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RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress

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RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/3/2019 8:35:54 PM   

Posts: 5712
Joined: 5/12/2000
From: Birdsboro, PA, USA
Status: offline
Thanks Jugger, I spent a lot of time on those Aussies!!


Mike Amos

Meine Ehre heißt Treue

(in reply to Jason Petho)
Post #: 1051
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/4/2019 5:14:57 PM   
Jason Petho

Posts: 15009
Joined: 6/22/2004
From: Terrace, BC, Canada
Status: offline
Campaign Series Vietnam: ALPHA Graphics: SCENARIO CREATION.

Quiz time! What battle do you think this screenshot is from?

Attachment (1)


(in reply to Warhorse)
Post #: 1052
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/4/2019 5:28:45 PM   
Big Ivan

Posts: 1963
Joined: 6/9/2008
From: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Status: offline
Super wild guess here!

Siege of Plei Me?

Big Ivan


Blitz call sign Big Ivan.

(in reply to Jason Petho)
Post #: 1053
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/4/2019 5:34:55 PM   
Jason Petho

Posts: 15009
Joined: 6/22/2004
From: Terrace, BC, Canada
Status: offline
Excellent guess!

That is the train element of the ARVN Task Force that was sent to relieve Plei Me.

Here is the main column.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to Big Ivan)
Post #: 1054
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/4/2019 6:33:18 PM   
Big Ivan

Posts: 1963
Joined: 6/9/2008
From: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Status: offline
Woo Hoo Thanks Jason!


Blitz call sign Big Ivan.

(in reply to Jason Petho)
Post #: 1055
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/10/2019 6:33:27 PM   
Jason Petho

Posts: 15009
Joined: 6/22/2004
From: Terrace, BC, Canada
Status: offline
Campaign Series Vietnam: ALPHA Graphics.

With the NW II Corps master map completed, mapping attention has returned to the DMZ map (northern I Corps) This has been expanded to the south to include Hue and to the west to include Tchepone. Not far from Khe Sanh on the route to Tchepone is this well known Special Forces Camp.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to Big Ivan)
Post #: 1056
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/10/2019 7:30:03 PM   

Posts: 4688
Joined: 5/2/2004
From: Washington, DC
Status: offline
Your 3D view is the only one I ever use in any game, usually I hate the 3D crap--yours really work well.

My only request for 3D (for EFII, cuz I'm not buying Vietnam) is that you have an option for plain, monocolor unit bases in addition to the fancy ones with national symbols. I expect this will be easy enough to mod anyway, but would be nice if it were an option out of the box.

(in reply to Jason Petho)
Post #: 1057
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/10/2019 7:41:25 PM   
Jason Petho

Posts: 15009
Joined: 6/22/2004
From: Terrace, BC, Canada
Status: offline
Great suggestion!


(in reply to 76mm)
Post #: 1058
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/11/2019 8:00:27 PM   
Jason Petho

Posts: 15009
Joined: 6/22/2004
From: Terrace, BC, Canada
Status: offline
Here is the Khe Sanh Combat Base

Attachment (1)


(in reply to Jason Petho)
Post #: 1059
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/16/2019 11:13:31 PM   

Posts: 20708
Joined: 3/13/2002
From: metro Chicago, Illinois, USA
Status: offline

The latest CSEE functions roster, 460+ functions and growing:


on_air_attack (hc, pid, name, side, nation, points, strength)
on_arty_attack (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader)
on_build_barrier (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname)
on_build_light_bridge (hc, dir, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname)
on_build_vehicle_bridge (hc, dir, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname)
on_clear_hex (hc)
on_clear_lz (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname)
on_damage (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname)
on_entrench_hex (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname)
on_hex_assault (hc, side)
on_hex_attack (hc, side, nation)
on_ied_attack (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader)
on_improve_hex (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname)
on_lay_mine_field (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname)
on_mine_attack (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader)
on_next_phase (turn, side)
on_next_turn (turn)
on_objective_capture (hc, values, side)
on_resume ()
on_set_ied (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname)
on_shutdown ()
on_startup ()
on_unit_arty_fire (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, strength)
on_unit_attack (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader)
on_unit_fire (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, strength)
on_unit_kill (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader)
on_unit_move (hc_from, hc_to, trackid)
on_unit_reduce (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader, loss)
on_unit_reinforce (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader)
on_unit_release (trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader)
on_unit_remove (hc, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader)


ai (side)
ai_index (parm)
ai_parameter (index)
adaptive_ai (side, nation, index)
inc_adaptive_ai (side, nation, index, increment)
is_ai (side)
max_ai_index ()
set_adaptive_ai (side, nation, index, value)


