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RE: Info for Newb's

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RE: Info for Newb's - 8/23/2015 2:56:13 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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Where would go to find the load costs of certain types of weapons. Having difficulty finding it in the manual. Trying to off load motorized and 5 inch guns at lower ranked ports.I remember a chart for loading large guns at certain ports.....+ AKE etc. Just trying to figure the best place to load the big boys rather than Sydney and Pearl :) Can't seem find that chart.

Thanks guys and the AE team for the best wargame on the planet!

Three ways come to mind.
• Tracker. On the Devices page. This is the easiest way that I can think of.
• In the scenario editor.
• Use WITPloadae to dump the scenario files to CSV files and look in the file WITPdev<scen#>.csv (eg "WITPdev028.csv").


(in reply to ETF)
Post #: 91
RE: Info for Newb's - 8/23/2015 5:14:03 PM   

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Thanks Witpqs!
I will look for tracker....Installed it years ago.


My Top Matrix Games 1) CMO MP?? 2) WITP/AE 3) SOW 4) Combat Mission 5) Armor Brigade


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Post #: 92
RE: Info for Newb's - 8/24/2015 2:04:49 PM   


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There is a fourth and even easier way.  The in game aircraft, troop and vehicle database (short cut key "D").  Only the electronic devices are missing and IIRC michaelm previously made a comment about including them so they may also appear perhaps in the latest official patch.



Just as I recalled, michaelm did include the electronic devices. Under "New" changelog for patch #7

21. Show Electronics data in in-game database view

< Message edited by Alfred -- 8/24/2015 3:17:51 PM >

(in reply to ETF)
Post #: 93
RE: Info for Newb's - 9/6/2017 3:11:20 PM   

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Bump. Good info here....GP


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Post #: 94
RE: Info for Newb's - 12/25/2017 8:22:51 AM   


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This needs to be a Sticky, added to as the patches come. Great job Dav!

Not a sticky but a Wiki....

There are a couple trying to get off the ground with info like this:
JB123's WITPAE Wiki
Historiker's Admirals Edition Wiki

If someone can edit, Historiker's WIKI went the way of the dodo - maybe kill the link or say 'RIP'

(in reply to Reg)
Post #: 95
RE: Info for Newb's - 4/6/2018 7:55:32 PM   


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Greetings...ready to take the plunge with a GC. Can someone confirm that the "(Quiet China)" notation indicates that the China theater is not active for the player and AI? I did not see any mention of it in the Scenario introduction. Thanks.

(in reply to aristoteles)
Post #: 96
RE: Info for Newb's - 4/6/2018 8:51:08 PM   

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Greetings...ready to take the plunge with a GC. Can someone confirm that the "(Quiet China)" notation indicates that the China theater is not active for the player and AI? I did not see any mention of it in the Scenario introduction. Thanks.

China will go quiet once the two sides have disengaged with a certain distance between them (IIRC, one complete hex with no troops in it). Adjoining enemy units will be attacked by the Japanese. The Chinese may have to sacrifice some currently engaged or adjacent troops to create the break. Just send the Chinese units toward the Japanese while the other units move away at best speed.

I am not sure about the air war in Quiet China.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to RayM2)
Post #: 97
RE: Info for Newb's - 4/6/2018 10:01:29 PM   

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BBfanboy is correct; I'd add that what Quiet China specifically does is disable the AI scripts for China which allow the AI to make significant initiatives (i.e. offensive moves). The AI will still defend itself and attack targets of opportunity as BBfanboy said.

The air war will still be active with the Japanese Army Air Force and Chinese/AVG units being the primary participants on both sides. You will still be able to ignore the air war in China if you really want to, although I'd recommend trying to fight it anyway as preparation for future campaigns. It will teach you how to build an air force and to operate with limited resources. It will also build your tolerance for not being able to be everywhere or defend everything at once. This is generally true of the entire Allied war effort early on, but it's especially acute in China.

Down the road (you won't be able to do much anyway early on), I'd recommend not making any serious offensives in China as it will give you a false sense of the situation with a hamstrung AI - such as pushing the Japanese back to the sea or taking major objectives (Hong Kong, etc.). That said, I'd recommend making limited offensives so you will get an idea of how much supplies can be consumed by them as well as practicing ground operations in general; that is, getting a feel for the effects of disruption, supply, HQ organization, etc.

Also use China to practice logistics. Set up the supply flights from Burma 'over the hump' into China. Figure out how to get pilots trained and the squadrons configured so as to manage fatigue and loss of airframes. Practice building infrastructure selectively, as each new airbase/port/fort you decide to invest in sucks up the precious supplies you are trying to bring in. Note how supplies flow through roads/railroads. The China/Burma/India theater in particular has isolated road/rail networks, so you have to pay attention to where the supplies will come from and where they will flow to without your intervention.

