welk -> RE: Attention art modders (10/22/2006 2:00:35 PM)
Thanks Two other questionSir, please(If I do not abuse[:D]) 1°/ QUESTION: In WAW, name of files in dat/art/gui and dat/art/unit are : By sample, for Axis bomber in dat/art/unit : unit file's name for Axisbomber is = Axis bomber in dat/art/gui : gui file's name for Axis bomber is = PUico_GermanBomber My question : are the names of these files the same in AWD ? 2°/ QUESTION: Unitdata file of AWD and unit data file of WAW are they different or the same ? If they are identical, I will work with the WAW's unitdata file ; if different, I will have to wait to have the game in hand. Thank a lot for reply[;)] The work run and next month, I will probably be able to post the complete collection of new icons units for those who want to build apocalyptic cold war scenarios with AWD, with ultra modernes units : modern fleet, attack helicos, modern tanks, SAM-DCA, etc... (i.e : Third world war begin during a crise in 1982,etc...) These sort of scenarios will need to modify unitdata and I will do these sort of work when I will have the game in hands (or perhaps, I can do it if some good angel can give me the unitdata file of AWD (if different of WAW's unitdate file) I have to modify data of these file : i. e, tactical air becomes missiles ; light fleet becomes attack helicos, heavy fleet becomes modern fleet, infantry become mechanized infantry, etc... Here is a capture of test (with WAW) : [image]http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/8417/coldwarcz3.jpg[/image]