Posts: 5712
Joined: 5/12/2000 From: Birdsboro, PA, USA Status: offline
Originally posted by Skotty:
Can custom maps be used in generated and long campaigns????? Plz........ 
Well yes and no Scotty, no, they are not without some tinkering, but if you are into some filename changing, and editor using, yes, I do it all the time with my campaigns!! You have to save the campaign after you deploy, or just before, change the name of the savexxx.dat, to a scenxxx.dat, and put it in the scen. folder. Open that scenario in the editor, and pick whatever map you want, tinker with the vic. hexes, start lines, then save the scenario. Change the name of the file back to savxxx.dat, and put back in the save folder, open in the game, and , Voila!! Have fun,
Mike Amos
Meine Ehre Heisst Treue