counter_airlevel (trackid)
counter_assault (trackid)
counter_ctrackid (trackid)
counter_defend (trackid)
counter_exists (trackid)
counter_flags (trackid)
counter_hex (trackid)
counter_hq (trackid)

counter_on_map (trackid, verified_only)

counter_is_airborne (trackid)
counter_is_air_transport (trackid)
counter_is_hq (trackid)
counter_is_leader (trackid)
counter_is_transport (trackid)

counter_leader (trackid)
counter_losses (trackid)
counter_morale (trackid)
counter_more_flags (trackid)
counter_name (trackid)
counter_nation (trackid)
counter_oid (trackid)
counter_orgname (trackid)
counter_pid (trackid)
counter_points (trackid)
counter_side (trackid)
counter_strackid (trackid)
counter_strength (trackid)
counter_turns_until_refuel (trackid)
counter_type (trackid)
counter_x (trackid)
counter_y (trackid)

counter_unit_carry_flags (trackid)
counter_unit_fire_flags (trackid)
counter_unit_more_flags (trackid)
counter_unit_move_flags (trackid)
counter_unit_other_flags (trackid)

is_disrupted (trackids)
is_carried (trackids)
is_unloaded (trackids)
is_loaded (trackids)
is_concealed (trackids)
is_outofammo (trackids)
is_diggingin (trackids)
is_fatigued (trackids)
is_buybullet (trackids)
is_buywheel (trackids)
is_fixed (trackids)
is_lowonammo (trackids)
is_isolated (trackids)
is_buyrecon (trackids)
is_reduced (trackids)
is_lowonfuel (trackids)
is_outoffuel (trackids)
is_refueled (trackids)
is_attacked (trackids)

is_not_disrupted (trackids)
is_not_carried (trackids)
is_not_unloaded (trackids)
is_not_loaded (trackids)
is_not_concealed (trackids)
is_not_outofammo (trackids)
is_not_diggingin (trackids)
is_not_fatigued (trackids)
is_not_buybullet (trackids)
is_not_buywheel (trackids)
is_not_fixed (trackids)
is_not_lowonammo (trackids)
is_not_isolated (trackids)
is_not_buyrecon (trackids)
is_not_reduced (trackids)
is_not_lowonfuel (trackids)
is_not_outoffuel (trackids)
is_not_refueled (trackids)
is_not_attacked (trackids)

counters_all (side, onmap_only)
counters_aorg (trackids, onmap_only)
counters_sorg (strackids, onmap_only)

hexes_aorg (trackids, onmap_only)

map_trackid (hc, number)
map_trackid_count (hc)
map_trackids (hc)
max_counters ()
max_turns_until_refuel (nation)


first_side ()
current_side ()
other_side (side)

current_turn ()
next_turn ()
previous_turn ()
final_turn ()

current_visibility ()

night (turn)
fow (side)
is_fow (side)
set_fow (side, switch)
is_night ()


has_barrier (hc)
has_big_wrecks (hc)
has_block (hc)
has_bunker (hc)
has_cave (hc)
has_damage (hc, dir)
has_ied (hc)
has_ied1 (hc)
has_ied2 (hc)
has_ied3 (hc)
has_improved_position (hc)
has_landing_zone (hc)
has_light_bridge (hc)
has_minefield (hc)
has_minefield1 (hc)
has_minefield2 (hc)
has_minefield3 (hc)
has_obstacle (hc)
has_pillbox (hc)
has_pontoon_bridge (hc)
has_rubble (hc)
has_smoke (hc)
has_trench (hc)
has_tunnel (hc)
has_vehicle_bridge (hc)
has_wrecks (hc)
has_spotted (hc)

function hexes_minefield (hcs, side)
function hexes_ied (hcs, side)
function hexes_block (hcs, side)
function hexes_tunnel (hcs, side)
function hexes_cave (hcs, side)
function hexes_fortification (hcs)
function hexes_landing_zone (hcs)
function hexes_wrecks (hcs)

function hexes_terrain (hcs, terrain)

empty_transports_count (hc)
has_empty_air_transport (hc)
has_empty_transport (hc)
has_transport (hc)
max_transport_strength (hc)

is_sidea_aware (hc)
is_sidea_exclude (hc)
is_sideb_aware (hc)
is_sideb_exclude (hc)

