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RE: End of May...........

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RE: End of May........... - 1/14/2007 12:48:24 AM   

Posts: 41459
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From: Denmark
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Only 14 divisions? Pffft...


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1261
RE: End of May........... - 1/14/2007 1:37:12 AM   

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I don't even have 14 divisions yet

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Post #: 1262
RE: End of May........... - 1/14/2007 2:15:13 AM   
Capt. Harlock

Posts: 5358
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ORIGINAL: Terminus

Only 14 divisions? Pffft...

Better five divisions too many than a regiment too few!


Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn't every war fought between men, between brothers?

--Victor Hugo

(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 1263
1st June 1944 - 1/14/2007 11:59:25 AM   


Posts: 15998
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From: Reading, England
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Hi all,

LOL guys. As Capt says better more than not enough...........

Today was another extensive admin day with troops being ushered around and embarking ships of varying shapes and sizes at Darwin. Time for another SRA push........

In preparation for this LBA will close down active airfields in the region after resting for the past few days. This operation will begin in 2-4 days time.


Bad weather in Burma again prevented Moulmein from flying. Slowly but surely the positions north of Rangoon are weakening:

Ground combat at 30,32

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 53342 troops, 353 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1256

Defending force 51401 troops, 82 guns, 123 vehicles, Assault Value = 1075


The British BB's are now 3-4 days out out of Koepang and are in safety.

My 2 x heavily damaged CVE's are still afloat with FLT in the 60's at Bulla. Awaiting for the port to expand. You never know.....they may actually make it! Fingers crossed.


Troops still boarding at PH.

CV Essex, CVL Independence and CVE Sangamon classes refited with additional fore, aft and side 40MM's. Essex class now wield a 1460 AA rating.


SS Blackfish was hunted by 5 x ASW vessels 420 miles SW of Iwo Jima. 6 x DC near miss, 2 x DC hit - 46/69/0. Back to Wake Island.

Air sightings = 14
Air attacks = 3


The excellent La-7 are now being produced by the Russians.

2 x AK, an LST, LCI(G), APD, 2 x DE and an SS arrive in theatre tomorrow as does a NZ Corsair squadron.

< Message edited by Speedy -- 1/14/2007 12:10:08 PM >


WitE 2 Tester
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(in reply to Capt. Harlock)
Post #: 1264
RE: 1st June 1944 - 1/14/2007 3:57:26 PM   
castor troy

Posts: 14330
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Hi all,

LOL guys. As Capt says better more than not enough...........

Today was another extensive admin day with troops being ushered around and embarking ships of varying shapes and sizes at Darwin. Time for another SRA push........

In preparation for this LBA will close down active airfields in the region after resting for the past few days. This operation will begin in 2-4 days time.


Bad weather in Burma again prevented Moulmein from flying. Slowly but surely the positions north of Rangoon are weakening:

Ground combat at 30,32

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 53342 troops, 353 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1256

Defending force 51401 troops, 82 guns, 123 vehicles, Assault Value = 1075


The British BB's are now 3-4 days out out of Koepang and are in safety.

My 2 x heavily damaged CVE's are still afloat with FLT in the 60's at Bulla. Awaiting for the port to expand. You never know.....they may actually make it! Fingers crossed.


Troops still boarding at PH.

CV Essex, CVL Independence and CVE Sangamon classes refited with additional fore, aft and side 40MM's. Essex class now wield a 1460 AA rating.


SS Blackfish was hunted by 5 x ASW vessels 420 miles SW of Iwo Jima. 6 x DC near miss, 2 x DC hit - 46/69/0. Back to Wake Island.

Air sightings = 14
Air attacks = 3


The excellent La-7 are now being produced by the Russians.

2 x AK, an LST, LCI(G), APD, 2 x DE and an SS arrive in theatre tomorrow as does a NZ Corsair squadron.

