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Training Exercise... - 3/12/2003 5:31:18 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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Hawk vs Orzel....just honing our skills to kill M4's and T-34's. :mad:

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Post #: 1
Lmao!!!!! - 3/12/2003 8:27:21 AM   


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Orzel...which is this H2H or 7.1?


"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 2
- 3/12/2003 9:02:24 AM   

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you two sitting in a tree? K-i-ss-i-n-g??


:D ;)


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 3
This one is... - 3/12/2003 10:31:59 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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7.1 everything on except C&C. :D


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Post #: 4
ok - 3/12/2003 11:43:26 AM   


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Bedtime now will setup tomorrow.....;) ;) ;)


"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 5
that's cool... - 3/12/2003 11:46:08 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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no problem...set it up and send it to me when you get the chance.


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Post #: 6
Here Ya Go - 3/12/2003 6:44:21 PM   


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Ok Orzel....all it did was ask me for a i set it and now im sending.

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"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 7
Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 - 3/13/2003 9:39:35 AM   


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This is realllllllly a smalllllllll map.......with ALOT of POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are gonna have some fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sent you the file .......let me know if you get it.


"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 8
- 3/14/2003 11:11:19 PM   


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"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 9
Hawk... - 3/15/2003 11:27:20 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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turn was sent to your email addy...the forum wouldn't let me post it again. grrrrrr!!!! :mad:


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Post #: 10
It's a Small World... - 3/16/2003 10:54:39 PM   
Orzel Bialy

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and despite this...there was no contact on this turn!?!?

Where are you Hawk...on a tiny map like this, where can you be hiding 5k of units? lol :p


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Post #: 11
Hmmmm - 3/17/2003 1:34:00 AM   


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The [B]"People's Army" [/B] found you!!!:mad: :mad:
A StugIII is taking pot shots at my commie Tanks....:mad: :mad: :mad:
He will be dealt with.....[B]"Foward My Brave Men"[/B] ...or we will shoot you in the backs....

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"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 12
Those weren't just "pot shots"... - 3/17/2003 5:48:01 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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those were ranging rounds....and that Stug Commander of mine put a hurtin' on two of your armored units!

Elsewhere, some of my recon boys uncovered some T-34's and lend lease junk lurking about the railroad town...had to pop smoke and play some hide and seek! lol


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Post #: 13
Well this map was bound to show me where you are!!! - 3/17/2003 11:38:02 AM   


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Here we go Bro!!!!!! This is where Hero'S are made!!!!!!!!! And i don't mean Ham&Cheese.............:D :D :D :D

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"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 14
Ode to My Engineers! - 3/17/2003 10:06:31 PM   
Orzel Bialy

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The battle turned very ugly this turn. :mad:

To the north there is a small hill...and I sent a couple units up there first thing to block any flanking attempt. Just as I got into position there...POW!!! Hawk hit the area with some armor. We both took some losses there...but the initial rush was blunted long enough for the rest of my northern force to deploy on the heights just ahead of the Russians! whew! :eek:

I sent a Tiger plowing it's way to the northern most slope of the hill, in order to gain a flanking firing position on the Russian armor that was massed at the foot of the southern tip of the hill. As soon as it emerged on the slope it was greeted by an 85mm round from a SU-85 that was obviously attempting to do the same to my forces holding the southern tip of The Hill. These two beasts traded several shots and at one point I was sure my Kat might have suffered a fatal hit...but it made it through...and killed the Russian monster with it's final shot! whew again!!!

In the center, around the railroad station more Russian armor pushed into the village and I had to rally my infantry units to try and shore up the "hole in the dike" sort of speak. The countryside here is not very suitable for the terrain is rough, muddy and dotted by trees, making for a very short "LoS".

To the south things are a bit more quiet...although there are some lend lease M-3's milling about, with some T-34's in support. I was fortunate enough to knock out the SU-85's that Hawk deployed on a hill to the south overlooking the southern half of the he could have controlled all movement there by holding those positions. The superior velocity of the German guns at longer ranges made the difference there in my opinion!

But, the best show was put on by two units of engineers around the hill to the north. Hawk had a packet of armor up there that was still in position to do me harm after the last of my tanks had fired. A T-34, a Stuart and a SU-85 were still in position to take out a Stug and a Panther...and all that was left for me to utilize were two HT's each carrying an engineer unit. So down the slope they went...surviving a hail of MG fire and some light caliber rounds from the Stuart. The engineers unloaded and attacked without hesitation...knocking out the T-34 and immobilizing the Stuart! Whew for the third time!!! :eek:

However, the battle is far from decided...and there is still a lot of fighting left to be done. :mad:


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Post #: 15
Jeeze!!!!! Louise!!!!!! - 3/18/2003 3:13:38 AM   


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Holy Cow!!!!! [B]"ROCKETS"[/B] you bought [B]"ROCKETS!!!!!!"[/B] ...:eek: :eek: :eek:
Comrade Stalin does not like that my friend!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: And what the heck happen to Russian Might???:confused: :confused: :(
All my Forces have to reasses our Strats....before [B]"Charging in "[/B] like John Wayne........:( :( We are licking our wounds.......but will return!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

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"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 16
I thought you'd like.... - 3/18/2003 3:42:31 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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the rockets...I figured they would add a nice touch when I needed to pound a position of resistance. :D


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Post #: 17
LMAO!!!!! - 3/18/2003 3:47:49 AM   


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Orzel after this lets do a Scenario one....I like them better then chooseing my forces........Me and Jess are doing the Anzio map i beleive you made.......I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D


"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 18
I'm at work now...on lunch... - 3/18/2003 3:54:43 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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but yes, that would be fine with me. ;)

Those rockets must have really made an "impact" on you (hee hee hee :D ) if you are already thinking of the "next game"!

