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NMLs proplaybooks

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NMLs proplaybooks - 11/2/2006 11:51:36 PM   


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Im sending my 4 pro playbooks for release 3 to FBmax. Once you unzip the folder just copy all the files in the folder to the "plays" folder in the Maximum football directory. I also have 3 team/draft profiles for a 45 man 35 round initial draft, if these are put in the team profile folder of the maximum football directory and if you set up a league with 45 men rosters with a 35 round initial draft, the game will random assign one of the profiles to each team.
The three profiles are set to draft teams based on three team strategies, Run offense, pass offense, or defense.

My goal with the pro playbooks is to have a variety of solid playbooks for the teams in a league so that computer controlled teams will give human teams different looks and be competitive.

The playbooks are combinations of two offenses, T formation plays, One back offense plays, 43 pro defense and 34 pro defense.

I have just done basic profiling, users may want to do more indepth profiles, I just wanted to cover basic situations so that teams wouldnt be passing when they had a 3 TD lead with 2 min. left in the game.

These are version 3 of the playbooks, as I get feedback I will try to correct any problem plays and improve the books.

My 9 college playbooks will follow shortly, Im trying to get the defenses completely updated for the new m2m coverage, however they will probably not have any profiles complete. Actually I could use help on creating profiles so if any one is interested let me know.

< Message edited by nmleague -- 11/2/2006 11:57:13 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/3/2006 3:21:54 AM   


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The playbooks are now in the unsorted files section of FBmax, nammed  "NMLs pro playbooks V3"

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 2
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/3/2006 3:41:44 AM   


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Just uploaded to FBMax the 3 team'draft profiles that I created.  When unzipped the folder "team profiles" should be copyed to the maximum football folder.  These profiles will only work for a league with 45 man rosters and an initial draft of 35 rounds.  If the league has those settings the game will randomly assign profiles to each team in the league.  Currently the game will only draft a maximum of 35 rounds, the last 10 players are picked at random for each team, so even if you have the game set for a 4 round draft only 35 rounds will be run.  If you have the league set for 45 rounds then these profiles will not work, the profiles have to match the number of players on a team roster and the number of draft rounds.  For drafts in following years they also wont work if the number of rounds is changes to something like 5 or 10.

The profiles are now in the unsorted files section of FBmax with the name "NMLs team profiles".

< Message edited by nmleague -- 11/3/2006 3:45:04 AM >

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Post #: 3
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/3/2006 6:42:44 AM   

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First let me say thanks and well done on your playbooks. Can't wait to see the college ones.

I have found one error in the "11-PRO1" playbook. The defensive play "43O 43Z S 2" doesn't exist. It is listed in the playbook, but there does not seem to be a play on the drive. I found during a  game that my system would lock up whenever I selected that play. When I checked the playbook in the utility, I realized that the play didn't exist. It was just a shell and the computer would freeze because it had no play to refer to. I have deleted it from the playbook so that it would not temp me from selecting it. However, others may want to do the same.

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 4
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/3/2006 6:57:36 AM   


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Thanks cbelva, I will take a look at it, that defense has been modified, and I just added the 2 to the new play.  When I deleted the old one something must have happened.

(in reply to cbelva)
Post #: 5
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/3/2006 7:12:33 PM   


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Found the problem and have fixed it, but will wait for a few days before I upload updated playbooks to FBmax.

Anyone else trying these out please post if you have any problems or suggestions.

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 6
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/3/2006 7:34:07 PM   


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now that we have release 3 i was going to go to work on profiles, maybe some sort of template to use for different playbooks.
i can help you with some of it. let me know; send me a pm if you'd like.

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 7
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/3/2006 7:59:19 PM   


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jcd38, that would be great! Last night I worked on the college playbooks and updated all the special teams plays. At this point I just want to add about 6-10 more dropback or sprint pass plays to the I formation playbooks, which should be done tonight. So I hope to have the college playbooks upload to FBmax tonight.

The college playbooks have very little in the way of profiles, mainly just for goaline defense. After doing the limited profiles for the pro playbooks I found it can be a big project by the time you hit all the situations and add the plays for those situations into the profiles. So I can use the help.

My thought was to at least cover the obvious situations, like the offense ahead near the end of the half/game, or behind. Mainly so teams down by 3 TDs at the start of the 4th quarter arent running every play.

But feel free to do as little or as much as you want. These playbooks are just a tool for those with the game to use to make it work better. So the more that the community wants to modify or improve them the better.

One last thing I did more work on the pro playbooks goalline and short yardage defense, but havent upgrade the college playbooks with that work yet. That will probably be one thing I will try to do for the next version.