Depends on how many troops Faber has stationed on Saipan. If it´s a PzB situation with 1500 AV on that island then I wonder if 14 divisions will even be enough and the place can be taken at all (I would just let those places starve). If there are 1500 av on every island there then there will be other places completely ungarrisoned. Though Faber may not have that many troops there. Do you know about his strength. Saipan is an island with mountains. Means attacks against a defender getting a 3x defense value because of the mountains, a 2x defense value for 100% prepped probably and another 2x defense value for forts level 9. Probably a HQ in place also and worse case an area HQ in range.

When I see 6-9 divisions fail against assault values of 600-700 on atolls then I fear those places that are mountaineous. My advice would be NOT to attack Saipan!! IIRC there is Saipan, Tinian, Guam and Pagan (as the smallest). Saipan and Guam are mountaineous while Tinian is coast clear I think. Go for that base first even if your troops are already 100% prepped for Saipan. If you change their prep now they will have 25-40 prep points also for Tinian.

just my 2c

< Message edited by castor troy -- 1/14/2007 4:10:59 PM >

(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1265
2nd June 1944 - 1/14/2007 9:31:11 PM   


Posts: 15998
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From: Reading, England
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Hi all,

Hi Chris - Thanks for your thoughts Interesting. Faber appears to have troops everywhere though The one thing the IJA is not short of in 1944/1945 is divisions. They get gazillions of the buggers. I don't know what Faber has on Saipan but if in all honesty 14 divisions can't take an Island then there is something wrong with the game. This is about 1/2 the US LCU's in the Pacific I know from sub recon, SIGINT that all of the Mariana's are defended. I can't keep waiting. It has to be the Mariana's or the Northern Route with the US whilst pushing in the SRA/slowly in Burma. Everything is ready for Saipan now and to change all of the LCU's i'll need to unload them all and change them at PH. I understand your concerns but i'm set on Saipan


More of the same in Burma with bombings north of Rangoon. It really is a 'quiet'/'boring' region now.


Helldiver's located an enemy TF from Babo. It turned out to be the SC TF plagueing Bulla. Some enemy Jack's were ion CAP and 2 were shot down by the escorting Corsairs. A bomb was put onto CA Chokai and one penetrated CL Nagara. 3 x Helldiver were shot down by AA. If they continue to Bulla they won't find any AK's there only my CVE's protected by 2000 mines and 12 x PT.

Loading continues at Darwin.


A sub laid mine damaged AK Seiryu Maru at Saipan

An enemy AK was detected at Enuiwetok. PT's en route...........

Loading continues at PH.


SS Dace evaded convoy escorts 120 miles north of Jesselton.

SS Redfish probably sunk PC PC-7 with a torpedo 60 miles NE of Kuching. In return she was attacked by PC PC-22 and PC PC-9. 11 x DC near miss - 26/13/0. Back to Darwin.

SS Grenadier probably sank AP Mogamigawa Maru with 2 torpedoes 420 miles north of Yap.

Air sightings = 16
Air attacks = 2

ML Yaeyama confirmed sunk.


An AK, LCI, MSW, AGP and CL Ceylon arrive in theatre tomorrow.

Attachment (1)


WitE 2 Tester
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(in reply to castor troy)
Post #: 1266
3rd June 1944 - 1/15/2007 1:07:57 AM   


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From: Reading, England
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Hi all,

Well the big day arrived at PH. All ships assembled and were ordered to leave port over night. It took me 40 minutes to form up these TF's. I will disclose their composition over the next few days. Operation Albatross is launched...............


The rest of the day was quietish with a few air raids over Burma.

I have ordered my men to attack north of Rangoon. We'll see. I am not hopeful since supplies are low due to the trails.

Loading continues at Darwin.


No sub attacks today.

Air sightings = 14
Air attacks = 4
Air hits = 1 - SS Sturdy by a Sally 240 miles west of Saigon - 75/86/0. Will try to make Columbo.


An AK, MSW and LST arrive in theatre tomorrow.