is_airfield_hex (hc)
is_beach_hex (hc)
is_building_hex (hc)
is_cactus_hex (hc)
is_canal_hex (hc)
is_canal_shallow_hex (hc)
is_city_hex (hc)
is_clear_hex (hc)
is_colored_dirt_hex (hc)
is_dense_jungle_hex (hc)
is_dry_paddy_hex (hc)
is_forest_hex (hc)
is_grain_field_hex (hc)
is_hammada_hex (hc)
is_impass_hex (hc)
is_industrial_hex (hc)
is_installation_hex (hc)
is_light_jungle_hex (hc)
is_major_canal_hex (hc)
is_major_canal_shallow_hex (hc)
is_major_river_hex (hc)
is_major_river_shallow_hex (hc)
is_marsh_hex (hc)
is_meadow_hex (hc)
is_orchard_hex (hc)
is_palm_tree_hex (hc)
is_produce_field_hex (hc)
is_river_hex (hc)
is_river_shallow_hex (hc)
is_rough_hex (hc)
is_scrub_hex (hc)
is_shallow_hex (hc)
is_soft_sand_hex (hc)
is_suburb_hex (hc)
is_swamp_hex (hc)
is_tall_grass_hex (hc)
is_thicket_hex (hc)
is_village_hex (hc)
is_vineyard_hex (hc)
is_wadi_hex (hc)
is_water_hex (hc)
is_wet_paddy_hex (hc)


on_map (hc)

map_center (x, y)
map_height ()
map_sector (x, y)
map_up ()
map_width ()

map_up_half (x, y)
map_low_half (x, y)
map_left_half (x, y)
map_right_half (x, y)
map_up_left_quadrant (x, y)
map_up_right_quadrant (x, y)
map_low_right_quadrant (x, y)
map_low_left_quadrant (x, y)
map_nw_quadrant (x, y)
map_ne_quadrant (x, y)
map_se_quadrant (x, y)
map_sw_quadrant (x, y)
map_north_half (x, y)
map_south_half (x, y)
map_east_half (x, y)
map_west_half (x, y)

hexcoor (x, y)
x (hc)
y (hc)

map_side (hc)

hexes_all ()
hex_box (hc_upleft, hc_lowright)
hexes_within (hc, extent)
hex_adjacent (hc, dir)
hex_random (hc, extent)

hexes_nearest (hc, hcs)
hexes_farthest (hc, hcs)

range (from, to)


_message (title, text)
message (title, text, human_only)
message_once (title, text, human_only)
_note (title, text)
note (title, text, human_only)
note_once (title, text, human_only)
_report (title, text)
report (title, text, human_only)
report_once (title, text, human_only)
log (logfile, loglevel, text)


trace (event, line)
traceon ()
traceoff ()


upper_case (text)
lower_case (text)

ordinal (number)

dieroll (x)
random ()
random_index (l, u)
random_pick (list)

even (x)
odd (x)

round (x)

dir_from (origin, point)
hexdir_from (origin, point)

has_flag (flags, flag)

join (lists)

member (trackid, trackids)
members (trackids_part, trackids_whole)

is_move_tracking ()
move_tracking ()
set_move_tracking ()
unset_move_tracking ()

is_qa_testing ()
qa_testing ()
set_qa_testing ()
unset_qa_testing ()


objective_owner (hc)
objective_points ()
objective_values (hc)

set_objective (hc, values, side)
set_objective_values (hc, values)


reinforcement_flags (id)
reinforcement_hex (id)
reinforcement_prob (id)
reinforcement_scatter (id)
reinforcement_turn (id)
reinforcement_x (id)
reinforcement_y (id)

set_reinforcement (id, hc, turn, prob, flags, scatter)
set_reinforcement_flags (id, flags)
set_reinforcement_hex (id, hc)
set_reinforcement_prob (id, prob)
set_reinforcement_scatter (id, scatter)
set_reinforcement_turn (id, turn)
set_reinforcement_x (id, x)
set_reinforcement_y (id, y)

inc_reinforcement_prob (id, increment)

arrived (id)


release_prob (id)
release_turn (id)
released (id)

set_release (id, turn, prob)
set_release_prob (id, prob)
set_release_turn (id, turn)

inc_release_prob (id, increment)


options ()
set_options (value)
set_option (value)
unset_option (value)

event_points (side)
set_event_points (side, value)
inc_event_points (side, increment)

total_points ()

total_strength (side, verified_only)
strength (trackids, verified_only)

total_losses (side)
losses (trackids, verified_only)

total_loss_rate (side, verified_only)
loss_rate (trackids, verified_only)

total_loss_points (side)

average_morale (side)
morale_shift (nation)
set_morale_shift (nation, value)
inc_morale_shift (nation, increment)