Thanks for the kudos on the Anzio was a fun one to do and I think the first scenarios that Jess and I teamed up on. Definitely will have to team up on another one sometime soon! Right Jess? ;)


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Post #: 19
Hmmmm... - 3/18/2003 11:12:46 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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firefights here and there....more monster Russian armor appears to the north...the town is pretty much mine right now...and the Russians own the southern countryside.


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Post #: 20
Town!!!!!! - 3/19/2003 9:29:52 PM   


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You [B]"Facist Pigs"[/B] can have your Town!!!!!! We have Bigger Surprises for you my friend!!!!!! The Might of the [B]"People's Army"[/B] will take care of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
Just ask Uncle Stalin!!!!!!

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"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 21
Re: I'm at work now...on lunch... - 3/20/2003 1:10:13 AM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Orzel Bialy
[B]but yes, that would be fine with me. ;)

Those rockets must have really made an "impact" on you (hee hee hee :D ) if you are already thinking of the "next game"!

Thanks for the kudos on the Anzio was a fun one to do and I think the first scenarios that Jess and I teamed up on. Definitely will have to team up on another one sometime soon! Right Jess? ;) [/B][/QUOTE]

yeppers!:D we also teamed up on that is a monster!:cool:


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 22
Where are all they coming from!?!?!? - 3/20/2003 9:05:23 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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My units inch forward and the lead elements discover even more Russian armor! :eek:

Man...that better be your re-inforcement elements...because if that is still your core force I'm gonna need more panzers pdq!!! :mad:


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Post #: 23
What!!!!!!! - 3/20/2003 10:52:56 AM   


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We can get reinforcements??????:p :p :p
My friend [B]"The People's Tanks"[/B] might not be as tough....but they are CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!

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"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 24
Son of a ***** - 3/20/2003 10:29:10 PM   
Orzel Bialy

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I don't know how many times I nearly got ambushed this turn! :mad:

Even with moving slowly...with HT's in the van guard...and infantry where available...the battlefield LoS is so damned short with the terrain and smoke that recon is a matter of the next hex in most cases!

I lost two Stugs as they advanced through the smoke of battle only to be surprised by flanking shots!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I even had to resort to using my faithful Katz as they were used at Kursk in a couple armored battering rams! I knew from the previous turns that there were some Ivan armor lurking in certain places...and had to trust in the good solid Krupps armor to withstand the first hits so I could move up and take them on before they snuck in elsewhere!

I was successful on three occasions...but that's not a lot of fun nor is it very good on the nerves! After all these aren't M4's...these are KV's and SU's, which are actually a threat to Katz unlike that tin can from the west. :eek:

Anyway...the battle continues...and still the Ivan armor continues to appear!!! Damned points system! lol ;)


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Post #: 25
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 3/20/2003 11:31:46 PM   


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I got a Tank Crew get back into their SU-122!!!!!!:D :D :D That has never happened to me!!!!!!! I'm playing Jess in Market Garden.....we are in round 21 and i still have 3 Tank Crews standing around their Tanks!!!!!!!!

When will you realize Orzel the Might of the People's Army........We have many more Tanks from where these have come............. The Urals are pumping them out as we speak........

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"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 26
The Salughter Continues.... - 3/21/2003 5:58:05 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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from the northern tip of the the southern tip...there is none stop firefights! :mad:

Everywhere there are burning tanks, buildings and brush...flames and smoke pour into the sky and obscure vision. The ranges of battle vary...but none are greater than 7 or 8 hexes.

Despite the over-whelming number of Russian tanks that I have encountered...I feel that I have made some headway while keeping losses to a moderate level.

ps...Thanks for alerting me to that crew re-manning that tank! I knew it had to be that one to the south...but I thought I had killed those guys off with arty. Good thing you said something, otherwise I might have left that thing it's scrap metal! :D :p


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Post #: 27
DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM - 3/21/2003 6:09:17 AM   


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Well maybe i was to harsh with my German Buddies....:D :D :D Maybe Stalin is the Devil........:mad: :mad: :mad: Lets cease fire and talk about it over some good Vodka.......;) ;) ;) ;)

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"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 28
This turn... - 3/21/2003 6:58:29 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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brought less in the way of armor vs. armor I continue to move my panzers and panzergrenadiers forward.

To the north I managed to clear a portion of the river bank of a mixture of Russian engineers and marines. (?...wasn't expecting to see those! lol)

To the center I have also encountered this infantry mixture...and managed to drive them back as that now the last of the VH groupings is now within my grasp!

To the south a KV ended up managing to get on the flank of a Tiger and a Stug...and created all sorts of havoc until a roaming companion of the Stug section appeared and drilled the KV with an AP round.

I think I might have broken Hawks back this least I hope I have! :eek:


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Post #: 29
Yes it was!!!!! - 3/21/2003 8:54:41 AM   


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That was the straw that broke my back.....:( :( I had like 2 Tanks left...until your Stug IV knocked them out....:( :(
Good game Bro nice Tank action!!!!!!!!

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"All we knew was.....We were in this TOGETHER" ......Band of Brothers

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Post #: 30
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