< Message edited by Speedy -- 1/15/2007 6:22:11 PM >


WitE 2 Tester
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(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1267
4th June 1944 - 1/15/2007 6:20:23 PM   


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Hi all,

Well the attack noerth of Rangoon was almosst a success despite hporendous conditions for the men on both sides. Fighting in dense jungle wityh few supplies. The key is the Japanese have daily attacks from the air to contend with as well. In time I feel I will break here unless he reinforces or retreats. In due course I will advance north of Moulmein also to cut supplies there:

Ground combat at 30,32

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 53192 troops, 347 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1259

Defending force 49620 troops, 78 guns, 112 vehicles, Assault Value = 1039

Allied max assault: 1226 - adjusted assault: 297

Japanese max defense: 669 - adjusted defense: 191

Allied assault odds: 1 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
468 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Allied ground losses:
1490 casualties reported
Guns lost 71

210,000 further tonnes of supply are being loaded at Karachi for Akyab.


My British BB's should be at Koepang tomorrow. My transports should finish loading within 2 days. We then move out as my LBA start to plaster airfields in the region again.


My PT's reached Eniwetok again and found no enemy ships. PT-166 was blown out of the water by a mine though.

My fleets have left PH. This is huge.

Looking at aircraft I have the following:

Combat ready (CV, CVL, CVE) = 1762 planes!

Replenishment = 759.

I've attached a screenshot below.


No submarine attacks today.


An SS and DE arrive in theatre tomorrow.

Attachment (1)


WitE 2 Tester
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(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1268
5th June 1944 - 1/16/2007 1:05:01 AM   


Posts: 15998
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From: Reading, England
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Hi all,

VERY tired after a stressful/hard day at work. Will be a short update.


To compound my bad day at work Faber did well in replacing his SC TF with an CV TF approaching Bulla. They broke through the CAP (curse those who ORDERED me to have 40% CAP rule) at Bulla and Babo sinking CVE Nehenta Bay and almost sinking CVE Kitkun Bay. An SC was sunk at Babo and I scuttled 2 further AK's. I shot down 37 of his planes to my 12 but in total (including 20 lost on CVE Nehenta Bay) lost 51 to his 43 for the day.

Not happy.

Troops all aboard at Darwin tomorrow.

British BB's at Koepang and refuelling.

LBA will attack Kendari, Macassar, Banjarmasin and Balikpapan tomorrow.


Bombing in Burma north of Rangoon, for a change


No submarine attacks.

Air sightings = 27
Air attacks = 6

I scuttled SS Sturdy near Mersing today.

SS I-44 hit by a Mariner at Tarawa.


CentPac moving past French Frigate Shoals.


Overall a bad day.

Night all.

< Message edited by Speedy -- 1/16/2007 1:16:38 AM >


WitE 2 Tester
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(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1269
RE: 5th June 1944 - 1/16/2007 1:35:11 AM   

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You just threw him a bone This way he will get his hopes up.

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Post #: 1270
6th June 1944 - 1/16/2007 5:29:39 PM   


Posts: 15998
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From: Reading, England
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Hi all,

Hi Bruce - too right A huge hammer is going to smash him soon.


Operation Raven will commence tomorrow. All ships have assembled into TF's at Darwin and will move out to Koepang to join their British comrades before heading off to.................I will detail their composition in due course.

Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Macassar and Kendari were hit today damaging airfields and destroying a few recon, Jack's on the ground. We follow up tomorrow.

CVE Kitkun Bay sank at Bulla, as predicted. I managed to unload her airgroups though.


SS Runner avoided 5 x MSW 300 miles NW of San Marcelino.

SS Hammerhead was attacked by convoy escorts that included CVE Taiyo 240 miles SW of Hong Kong. 4 x DC near miss - 12/0/0.

Air sightings = 16
Air attacks = 3
Air hits = 1 - SS Tactician 60 miles SE of Singapore by a Lilly - 28/34/0.


An LSD, AK and MSW arrive in theatre tomorrow.


WitE 2 Tester
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(in reply to BrucePowers)
Post #: 1271
7th June 1944 - 1/16/2007 7:16:15 PM   


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Hi all,

Momentous events are occuring in France over in Europe.

