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Attention art modders

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Attention art modders - 10/21/2006 10:45:37 PM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
Joined: 9/20/2000
From: Santa Rosa, CA
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You'll find that in AWD we provide graphics for some of the units as they upgrade via research. For example, German Armor units start as a PZ-III and then upgrade to a Tiger I and then a Panther. The system in the data files allows for a virtually unlimited number of unit graphics as the units improve. Details of how to mod this are in the game manual. We're hoping that some modder artists will be interested in providing additional unit graphics via mods. If we like them, we may look to add them in a future patch.
Post #: 1
RE: Attention art modders - 10/21/2006 11:20:59 PM   


Posts: 865
Joined: 9/17/2006
From: France
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I am working at this time on graphics units for cold war (1950-1989) and I have a question : are the unit boxes (in dat/art/gui) and unit (in dat/art/unit) the same for AWD AND WAW ? This question is important for me because I have not AWD and I must work "in blind".

Capture :

These graphics are not mine : I have taken them in others games


(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 2
RE: Attention art modders - 10/22/2006 12:23:52 AM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
Joined: 9/20/2000
From: Santa Rosa, CA
Status: offline
The pop-up box backgrounds are different, but the same size. The units on the map are done the same way.

(in reply to welk)
Post #: 3
RE: Attention art modders - 10/22/2006 2:00:35 PM   


Posts: 865
Joined: 9/17/2006
From: France
Status: offline

Two other questionSir, please(If I do not abuse)


In WAW, name of files in dat/art/gui and dat/art/unit are :

By sample, for Axis bomber

in dat/art/unit : unit file's name for Axisbomber is = Axis bomber

in dat/art/gui : gui file's name for Axis bomber is = PUico_GermanBomber

My question : are the names of these files the same in AWD ?


Unitdata file of AWD and unit data file of WAW are they different or the same ? If they are identical, I will work with the WAW's unitdata file ; if different, I will have to wait to have the game in hand.

Thank a lot for reply

The work run and next month, I will probably be able to post the complete collection of new icons units for those who want to build apocalyptic cold war scenarios with AWD, with ultra modernes units : modern fleet, attack helicos, modern tanks, SAM-DCA, etc... (i.e : Third world war begin during a crise in 1982,etc...)

These sort of scenarios will need to modify unitdata and I will do these sort of work when I will have the game in hands (or perhaps, I can do it if some good angel can give me the unitdata file of AWD (if different of WAW's unitdate file)

I have to modify data of these file : i. e, tactical air becomes missiles ; light fleet becomes attack helicos, heavy fleet becomes modern fleet, infantry become mechanized infantry, etc...

Here is a capture of test (with WAW) :

< Message edited by welk -- 10/22/2006 2:04:16 PM >


(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 4
RE: Attention art modders - 10/24/2006 6:02:12 AM   


Posts: 7
Joined: 10/24/2006
From: France
Status: offline
Thanks for the updates, well no worries it wont be me playing with the art  but thanks anywayn now on the other hands, modding some scenario, I might just do that. Hein l'ami Welk


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Post #: 5
RE: Attention art modders - 10/24/2006 5:37:58 PM   

Posts: 4919
Joined: 12/13/2005
From: Madrid, Spain
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Cool graphics Welk. Keep it up.

As to waiting for the game being in stores it can take a while, also have in mind that WAW was first released in the States and was available in Europe late in 2005 (october/november?).

So if you are going to get it, why don't you e-buy it, you get the download and save it to a cd.

About the manual you can always take the pdf file to a printer shop and get it done to you, and then get it bind. That if you don't want to print it at home, it has 182 pages which is a "little" setback.

Doing this you only miss the box, but that at the end occupies space. Anyway up to you

Au revoir.

< Message edited by rjh1971 -- 10/24/2006 5:48:45 PM >

(in reply to nicae9)
Post #: 6
RE: Attention art modders - 10/25/2006 12:46:42 AM   


Posts: 865
Joined: 9/17/2006
From: France
Status: offline
Yes, but... When I love a game, I prefer always to have an original physical CD + book manual : I am for the old traditions

< Message edited by welk -- 10/25/2006 12:50:00 AM >


(in reply to rjh1971)
Post #: 7
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