Ron Saueracker
Posts: 12121
Joined: 1/28/2002 From: Ottawa, Canada OR Zakynthos Island, Greece Status: offline
ORIGINAL: Luskan Supply situation eh? That would constitute a vast breach of operational security. But here is a bit of info on my supply in the past. Well there have been 4 different supply disasters in this game so far, and now I'm aware of them they won't happen again in any other wars I happen to fight. Fortunately for me, if I loose a war here I can restart with the benefit of hindsight. Supply problem 1. As a result of my opening all out assault, combined with my opening expansion of certain key industries (mainly armament industries) by Feb 42 there were real forward supply problems. Ships that should have been hauling supply forward from day one (for bases I hadn't taken yet) were hauling troops forwards instead. This limited my forward airbase construction and squadron deployment schedules - not so much in the SRA but on the bay of Bengal, and in the Pacific I didn't have the supply for big airbases full of betties. In the pacific Raver was careful not to mess with me (he should have gone for pacific bases early on - instead of sending his CV's to swat at Kwajalein (cost him CVs) later in the game when I had corrected this error. If I'd solved this earlier, I would have scalped Raver's RN BBs, rather than just torpedoing a few and have them retire (a squadron of betties from bangkok IRC - instead of 4 squadrons of betties and some nells from all the Bay bases.). Supply Issue 2. When Raver upgraded to patches without telling me, he was a version ahead. This is a problem - if the game versions don't match up, for some reason jap transports can't load OIL!!!! Turn after turn I wasted with this bug, unable to load oil to get it home to make more supply and fuel. Happened several times before we figured it out. Unfortunately this crippled the home economy 3 (!) times. Supply Issue 3. As a result of (2), there was not enough supply anywhere but China for my existing troops for almost 4 months of gameplay. This was a small contributing factor to my reluctance to invade Indonesia (the major factor was Raver's lies about having defenders lined up 1000 wide and 100 deep). Without Indonesia, again, less oil and resource to power my economy. Even if Raver had 1 000 000 men defending indonesia, the Jap player should go in with teeth bared regardless. This one really hurt my chances of winning. Supply Issues 4. As a result of 2, then 3, Issue 4 was a lack of fuel at forward bases in the later game. More than a few of you asked: after Raver lost a CV at Kwaj, and had Enterprise damaged - why didn't you send everything in the arsenal out to Johnson Island to catch her? If I'd sent all my CVs, I would have outnumbered Raver 3 to 1 and crushed his entire CV fleet, instead of sinking 1 allied CV and loosing 3 of my own (bringing the totals to 2 allied sunk for 3 japs). I got lucky later evening this out a little - sure - but why didn't I send everything? Of course I said that this was my reserve carrier fleet. Not actually true. They were my reserves, but when Raver ran into betties at Kwaj the two CV taskforces I had were sitting side by side in the same port. Unfortunately 1 was out of fuel and there was no more at the port because of the massive lack of forward fuel . . . the other taskforce had fuelled up a turn before - so was ordered to proceed independantly. We all know how that turned out! Raver bombing oil dumps and things - has not affected my supplies one bit. My supply nightmares are born of my own mistakes and 1 irritating game bug that I was very slow to figure out (just get the patch you idiot!). As for now, Home island supply is very well looked after - however a few over-effective allied bombing raids will end that. China is great too - elsewhere . . . that's classified. #2 sounds horrible.
Yammas from The Apo-Tiki Lounge. Future site of WITP AE benders! And then the s--t hit the fan