I aim to match them soon.


More bombing in Burma.

Additional units are ferrying from Chandpur to Moulmein (1 x Division, 1 x Eng Rgt, 2 x BF). I will soon march north of Moulemin across the river to cut the main supply link into northern Burma.


My fleet left Darwin today bound for Koepang.

My LBA hit the same 4 targets again. This time 20 x Jack were on CAP over Banjarmasin. Unfortunately the 72 x P38J assigned to escort failed to meet the 37 x PB4Y. I lost 6 x PB4Y. I have ordered the B29'a to smash the place tomorrow since they wrecked Balikpapan.

The breakdown of the LCU's involved in Operation Raven are:

1st Australian Division
7th Australian Division
25th USA Division
364th USA RCT
503rd USA Para Rgt
23rd Australian Bde
13th Canadian Bde
14th Canadian Bde
2nd USMC Para Bn
4th USMC Para Bn
763rd USA Tk Bn
767th USA Tk Bn
1st Australian Army

In reserve I have 2 x USA Division, 1 x USA RCT, 1 x USA Tk Bn.


SS Hammerhead again failed to attack a convoy and evaded the escorts 240 miles SW of Hogn Kong.

Air sightings = 18
Air attacks = 1


CentPac forces passing south of Midway............


2 x AK, an AE, MSW, APD and SS Atule arrive in theatre tomorrow.


WitE 2 Tester
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(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1272
8th June 1944 - 1/16/2007 11:40:31 PM   


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Hi all,

The additional Moulmein unis should be disembarking within 2 days.

A convoy with 210,000 tonnes of additional supply will leave Karachi in 2 days for Akyab.

Usual bombings around the clock on IJA positions.


Bad weather prevented most air missions in the SRA.

My convoys are about 2 days out of Koepang and haven't been spotted as yet. All going to plan so far down here.


Faber has almost totally pulled out of the South Pacific now. Only PM, Rabaul and Truk appear to be active now. In 6 months time I will detatch a TF down here to clean up the area.

The Marshalls bombed on a daily basis as per norm as is Marcus Island.


SS Burrfish capsized the troop laden AP Shirashika Maru with 2 torpedoes 60 miles NW of Morotai. Elements of 27th Special Base Force were left drowning. B*stards.......

After my next operations are concluded in the SRA and CentPac the available area for sub patrol will be very small = harder for submarine operations in WiTP IMO due to the compacted space for air search and attack.

Air sightings = 21
Air attacks = 4
Air hits = 2 - SS Bluegill by a Sally 60 miles SE of Leyte - 34/35/0. Back to Darwin. SS Dragonet en route to replace her. SS Surf by a Lilly 60 miles SE of Kuantan - 11/26/0.


An AK, APD and a DD arrive in theatre tomorrow.

Even without taxing CV battles my USN pilot pool is LOW.

Attachment (1)


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(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1273
RE: 8th June 1944 - 1/16/2007 11:41:30 PM   

Posts: 41459
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From: Denmark
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Damn, what happened to your USN pilot pool?


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1274
RE: 8th June 1944 - 1/16/2007 11:47:08 PM   


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The daily attrition of war. I am conducting massive daily raids throughout the Marshalls and in SRA.

Also not quite true on the CV battle drain. When I raided Japan I still lost about 80-100 pilots in total. It's never recovered properly since.


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(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 1275
RE: 8th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 12:32:50 AM   
Rob Brennan UK

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Crikey, time to churn out the sea sicknes pills for the army air corps


sorry for the spelling . English is my main language , I just can't type . and i'm too lazy to edit :)

(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1276
RE: 6th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 12:33:29 AM   

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Hi all,

Hi Bruce - too right A huge hammer is going to smash him soon.

