Posts: 20708
Joined: 3/13/2002 From: metro Chicago, Illinois, USA Status: offline
The latest CSEE functions roster, 460+ functions and growing: TRIGGERS on_air_attack (hc, pid, name, side, nation, points, strength) on_arty_attack (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader) on_build_barrier (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname) on_build_light_bridge (hc, dir, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname) on_build_vehicle_bridge (hc, dir, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname) on_clear_hex (hc) on_clear_lz (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname) on_damage (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname) on_entrench_hex (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname) on_hex_assault (hc, side) on_hex_attack (hc, side, nation) on_ied_attack (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader) on_improve_hex (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname) on_lay_mine_field (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname) on_mine_attack (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader) on_next_phase (turn, side) on_next_turn (turn) on_objective_capture (hc, values, side) on_resume () on_set_ied (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname) on_shutdown () on_startup () on_unit_arty_fire (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, strength) on_unit_attack (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader) on_unit_fire (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, strength) on_unit_kill (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader) on_unit_move (hc_from, hc_to, trackid) on_unit_reduce (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader, loss) on_unit_reinforce (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader) on_unit_release (trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader) on_unit_remove (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader) AI ai (side) ai_index (parm) ai_parameter (index) adaptive_ai (side, nation, index) inc_adaptive_ai (side, nation, index, increment) is_ai (side) max_ai_index () set_adaptive_ai (side, nation, index, value) COUNTERS counter_airlevel (trackid) counter_assault (trackid) counter_ctrackid (trackid) counter_defend (trackid) counter_exists (trackid) counter_flags (trackid) counter_hex (trackid) counter_hq (trackid) counter_on_map (trackid, verified_only) counter_is_airborne (trackid) counter_is_air_transport (trackid) counter_is_hq (trackid) counter_is_leader (trackid) counter_is_transport (trackid) counter_leader (trackid) counter_losses (trackid) counter_morale (trackid) counter_more_flags (trackid) counter_name (trackid) counter_nation (trackid) counter_oid (trackid) counter_orgname (trackid) counter_pid (trackid) counter_points (trackid) counter_side (trackid) counter_strackid (trackid) counter_strength (trackid) counter_turns_until_refuel (trackid) counter_type (trackid) counter_x (trackid) counter_y (trackid) counter_unit_carry_flags (trackid) counter_unit_fire_flags (trackid) counter_unit_more_flags (trackid) counter_unit_move_flags (trackid) counter_unit_other_flags (trackid) is_disrupted (trackids) is_carried (trackids) is_unloaded (trackids) is_loaded (trackids) is_concealed (trackids) is_outofammo (trackids) is_diggingin (trackids) is_fatigued (trackids) is_buybullet (trackids) is_buywheel (trackids) is_fixed (trackids) is_lowonammo (trackids) is_isolated (trackids) is_buyrecon (trackids) is_reduced (trackids) is_lowonfuel (trackids) is_outoffuel (trackids) is_refueled (trackids) is_attacked (trackids) is_not_disrupted (trackids) is_not_carried (trackids) is_not_unloaded (trackids) is_not_loaded (trackids) is_not_concealed (trackids) is_not_outofammo (trackids) is_not_diggingin (trackids) is_not_fatigued (trackids) is_not_buybullet (trackids) is_not_buywheel (trackids) is_not_fixed (trackids) is_not_lowonammo (trackids) is_not_isolated (trackids) is_not_buyrecon (trackids) is_not_reduced (trackids) is_not_lowonfuel (trackids) is_not_outoffuel (trackids) is_not_refueled (trackids) is_not_attacked (trackids) counters_all (side, onmap_only) counters_aorg (trackids, onmap_only) counters_sorg (strackids, onmap_only) hexes_aorg (trackids, onmap_only) map_trackid (hc, number) map_trackid_count (hc) map_trackids (hc) max_counters () max_turns_until_refuel (nation) GENERAL first_side () current_side () other_side (side) current_turn () next_turn () previous_turn () final_turn () current_visibility () night (turn) fow (side) is_fow (side) set_fow (side, switch) is_night () HEXES has_barrier (hc) has_big_wrecks (hc) has_block (hc) has_bunker (hc) has_cave (hc) has_damage (hc, dir) has_ied (hc) has_ied1 (hc) has_ied2 (hc) has_ied3 (hc) has_improved_position (hc) has_landing_zone (hc) has_light_bridge (hc) has_minefield (hc) has_minefield1 (hc) has_minefield2 (hc) has_minefield3 (hc) has_obstacle (hc) has_pillbox (hc) has_pontoon_bridge (hc) has_rubble (hc) has_smoke (hc) has_trench (hc) has_tunnel (hc) has_vehicle_bridge (hc) has_wrecks (hc) has_spotted (hc) function hexes_minefield (hcs, side) function hexes_ied (hcs, side) function hexes_block (hcs, side) function hexes_tunnel (hcs, side) function hexes_cave (hcs, side) function hexes_fortification (hcs) function hexes_landing_zone (hcs) function hexes_wrecks (hcs) function hexes_terrain (hcs, terrain) empty_transports_count (hc) has_empty_air_transport (hc) has_empty_transport (hc) has_transport (hc) max_transport_strength (hc) is_sidea_aware (hc) is_sidea_exclude (hc) is_sideb_aware (hc) is_sideb_exclude (hc) is_airfield_hex (hc) is_beach_hex (hc) is_building_hex (hc) is_cactus_hex (hc) is_canal_hex (hc) is_canal_shallow_hex (hc) is_city_hex (hc) is_clear_hex (hc) is_colored_dirt_hex (hc) is_dense_jungle_hex (hc) is_dry_paddy_hex (hc) is_forest_hex (hc) is_grain_field_hex (hc) is_hammada_hex (hc) is_impass_hex (hc) is_industrial_hex (hc) is_installation_hex (hc) is_light_jungle_hex (hc) is_major_canal_hex (hc) is_major_canal_shallow_hex (hc) is_major_river_hex (hc) is_major_river_shallow_hex (hc) is_marsh_hex (hc) is_meadow_hex (hc) is_orchard_hex (hc) is_palm_tree_hex (hc) is_produce_field_hex (hc) is_river_hex (hc) is_river_shallow_hex (hc) is_rough_hex (hc) is_scrub_hex (hc) is_shallow_hex (hc) is_soft_sand_hex (hc) is_suburb_hex (hc) is_swamp_hex (hc) is_tall_grass_hex (hc) is_thicket_hex (hc) is_village_hex (hc) is_vineyard_hex (hc) is_wadi_hex (hc) is_water_hex (hc) is_wet_paddy_hex (hc) MAP on_map (hc) map_center (x, y) map_height () map_sector (x, y) map_up () map_width () map_up_half (x, y) map_low_half (x, y) map_left_half (x, y) map_right_half (x, y) map_up_left_quadrant (x, y) map_up_right_quadrant (x, y) map_low_right_quadrant (x, y) map_low_left_quadrant (x, y) map_nw_quadrant (x, y) map_ne_quadrant (x, y) map_se_quadrant (x, y) map_sw_quadrant (x, y) map_north_half (x, y) map_south_half (x, y) map_east_half (x, y) map_west_half (x, y) hexcoor (x, y) x (hc) y (hc) map_side (hc) hexes_all () hex_box (hc_upleft, hc_lowright) hexes_within (hc, extent) hex_adjacent (hc, dir) hex_random (hc, extent) hexes_nearest (hc, hcs) hexes_farthest (hc, hcs) range (from, to) MESSAGING _message (title, text) message (title, text, human_only) message_once (title, text, human_only) _note (title, text) note (title, text, human_only) note_once (title, text, human_only) _report (title, text) report (title, text, human_only) report_once (title, text, human_only) log (logfile, loglevel, text) DEBUGGING trace (event, line) traceon () traceoff () MISC upper_case (text) lower_case (text) ordinal (number) dieroll (x) random () random_index (l, u) random_pick (list) even (x) odd (x) round (x) dir_from (origin, point) hexdir_from (origin, point) has_flag (flags, flag) join (lists) member (trackid, trackids) members (trackids_part, trackids_whole) is_move_tracking () move_tracking () set_move_tracking () unset_move_tracking () is_qa_testing () qa_testing () set_qa_testing () unset_qa_testing () OBJECTIVES objective_owner (hc) objective_points () objective_values (hc) set_objective (hc, values, side) set_objective_values (hc, values) REINFORCEMENTS reinforcement_flags (id) reinforcement_hex (id) reinforcement_prob (id) reinforcement_scatter (id) reinforcement_turn (id) reinforcement_x (id) reinforcement_y (id) set_reinforcement (id, hc, turn, prob, flags, scatter) set_reinforcement_flags (id, flags) set_reinforcement_hex (id, hc) set_reinforcement_prob (id, prob) set_reinforcement_scatter (id, scatter) set_reinforcement_turn (id, turn) set_reinforcement_x (id, x) set_reinforcement_y (id, y) inc_reinforcement_prob (id, increment) arrived (id) RELEASES release_prob (id) release_turn (id) released (id) set_release (id, turn, prob) set_release_prob (id, prob) set_release_turn (id, turn) inc_release_prob (id, increment) SCENARIO options () set_options (value) set_option (value) unset_option (value) event_points (side) set_event_points (side, value) inc_event_points (side, increment) total_points () total_strength (side, verified_only) strength (trackids, verified_only) total_losses (side) losses (trackids, verified_only) total_loss_rate (side, verified_only) loss_rate (trackids, verified_only) total_loss_points (side) average_morale (side) morale_shift (nation) set_morale_shift (nation, value) inc_morale_shift (nation, increment) advantage () aggressiveness (side) air_support (side) ammo_level (side) arty_ammo_level (side) set_advantage (value) set_aggressiveness (side, value) set_air_support (side, value) set_ammo_level (side, value) set_arty_ammo_level (side, value) inc_advantage (increment) inc_aggressiveness (side, increment) inc_air_support (side, increment) inc_ammo_level (side, increment) inc_arty_ammo_level (side, increment) major_defeat () major_victory () minor_defeat () minor_victory () set_major_defeat (value) set_major_victory (value) set_minor_defeat (value) set_minor_victory (value) set_victory (majordefeat, minordefeat, minorvictory, majorvictory) smoke_ammo (side) star_shells (side) set_smoke_ammo (side, value) set_star_shells (side, value) inc_smoke_ammo (side, increment) inc_star_shells (side, increment) SIDES is_bocage_side (hc, dir) is_cliff_side (hc, dir) is_crest_side (hc, dir) is_ditch_side (hc, dir) is_dune_side (hc, dir) is_embank_side (hc, dir) is_escarpment_side (hc, dir) is_ford_side (hc, dir) is_gully_side (hc, dir) is_heavy_bridge_side (hc, dir) is_hedge_side (hc, dir) is_high_side (hc, dir) is_light_bridge_side (hc, dir) is_medium_bridge_side (hc, dir) is_minor_river_side (hc, dir) is_path_side (hc, dir) is_rail_side (hc, dir) is_reef_side (hc, dir) is_road_side (hc, dir) is_stone_side (hc, dir) is_stream_side (hc, dir) is_unpaved_side (hc, dir) UNITS in_box (trackids, hc_upleft, hc_lowright, verified_only) within (trackids, hc, extent, verified_only) units_in_box (hc_upleft, hc_lowright, side, verified_only) units_in_box_count (hc_upleft, hc_lowright, side, verified_only) units_within (hc, extent, side, verified_only) units_within_count (hc, extent, side, verified_only) above (trackids, row, verified_only) below (trackids, row, verified_only) left_of (trackids, col, verified_only) right_of (trackids, col, verified_only) units_above (row, side, verified_only) units_below (row, side, verified_only) units_left_of (col, side, verified_only) units_right_of (col, side, verified_only) units_above_count (row, side, verified_only) units_below_count (row, side, verified_only) units_left_of_count (col, side, verified_only) units_right_of_count (col, side, verified_only) units_extent (trackids, verified_only) units_nearest (hc, side, verified_only) SCRIPTED AI at (trackids, hc) defend_weak (trackids, hc, dir, radius) defend_strong (trackids, hc, dir, radius) move_norush (trackids, hc, dir, radius) move_rush (trackids, hc, dir, radius) attack_weak (trackids, hc, dir, radius) attack_strong (trackids, hc, dir, radius) attack_banzai (trackids, hc, dir, radius) attack_fanatical (trackids, hc, dir, radius) load (trackids, hc) unload (trackids, hc) disembark (trackids, hc, dir) embark (trackids, hc, dir) take_off (trackids, hc) land (trackids, hc) ascend (trackids, hc) ascend_ground (trackids, hc) ascend_noe (trackids, hc) ascend_low (trackids, hc) ascend_high (trackids, hc) descend (trackids, hc) descend_low (trackids, hc) descend_noe (trackids, hc) descend_ground (trackids, hc) descend_underground (trackids, hc) ascend_move (trackids, hc, radius) move_descend (trackids, hc, radius) exit (trackids, hc) dig_in (trackids, hc) reconnoiter (trackids, hc) build_light_bridge (trackids, hc, dir) build_vehicle_bridge (trackids, hc, dir) lay_minefield (trackids, hc) set_ied (trackids, hc) build_barrier (trackids, hc) build_block (trackids, hc) damage (trackids, hc, dir) clear_lz (trackids, hc) hold (trackids, hc) halt (trackids, hc) unleash (trackids, hc) move_way_point (trackids, hcs) function land_transport_passengers (trackids, loadpt, unloadpt, assemblypt) function land_transport_carriers (trackids, loadpt, unloadpt, roundtrip) function move_land_transport (ptrackids, ctrackids, loadpt, unloadpt, assemblypt, roundtrip) function column_move (trackids, hc, dir, radius) function water_transport_passengers (trackids, embarkpt, loadpt, disembarkpt, unloadpt, assemblypt) function water_transport_carriers (trackids, loadpt, unloadpt, roundtrip) function move_water_transport (ptrackids, ctrackids, embarkpt, loadpt, disembarkpt, unloadpt, assemblypt, roundtrip) function air_transport_passengers (trackids, loadpt, unloadpt, assemblypt, airlevel) function air_transport_carriers (trackids, loadpt, unloadpt, roundtrip, airlevel) function move_air_transport (ptrackids, ctrackids, loadpt, unloadpt, assemblypt, roundtrip, airlevel) function air_mission_fire (trackids, basept, targetpt, proximity, airlevel) function air_mission_spot (trackids, basept, targetpt, proximity, airlevel)