advantage ()
aggressiveness (side)
air_support (side)
ammo_level (side)
arty_ammo_level (side)

set_advantage (value)
set_aggressiveness (side, value)
set_air_support (side, value)
set_ammo_level (side, value)
set_arty_ammo_level (side, value)

inc_advantage (increment)
inc_aggressiveness (side, increment)
inc_air_support (side, increment)
inc_ammo_level (side, increment)
inc_arty_ammo_level (side, increment)

major_defeat ()
major_victory ()
minor_defeat ()
minor_victory ()

set_major_defeat (value)
set_major_victory (value)
set_minor_defeat (value)
set_minor_victory (value)

set_victory (majordefeat, minordefeat, minorvictory, majorvictory)

smoke_ammo (side)
star_shells (side)

set_smoke_ammo (side, value)
set_star_shells (side, value)

inc_smoke_ammo (side, increment)
inc_star_shells (side, increment)


is_bocage_side (hc, dir)
is_cliff_side (hc, dir)
is_crest_side (hc, dir)
is_ditch_side (hc, dir)
is_dune_side (hc, dir)
is_embank_side (hc, dir)
is_escarpment_side (hc, dir)
is_ford_side (hc, dir)
is_gully_side (hc, dir)
is_heavy_bridge_side (hc, dir)
is_hedge_side (hc, dir)
is_high_side (hc, dir)
is_light_bridge_side (hc, dir)
is_medium_bridge_side (hc, dir)
is_minor_river_side (hc, dir)
is_path_side (hc, dir)
is_rail_side (hc, dir)
is_reef_side (hc, dir)
is_road_side (hc, dir)
is_stone_side (hc, dir)
is_stream_side (hc, dir)
is_unpaved_side (hc, dir)


in_box (trackids, hc_upleft, hc_lowright, verified_only)
within (trackids, hc, extent, verified_only)

units_in_box (hc_upleft, hc_lowright, side, verified_only)
units_in_box_count (hc_upleft, hc_lowright, side, verified_only)

units_within (hc, extent, side, verified_only)
units_within_count (hc, extent, side, verified_only)

above (trackids, row, verified_only)
below (trackids, row, verified_only)
left_of (trackids, col, verified_only)
right_of (trackids, col, verified_only)

units_above (row, side, verified_only)
units_below (row, side, verified_only)
units_left_of (col, side, verified_only)
units_right_of (col, side, verified_only)

units_above_count (row, side, verified_only)
units_below_count (row, side, verified_only)
units_left_of_count (col, side, verified_only)
units_right_of_count (col, side, verified_only)

units_extent (trackids, verified_only)
units_nearest (hc, side, verified_only)


at (trackids, hc)
defend_weak (trackids, hc, dir, radius)
defend_strong (trackids, hc, dir, radius)
move_norush (trackids, hc, dir, radius)
move_rush (trackids, hc, dir, radius)
attack_weak (trackids, hc, dir, radius)
attack_strong (trackids, hc, dir, radius)
attack_banzai (trackids, hc, dir, radius)
attack_fanatical (trackids, hc, dir, radius)
load (trackids, hc)
unload (trackids, hc)
disembark (trackids, hc, dir)
embark (trackids, hc, dir)
take_off (trackids, hc)
land (trackids, hc)
ascend (trackids, hc)
ascend_ground (trackids, hc)
ascend_noe (trackids, hc)
ascend_low (trackids, hc)
ascend_high (trackids, hc)
descend (trackids, hc)
descend_low (trackids, hc)
descend_noe (trackids, hc)
descend_ground (trackids, hc)
descend_underground (trackids, hc)
ascend_move (trackids, hc, radius)
move_descend (trackids, hc, radius)
exit (trackids, hc)
dig_in (trackids, hc)
reconnoiter (trackids, hc)
build_light_bridge (trackids, hc, dir)
build_vehicle_bridge (trackids, hc, dir)
lay_minefield (trackids, hc)
set_ied (trackids, hc)
build_barrier (trackids, hc)
build_block (trackids, hc)
damage (trackids, hc, dir)
clear_lz (trackids, hc)

hold (trackids, hc)
halt (trackids, hc)
unleash (trackids, hc)

move_way_point (trackids, hcs)