EEEEEeeeeeewwww! Squished penguin


Artwork graciously provided by Dixie

(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1277
RE: 6th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 1:59:05 AM   

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I am waiting for those British BBs. I want to see what they can do

(in reply to niceguy2005)
Post #: 1278
RE: 6th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 7:54:02 AM   


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I noticed that your combat TF out of Pearl Harbor contain more than 15 ships.  I thought that the optimal size, (particularly in terms of AA) for a combat TF is 15.  Am I wrong or are you confident that the penguin can not cause you any real harm?


(in reply to BrucePowers)
Post #: 1279
9th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 1:35:29 PM   


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Hi all,

Hi Rob - that's the weird thing I have US Army squadrons in use everywhere. There are virtually no empty frontline bases for anymore to go! I do have spare squadrons but not the airfields.

Hi Niceguy - There's nothing eeeew about it. He started it and he's gonna get it

Hi Bruce - me too. There's 6 of them in this operation. I hope Faber uses the SC TF he has at Soerabaja

Hi Alfred - It's a diminishing returns thing. 15 ships will allow all ships to contribute 100& AA effectiveness. 20 ships will still increase AA strength overall but at a less efficient margin - say 90% for example. I'd rather have the extra DD's to cover my CV's. I'm not concerned about Faber's airforce if i'm honest nor his ships. I have enough planes and ships to beat him up. My main concern is mines and CD fire on invasions.


Further heavy bombing in Burma. Especially on 10th Ind. Bde positions.


My transports will be at Koepang tomorrow.

Further heavy bombing at Macassar, Kendari, Balikpapan (evac'd now by Faber) and Banjarmasin. At Banjarmasin 12 x Jack fighters were on CAP. Thsi time 60ish P38J's accompanied my B29's. They show down 8 of them for the loss of 2 x P38J. A further 8 x Jack were destroyed on the ground. Intel reports the Jacks have flown out of Banjarmasin now. We keep bombing here with PB4Y's (since recon planes are still there). B29's will try a risky non escort raid on the heavily occupied Madioen airfields, Java.


SS Segundo damaged AP Taizin Maru with a torpedo 240 mils NE of Woleai Island.

Air sightings = 11
Air attacks = 2


An SS, AK, AP, MSW, AGP, DD and APD arrive in theatre tomorrow.


WitE 2 Tester
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(in reply to Alfred)
Post #: 1280
RE: 6th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 7:13:25 PM   
Mike Solli

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Am I wrong or are you confident that the penguin can not cause you any real harm?


AFB. You're wrong.

(in reply to Alfred)
Post #: 1281
RE: 6th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 7:14:07 PM   
Mike Solli

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ORIGINAL: BrucePowers

I am waiting for those British BBs. I want to see what they can do

They sink well. Ask my opponents.

(in reply to BrucePowers)
Post #: 1282
RE: 6th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 8:28:59 PM   

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The Penquin will triumph

Speedy sucks.



(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 1283
RE: 6th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 8:39:10 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Nikademus

Speedy sucks.

So what else is new?


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to Nikademus)
Post #: 1284
10th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 9:26:22 PM   


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From: Reading, England
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Hi all,

Oh my god. 3 of the biggest dumbasses post one after the other. All we need is Pauk on here too and then it's a full house of dumbasses


Bad weather over Burma prevented most air raids.

With the arrival of additional troops at Moulmein i've oprdered the pilots at Moulmein to bomb IJA troop positions 60 miles to the north across the river in preparation for my advance. I am not expecting to push him out there but to cut his supply to Burma.


Operation Raven has been launched! In total we have 3 x Transport TF's, a CVE TF and 2 x BB TF's. They will depart Koepang tomorrow. I will disclose the objective soon. Would anyone like to guess where they think I will invade?

In preparation for this Macassar, Kendari, Banjarmasin and Madioen were attacked from the air. Madioen was a risk indeed and 50 x B29 encountered 87 x fighters on CAP (Zeke, Jack, Tojo and Nick). I lost 14 x B29 but shot down 4 enemy fighters and destroyed another 27 on the ground. My B29's will rest for the next 1-2 days.