(in reply to jcd38)
Post #: 8
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/3/2006 8:49:30 PM   


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we got a plan and a real big job to do!
using PDS 1 i created a template with all of the possible situations. very much so a task.

i'll check to see if i can cut&paste the templates that i did into the new playbooks. that will save some time.

let me know what versions of your playbooks you want me to start with.

as a process, as you update your playbooks perhaps we can just copy my updated profiles into your updated playbooks and then update your latest version of the playbooks as we go on..we'll have to figure out how we should work in tandem on this.

from playing fbpro i have a pretty good idea about what situations should be a priority; we'll get those first and then we can add more situations as we go on.

if anyone has comments about situations should be priorities please put them on the table.

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 9
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/3/2006 9:05:43 PM   


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Since the pro playooks have some of the basic profiles set, maybe it would be better to start with the college playbooks. The college playbooks only have a few profiles for the GL defense and these will be changed anyway, so its a clean slate.

(in reply to jcd38)
Post #: 10
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/4/2006 6:09:28 AM   


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Just a heads up, next I plan on doing a pro style I formation playbook with mutliple receiver combinations. Again I would probably make it into 2 playbooks, one with a 43 defense and one with the 34 defense.

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 11
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/4/2006 7:15:35 AM   


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i downloaded the college playbooks. i'll start taking a crack at them over the weekend. i'll keep you posted; i'll do a version one and then post it so you can take a look at it.

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 12
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/4/2006 5:16:45 PM   


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Jcd38, if possible could you try to work on one group of playbooks at a time, for example playbooks 1-3 the I formation playbooks.  I wont edit any offenive plays until you have done some profiles and sent them to me.  I dont think there is an easier way to do this, I think you will have to create profiles and then I will have to take those playbooks and make any play edits or improvements, then pass them back to you to create profiles.

Just thought of something, I plan on editing and adding to the goalline defensive plays for the college playbooks, so it might be better to not create any profiles for goalline situations for the time being.

< Message edited by nmleague -- 11/4/2006 5:34:10 PM >

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Post #: 13
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/4/2006 8:16:58 PM   


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i'll follow your suggestion. i'll start with 1-3 college. i don't have an eta for deilvery back to you at the moment. as i make progress i'll keep you posted.

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 14
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/4/2006 9:32:14 PM   

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Something that would help is a list of all possible situations
A simple text file so you can use it kinda like a checklist :).

(in reply to jcd38)
Post #: 15
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/5/2006 4:02:17 PM   


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A situations list would be helpful, Im not sure that profiles have to be set for every situation.   More situations should be coverd than what I did for the playbooks, but a line has to be drawn somewhere.  There are not only the time, yardage etc. situations, but also the formations used, if the offense comes out with 4 WR the defense isnt going to want to play a goalline or shortyardage defense even if it is 3rd and 1. 

(in reply to Tbird)
Post #: 16
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/5/2006 5:32:43 PM   


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previously i created a list (in access which isn't too time consuming) of almost all of the possible situations for 8,11, and 12 man playbooks that the game allows.
i agree that we don't need all of the situations. thats overkill and redundant i believe.

some questions:

1) naming conventions. i.e. the name of each situation i left at the default; i.e. DN1, <1, TIH <1, etc. . i found this ok for me but do you think we should name them like you did in your playook, Goalline etc.

2) i was touching up my list last night in access; since it was pretty easy to create them in access, i figured i'd start with all of the possible situations and then eliminate them from the list as i go on. i'd like to put as many situations in that make sense to do; getting the best possible AI we can get.

3) here's a question about the profile logic;

A) Any down, Any yards to go, Any Time, Any Score
B) 1st down, Any yards to go, Any Time, Any Score

will the AI look at A or will the AI look for a play in B?

i.e. in the case above, does B overide A?

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 17
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/5/2006 5:34:44 PM   


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i forgot to mention the situation below is first down:

3) here's a question about the profile logic;

A) Any down, Any yards to go, Any Time, Any Score
B) 1st down, Any yards to go, Any Time, Any Score

will the AI look at A or will the AI look for a play in B?

i.e. in the case above, does B overide A?

(in reply to jcd38)
Post #: 18
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/5/2006 6:05:30 PM   


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Some answers/thoughts.

1. In most cases user of the playbooks probably wont even look at the profiles, so I think naming is more for the convience/organization of the creator. I had a hard time with the naming convention used when creating the profiles, so changed the name to be for me, more discriptive of the situation. Whatever works best for you. Note though that I tried to distinguish situations that were similar though dealt with different offensive formaitons, 2 TE vs, 3 WR, etc..

