jcd38 -> RE: NMLs proplaybooks (11/5/2006 5:32:43 PM)
previously i created a list (in access which isn't too time consuming) of almost all of the possible situations for 8,11, and 12 man playbooks that the game allows. i agree that we don't need all of the situations. thats overkill and redundant i believe. some questions: 1) naming conventions. i.e. the name of each situation i left at the default; i.e. DN1, <1, TIH <1, etc. . i found this ok for me but do you think we should name them like you did in your playook, Goalline etc. 2) i was touching up my list last night in access; since it was pretty easy to create them in access, i figured i'd start with all of the possible situations and then eliminate them from the list as i go on. i'd like to put as many situations in that make sense to do; getting the best possible AI we can get. 3) here's a question about the profile logic; A) Any down, Any yards to go, Any Time, Any Score B) 1st down, Any yards to go, Any Time, Any Score will the AI look at A or will the AI look for a play in B? i.e. in the case above, does B overide A?