Readers Choice Awards Matrix Games


Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue

Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue

Release Date: 16 JUL 2012

The team behind the award-winning Decisive Campaigns: From Warsaw To Paris is back with a new and improved game engine that focuses on the decisive year and theater of World War II! Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue simulates the German drive to Stalingrad and into the Caucasus of the summer of 1942, as well as its May preludes (2nd Kharkov offensive, Operation Trappenjagd) and also the Soviet winter counter-offensive (Operation Uranus) that ended with the encirclement of 6th Army in Stalingrad.

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Digital Express Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it) and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.
Standard Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it), a Printed grayscale manual and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.
Collector's Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it), a Printed full color manual and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.