Finally, I highly recommend taking a look at Kull's 1st turn spreadsheets. I followed them completely for my 1st turn, and by the end of it I knew the game well enough to proceed on my own. You don't have to follow the speadsheets to the letter, but they will help keep the momentum going when you are overwhelmed with choices. You can sort the spreadsheet by regions to make it easier to digest. The 1st turn is especially brutal in terms of player input - it takes much, much longer than your typical turn because you have to overcome the inertia of getting the 'ball rolling' on everything; this is true even for veteran players. The following turns become much easier as you only need to give input to a fraction of the units - those that are new arrivals, have reached their destination, engaged the enemy the previous turn, etc.

EDIT: Also take a look at the Useful Info for Beginners when you feel lost. Also download the forum squeeze PDF file.

< Message edited by Korvar -- 4/6/2018 10:06:12 PM >


(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 98
RE: Info for Newb's - 4/7/2018 12:43:01 AM   

Posts: 18046
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From: Winnipeg, MB
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EDIT: Also take a look at the Useful Info for Beginners when you feel lost. Also download the forum squeeze PDF file.

The Forum Squeeze link is in Italian and the link to the WITP-AE forum squeeze (whatever that is) says "no result". The website shows 0 downloads for the forum squeeze file for WITP-AE. Is there something I am missing?


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 99
RE: Info for Newb's - 4/7/2018 1:39:53 AM   

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Click the circled yellow download button - don't worry, the PDF itself is in English. The website shows about 1,300 downloads.


(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 100
RE: Info for Newb's - 4/7/2018 12:47:58 PM   

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From: Winnipeg, MB
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Thanks Korvar! I had clicked on something that took me to the next page which offered the manual and forum squeeze downloads, but the forum squeeze one was void.
I took a quick look at the PDF - it looks quite useful!


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 101
RE: Info for Newb's - 4/13/2018 10:56:09 PM   

Posts: 183
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From: Pale Blue Dot
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Hi there!

Playing Allied campaign vs AI (scen6) with reinforcements ON by default. But automatic pilot assignment just doesn't work. Squadrons aren't getting new pilots and turn red (Num column). I tried turning it off and on again but no luck. Got a bunch of US Army air groups in San Fran that are red, so it's not a supply or AF size problem. Set to "Auto" and "Any". Any ideas what am I doing wrong?

(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 102
RE: Info for Newb's - 4/17/2018 1:58:01 AM   

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I'm not sure on the automatic pilot assignment - I always use manual selection. I also did some searches in the manual and didn't turn up anything particularly informative.

Maybe someone else can chime in with better info?


(in reply to L0ckAndL0ad)
Post #: 103
RE: Info for Newb's - 4/17/2018 4:02:02 AM   


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Hi there!

Playing Allied campaign vs AI (scen6) with reinforcements ON by default. But automatic pilot assignment just doesn't work. Squadrons aren't getting new pilots and turn red (Num column). I tried turning it off and on again but no luck. Got a bunch of US Army air groups in San Fran that are red, so it's not a supply or AF size problem. Set to "Auto" and "Any". Any ideas what am I doing wrong?

That toggle does not apply to pilots. Pilots are not an item which is the term employed in s.2.5.7 of the manual.

Top left of each air unit screen in yellow text is indicated whether pilots are fetched via automatic computer action (from selected pool) or player manual action.

You can either adjust each unit to meet your requirements from their individual units screens or globally adjust from the two list all land air units screen and list all naval air units screen.


(in reply to L0ckAndL0ad)
Post #: 104
RE: Info for Newb's - 4/17/2018 6:36:01 AM   

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From: Pale Blue Dot
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That toggle does not apply to pilots. Pilots are not an item which is the term employed in s.2.5.7 of the manual.

Top left of each air unit screen in yellow text is indicated whether pilots are fetched via automatic computer action (from selected pool) or player manual action.

You can either adjust each unit to meet your requirements from their individual units screens or globally adjust from the two list all land air units screen and list all naval air units screen.


I'm sorry Alfred, but you're wrong about the toggle. :) It does apply to pilots. The difference between Reinforcements ON and OFF (pilot management wise) is whether or not it would set pilot management for all units to Any/Automatic/Any or to Manual by default, accordingly. The terminology discrepancy is probably due to the fact that the manual is older than the feature (hence separate Pilot Management Addendum.pdf, denoting v1094b).

The rest of what you wrote is as vague/cryptic as most of the time (I'm a lurker), unfortunately. :) (no offence!)

Yes, all my squadrons are set to Any/Automatic/Any pilot management options. I tried Any/Automatic/Replacements combo also.

The question is: can pilots be automatically replaced, so that squadrons always try to have 100% pilots (1:1 planes to pilots ratio)? I can swear I've seen it work, like this:

turn 1: 6 planes, 6 pilots (12 max planes)
turn 2: 12 planes, 6 pilots (reinforcement planes come in, pilot "num" turns red)
turn 3: 12 planes, 12 pilots. (squadron automatically gets new pilots)

But I can't get it working consistently for some reason, even in full supply areas like West Coast.

ps: sorry, can't post images/save file, 7 day forum newbie account restriction :\

< Message edited by L0ckAndL0ad -- 4/17/2018 7:23:38 AM >

(in reply to Alfred)
Post #: 105
RE: Info for Newb's - 4/20/2018 1:48:40 PM   

Posts: 183
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From: Pale Blue Dot
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Okay, the 7 day limit should be gone by now, so here's the screenshot. Any/Automatic/Any setting combo, full supply, in range of an Air HQ. 25 planes, 12 pilots, and the game does not add new pilots as turns go by. Anyone?