Faber still has a SC TF at Soerabaja. I hope he commits it.


Usual stuff in CentPac with armada inbetween Midway and Wake. Marshalls blasted from the air.


SS Pompon blew up the oil laden TK Goyo Maru with 2 torpeodes 180 miles NW of San Marcelino. The escorts failed to locate her.

SS Razorback heavily damaged APD APD-46 with a torpedo in a 5 ship ASW TF 60 miles SE of Wasile.

SS Angler evaded 4 x escorts 420 miles NE of Yap.

SS Seahorse was attacked by convoy escorts 240 miles ESE of Leyte. 1 x DC near miss - 10/0/0.

Air sightings = 14
Air attacks = 2


An LST arrives in theatre tomorrow.

Things are moving again and getting exciting


WitE 2 Tester
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(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 1285
RE: 10th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 9:30:52 PM   

Posts: 41459
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From: Denmark
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Hi all,

Oh my god. 3 of the biggest dumbasses post one after the other. All we need is Pauk on here too and then it's a full house of dumbasses

It's a castle. And you're King Dumbass himself!


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1286
RE: 10th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 9:31:06 PM   

Posts: 4162
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From: Zagreb,Croatia
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oh, stupid Englander - do you really think you can win


(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 1287
RE: 10th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 9:50:12 PM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
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I have to admit, Speedy, that this is my favorite AAR.  And getting a rise out of you is always a plus.

(in reply to pauk)
Post #: 1288
RE: 10th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 10:03:02 PM   

Posts: 25684
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ORIGINAL: Terminus



Hi all,

Oh my god. 3 of the biggest dumbasses post one after the other. All we need is Pauk on here too and then it's a full house of dumbasses

It's a castle. And you're King Dumbass himself!

noone in the Kingdom is safe.......


(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 1289
11th June 1944 - 1/17/2007 11:03:21 PM   


Posts: 15998
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From: Reading, England
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Hi all,

Major Mike - Pfffft. A can of Whoopass heading your way..........

The rest of you - Dumasses.......


Dinah recon planes located my convoys today moving up past Maumere. It is now time to disclose my plan for Operation Raven. They will land in 3-4 days and as such Faber can not react to it with reinforcements now.

I have 90,000 combat troops in the first wave that will land at Banjarmasin. Opposing me is apparently 3 units totalling 11,000 men. I expect level 9 forts. I do NOT think it will be too much of a problem. I also have 25,000 support troops who will land when Banjarmasin is captured. In support a further RCT + Tk Bn will land. I also have 2 further Divisions in Darwin, as mentioned before. These will be used to exploit this landing.

The plan is to march from Banjarmasin to Balikpapn/Tarakan. At the same time forces will quickly seize western Borneo (Sampit, Singakawang) and ultimately Kuching (garrisoned). In time I will move round all of Borneo effectively cutting Faber off from almost all of the oil in the SRA..............

That's the plan anyway.

I have attached a screenshot of the current location below.

Looking at the combat ships:


CVE Natoma Bay
CVE Kalinin Bay
CVE White Plains
CVE Gambier Bay


BB Revenge
BB Royal Sovereign
BB Ramilles

2 x CA, 3 x CL, 6 x DD


BB Warspite
BB Valiant
BB Resolution

2 x CA, 3 x CL, 7 x DD

Without the P38J support from Maumere + LBA smacking airfields this operation would be VERY risky.

This should be fun


SS Dace was attacked by 4 x ASW vessels 120 miles north of Jesselton. 2 x DC hit, 5 x DC near miss - 34/70/0. Returning to Darwin.

SS Robalo missed AO Iro with 4 torpedoes 120 miles SE of Shanghai

Air sightings = 12
Air attacks = 1
Air hits = 1 - SS Silversides by a Sally 120 miles NE of Kuching - 7/7/0. 4" gun destroyed.


3 x AK arrive in theatre tomorrow.

Attachment (1)


WitE 2 Tester
WitE Tester
BTR/BoB Tester

(in reply to Nikademus)
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