function land_transport_passengers (trackids, loadpt, unloadpt, assemblypt)
function land_transport_carriers (trackids, loadpt, unloadpt, roundtrip)
function move_land_transport (ptrackids, ctrackids, loadpt, unloadpt, assemblypt, roundtrip)
function column_move (trackids, hc, dir, radius)
function water_transport_passengers (trackids, embarkpt, loadpt, disembarkpt, unloadpt, assemblypt)
function water_transport_carriers (trackids, loadpt, unloadpt, roundtrip)
function move_water_transport (ptrackids, ctrackids, embarkpt, loadpt, disembarkpt, unloadpt, assemblypt, roundtrip)
function air_transport_passengers (trackids, loadpt, unloadpt, assemblypt, airlevel)
function air_transport_carriers (trackids, loadpt, unloadpt, roundtrip, airlevel)
function move_air_transport (ptrackids, ctrackids, loadpt, unloadpt, assemblypt, roundtrip, airlevel)
function air_mission_fire (trackids, basept, targetpt, proximity, airlevel)
function air_mission_spot (trackids, basept, targetpt, proximity, airlevel)


Campaign Series Legion
Campaign Series Lead Coder
Panzer Campaigns, Panzer Battles, Civil War Battles Lead Coder

(in reply to Jason Petho)
Post #: 1060
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/31/2019 10:34:45 PM   

Posts: 20708
Joined: 3/13/2002
From: metro Chicago, Illinois, USA
Status: offline

How cool is this? New feature:

Before, this CSME El Argoup scenario was always unduly difficult to play. Is that an Escarpment, or an Embankment, or an ordinary Slope? With the new Display > Map Hints feature, you can know for sure!

This improvement, and so many, many more, to be available in CSME 2.10, due out sometime later next year.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by berto -- 7/31/2019 10:35:18 PM >


Campaign Series Legion
Campaign Series Lead Coder
Panzer Campaigns, Panzer Battles, Civil War Battles Lead Coder

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 1061
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 8/1/2019 12:15:04 AM   
Big Ivan

Posts: 1963
Joined: 6/9/2008
From: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Status: offline
Nice! Super Nice!!


Blitz call sign Big Ivan.

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 1062
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 8/3/2019 5:14:48 PM   
Andrea G

Posts: 325
Joined: 10/9/2017
From: Genoa, Italy
Status: offline



Nice! Super Nice!!



(in reply to Big Ivan)
Post #: 1063
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 8/7/2019 8:46:21 PM   


Posts: 527
Joined: 2/5/2005
Status: offline
I would love to see this type of improvement and treatment in an update to the Civil War titles.


There's a simple answer to every complex question - and it's wrong.
-Umberto Eco

(in reply to Andrea G)
Post #: 1064
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 7/28/2020 6:27:54 PM   
Jason Petho

Posts: 15009
Joined: 6/22/2004
From: Terrace, BC, Canada
Status: offline
Campaign Series Middle East: Scripting

As you know, we've been working hard on HAL's (our AI) performance for Vietnam. As Middle East is a living game, we will be incorporating these updates to that game in the future. This means that the scenarios will need to be scripted for play against HAL. One of the first scenarios I chose to attempt is the "Black September Intruders" scenario that deals with the Syrian invasion of Jordan in 1970. The main reason I chose this one is to test how the well the new scripting works with armoured engagements and what needs to be improved, modified, added. Here's a quick sketch of the battlefield with the primary units I'll be using for the Syrian assault. The idea will be to make this challenging for the Jordanian player.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to mllange)
Post #: 1065
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 8/2/2020 3:22:38 PM   


Posts: 3884
Joined: 8/12/2002
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I haven't done any scenario design for these games (played it lots)- is there a "draw" function in the Editor, over the basic map that would allow a designer to keep track of the concept stuff visually (as with Berto's example drawn above)? So that when they get to the practical stuff they can see it, on-screen (an overlay, I suppose)?

< Message edited by benpark -- 8/2/2020 3:23:22 PM >


"Fear is a darkroom where the devil develops his negatives" Gary Busey

(in reply to Jason Petho)
Post #: 1066
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 8/2/2020 6:00:43 PM   
Jason Petho

Posts: 15009
Joined: 6/22/2004
From: Terrace, BC, Canada
Status: offline
Unfortunately, no, there isn't an overlay available in the editors.

Although, you could get creative with the labelling in the map editor.


(in reply to benpark)
Post #: 1067
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 8/3/2020 10:54:54 AM   


Posts: 65
Joined: 7/28/2017
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Great to see AI improvements filtering through to Campaign Series Middle East.

(in reply to Jason Petho)
Post #: 1068
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 8/3/2020 6:38:42 PM   
Jason Petho

Posts: 15009
Joined: 6/22/2004
From: Terrace, BC, Canada
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Absolutely, Para! Middle East will be receiving an UPDATE after Vietnam to incorporate all these goodies!


(in reply to Para87)
Post #: 1069
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