Attachment (1)

(in reply to L0ckAndL0ad)
Post #: 106
RE: Info for Newb's - 6/4/2018 6:20:12 PM   

Posts: 2625
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From: El Paso, TX
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Okay, the 7 day limit should be gone by now, so here's the screenshot. Any/Automatic/Any setting combo, full supply, in range of an Air HQ. 25 planes, 12 pilots, and the game does not add new pilots as turns go by. Anyone?

I ran a few small tests, far from comprehensive, just to see if this does work. And it does, at least with the settings I tested.

To begin, I had a newly arrived P-40B in San Fran that came with no airframes and one pilot. I split it in three and used 3 variations of the auto pilot selection (more on that below). And the result was, "no pilots".

Next I split up a 3 airframe, single pilot B-18A in Boise and used the same pilot retrieval settings that didn't work with the P-40B, and in one turn, a pair of pilots arrived.

You can see the settings and pilot results in the graphic appended below, but to summarize:

- The Automated Pilot Selection System will provide pilots, but not more than the number of "unpiloted" airframes (hence no pilots were delivered for the B-18/A unit, since it already had one pilot and one airframe)
- The specified retrieval pool IS used (but perhaps not if it's left at "Any")
- When pilots arrive as unit leaders, they are promoted
- Even though I specified that one of the pilots be "Trained 50+", the chosen pilot did NOT have overall experience of 50+, but then neither did any of the pilots in the reserve pool. Interestingly, he was chosen even though his status was "WIA" (probably because he had more experience than anyone else in the pool, although the choice of a wounded guy is probably a bug)
- The requested pilot with "Any" level of experience was just that - not the most or least experienced of those available

Anyway, I suspect your issue came from requesting that pilots be pulled from a pool called "Any". Since that doesn't exist (it's a combination of named pools), perhaps the Automatic Selection code doesn't recognize it for some reason.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Kull -- 6/4/2018 6:35:11 PM >


(in reply to L0ckAndL0ad)
Post #: 107
RE: Info for Newb's - 7/26/2019 8:50:39 PM   

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No source is given for the leaders table.

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Post #: 108
RE: Info for Newb's - 11/4/2019 2:20:20 PM   


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Post #: 109
RE: Info for Newb's - 11/4/2019 2:27:21 PM   

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There is no AI control for selected map areas. You control all map areas manually.

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Post #: 110
RE: Info for Newb's - 5/3/2020 10:10:38 PM   


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Whats the optimal use of TRACOM? How many of yellow pilots should i put in there, which ones? What do they do exactly (improving replacement pool's exp?)
If i dont put all of them to TRACOM, then where the rest of them should go? Best front line units, like KB or maybe they are best used for training groups (to speed up their training, if it works that way)?

(playing Japan - in the middle of first turn)

(in reply to Yaab)
Post #: 111
RE: Info for Newb's - 5/4/2020 5:30:40 PM   


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ORIGINAL: sajm0n

Whats the optimal use of TRACOM? How many of yellow pilots should i put in there, which ones? What do they do exactly (improving replacement pool's exp?)
If i dont put all of them to TRACOM, then where the rest of them should go? Best front line units, like KB or maybe they are best used for training groups (to speed up their training, if it works that way)?

(playing Japan - in the middle of first turn)

You should search the forum for this topic. Many threads on TRACOM. Reading the entire threads will give you a better information than a direct answer to your question. Just be careful that not all answers are correct, one reason why reading entire threads is best.


(in reply to sajm0n)
Post #: 112
RE: Info for Newb's - 6/27/2020 6:26:57 PM   


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I searched and found the Ship Repair 101 Guide - but I'd like to have a clean copy to print, without all the yellow highlighted words. How do I actually get to the original?

(in reply to Alfred)
Post #: 113
RE: Info for Newb's - 6/29/2020 10:41:55 PM   

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I searched and found the Ship Repair 101 Guide - but I'd like to have a clean copy to print, without all the yellow highlighted words. How do I actually get to the original?


(in reply to bush)
Post #: 114
RE: Info for Newb's - 7/5/2020 12:01:59 AM   


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Thanks Kull!

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Post #: 115
RE: FAQ / Info for Newb's - 8/13/2020 12:35:57 AM   


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Note that even if search arcs are set, aircraft will still do a full 360° search over a 4 hex range.

Does this apply for ASW searches as well? If so, is it also up to 4 hexes or 2 hexes?

(in reply to davbaker)
Post #: 116
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