2. Im open to any number of situations, but it seems that the system used by the games forces the creation of to many situations. It would be nice of there was a way to make more all encompassing situations. As example when I was trying to handle the situations when a team is ahead near the end of the half/game, I needed to create profiles for 3 different time ranges, as well as for about 4 different scores ranges.

3. I wish I had an answer for this. Notice that for my profiles for a team behind with little time in the game, I have used the any down. But what happens on fourth down, in my testing it seems the team down will still punt on fourth down, even if there is only a min. left and they are down by 4-5 points. On the other hand teams are punting on 4th and 7 with 5 min. left when down by 3, so they arent following the profile at that time either.

So in answer Im not sure if the computer gives preceedence to one profile over another.

(in reply to jcd38)
Post #: 19
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/8/2006 2:21:33 AM   


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i'm going to be busy tonight and maybe the next two nights with work. my goal is to get your first three college playbooks back to you over the weekend. wish me luck

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 20
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/8/2006 2:41:40 AM   


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Good luck, looking forward to seeing what you do with them .  I may try to do some work on the other two offenses before the weekend.

(in reply to jcd38)
Post #: 21
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/8/2006 3:43:02 AM   

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I'm making my own list as I add to the profiles but I got a long way to go

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 22
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/8/2006 5:34:06 AM   


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Anyone is welcome to do profiles, we just need to coordinate getting them into the playbooks without overwriting some elses work. I will refrain from adding any plays to the current playbooks while someone is working on a  profile, once there profile work is done they can send me the playbooks(s) and I will edit or add plays to that version.  We need to keep a master version.

Im fairly happy with the pro playbooks and probably wont make any changes or additions to them until I get feedback that lets me know whats needed. So if anyone wants to add to the current profiles of those playbooks be my guest.

< Message edited by nmleague -- 11/8/2006 5:38:38 AM >

(in reply to Tbird)
Post #: 23
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 11/12/2006 8:17:15 AM   


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i've got pretty busy this week. only got some small progress with the profiles. i think it'll take me about a week-to two maybe to test out my profiles. not sure right now on my timing, just guessing.

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Post #: 24
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 12/2/2006 7:02:16 PM   


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i have a family illness thats popped up plus a work overload thats going on... so i haven't been looking at the profiles.. i guess someone else is going to have to pick that up until things change for me..

if i get anything done i'll let you know...thanks by the way for your work...and to all the others who have made contributions to the game..

maybe someday we'll get to see that Maximum Baseball and Maximum Basketball

(in reply to jcd38)
Post #: 25
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 12/13/2006 2:41:24 PM   


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These are good NM, nice job!

I have been away for awhile, just getting back into the groove of things now that I have some time around the holidays. These plays will help me in making the team specific playbooks I have been trying to find time to do since last April.


"Those who do not read and understand history are doomed to repeat it." - Harry Truman

(in reply to nmleague)
Post #: 26
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 12/13/2006 5:12:23 PM   


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First off, I have already created a default playbook that has general rules for 3rd and longs, and goal line situations.  It may need some updating but its a good start.

It's on

Some comments for nmleague:

I love the play design structure.  The defenses seem to emphasize play around the line of scrimmage as many of the CB coverages are under man-man and the safeties often line up no deeper than 7 yards behind the line of scrimmage. (Like 3-4 MAN) So the defense is suseptible to breakaway runs and streaks.

(in reply to mark1726)
Post #: 27
RE: NMLs proplaybooks - 12/14/2006 11:54:03 PM   


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Been taking a break from MF for awhile, about to get back into it.  Thanks I hope people can use the playbooks, I have been using 12 team leagues, so I spread my 4 pro playbooks out to 3 teams each and then also use the 3 draft profiles.  This does give a nice variety to the league.  I remmember with FPS ever opponant seem to be runnning the same things.  I would like to add 2 more pro playbooks, I formation based, and would like to get up to 12 college playbooks.

Deft I agree most of my defenses are pretty aggressive and try to stop the run.  DB with m2m coverage still are very poor at reacting to running plays so I tried to keep them closer.  In many of those cases I tried to have safties playing a two deep zone.   I think I actually have edited some of my man to man defenses so that the CB arent using the under coverage, most now have over coverage.  In addition I did back the safties up so they were closer to 10 yards deep.  I havent uploaded any edited playbooks since R3 came out.  So I guess its time to get back to the game and get to work.

By the way I welcome and comments or suggestions for the playbooks,  its nice to have variety of offenses and defenses to play against, and the more challanging they can be, the better.

(in reply to Deft)
Post #: 28
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