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Making History--Is it any better than World at War?

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Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/3/2007 4:59:22 AM   

Posts: 271
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Is making history any better than World at War (original not a world divided. )?
Post #: 1
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/3/2007 9:33:20 AM   

Posts: 4605
Joined: 3/30/2004
From: Flanders
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ORIGINAL: bostonrpgmania
Is making history any better than World at War (original not a world divided. )?

"better" is a purely subjective term so here's my MH vs. WaW - a purely subjetive appraisal :)

Infinite exploration of what-ifs : MH
Most historically correct : WaW

Emphasis on diplomacy & economy : MH
Emphasis on combat strategy & tactics : WaW

Best eyecatching graphics : MH
Best functional graphics : WaW

I think you get the idea here : the best is that game which has these elements you value most in a game


Eddy Sterckx

(in reply to bostonrpgmania)
Post #: 2
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 12:48:25 AM   

Posts: 271
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Thank you so much
It was really helpful
Since I am really interested in what if
I may purchase this game

BTW, I was always curious what game your dog is playing
Can you remember what game it was

(in reply to sterckxe)
Post #: 3
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 1:58:20 AM   
Oleg Mastruko

Posts: 4921
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GG WAW is for me still the king of "whole world in a managable format" kind of strategy games. MH is more like a step towards HOI. Now it all depends on what you think of HOI.

HOI is one of those games players have very strong opinions about - either they hate it or they love it. You'll know which club you belong to


(in reply to bostonrpgmania)
Post #: 4
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 4:16:20 AM   

Posts: 3891
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Making History is like Trixx (everybody knows Trixx are for kids)

GG W@w is like Beef Liver (smells great, but, not everybody likes the taste)

(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 5
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 4:57:22 AM   

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ORIGINAL: ravinhood
everybody knows Trixx are for kids

Aaaah, yes, Ravinhood, like the story from the land of the Trids.

Once upon a time, there was a peaceful land inhabited by people known as the Trids. Their life was serene, bountiful, and undisturbed by presidential elections. The only bane of their existence was a huge giant (who was, apparently, gigantically huge, leading to his being called that, but never mind ...).

Now, this giant would go marauding from time to time, wantonly stomping and smashing all in his way, leaving the towns and farms and sewage treatment plants of the Trids in ruins.

Consequently, the Trids spent an inordinate amount of their time rebuilding and recovering from the damage visited on them by the thoughtless giant (and for those of you who think this is now going to become an Iraq war allegory, you are wrong).

Finally, the Trid elders (Dopey, Sleepy, Doc and the rest) went to the head of the Trid religion, who was known as a "Rabbi" (don't ask me. I didn't write this story, I'm only passing it along).

"Rabbi," they said, "Our lives are misery because of the depredations of this evil giant. You are our spiritual leader. Is there nothing you can do to help us?"

"No," exclaimed the rabbi, "As long as you all keep talking at the same time and using silly words like 'depredations.' But, as I am your spiritual leader (and have a certificate to that effect on the wall in my office), I will seek out the giant and see if I can fashion a solution."

"Thank you," said the elders. "Not only are we grateful, we see that you are an even bigger nincompoop than we. 'Fashion a solution,' indeed."

With that, the rabbi set out with his walking stick and a sack lunch for the high mountains where the giant was said to dwell (don't you just love the little twists J.R.R. Tolkien injected into English, almost without anyone realizing it?).

A small boy stopped the rabbi on his way to ask, "Rabbi, why do you think the giant lives in the mountains?" ""Because," responded the rabbi, "a giant couldn't hide in the flatlands, dumbass."

The rabbi was not known for his manners. In any event, he finally came to a large cave with a sign out front that said, "Beware. Giant inside. He big. He bad. He got game."

Tentatively, the rabbi rapped on the cave entrance with the head of his walking stick. "Mr. Giant," inquired the rabbi, "May I speak to you for a moment?"

A few moments of silence (call it a dramatic pause) were followed by the booming voice of the giant: "Fe Fi Fo Fum ..."

The rabbi interrupted by saying, "Sorry, that's the wrong tale. In this one, I'm here to ask you if you cannot stop stomping and trampling my poor people, the Trids, and leave them in peace."

Emerging from the cave mouth with a disgusted look on his face, the giant said, "Silly rabbi. Kicks are for Trids."

< Message edited by pasternakski -- 4/4/2007 5:00:44 AM >


Put my faith in the people
And the people let me down.
So, I turned the other way,
And I carry on anyhow.

(in reply to ravinhood)
Post #: 6
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 5:23:35 AM   

Posts: 3891
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Lol Pasternakski. Very funny ending.

(in reply to pasternakski)
Post #: 7
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 6:47:28 AM   

Posts: 6565
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I was afraid that this was so old (minus my petty embellishments, of course) that all it would merit from you is the "rolletes."

Glad you liked it, Rav.


Put my faith in the people
And the people let me down.
So, I turned the other way,
And I carry on anyhow.

(in reply to ravinhood)
Post #: 8
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 9:54:55 AM   

Posts: 4605
Joined: 3/30/2004
From: Flanders
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ORIGINAL: bostonrpgmania
BTW, I was always curious what game your dog is playing
Can you remember what game it was

Highway to the Reich - Panther Games - available right here at Matrix

Download MarkShot's HTTR mini-guide from here (pdf in zip):

or visit the forum at :


Eddy Sterckx

(in reply to bostonrpgmania)
Post #: 9
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 10:04:32 AM   

Posts: 4605
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From: Flanders
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ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko
HOI is one of those games players have very strong opinions about - either they hate it or they love it. You'll know which club you belong to

Absolutely correct - no matter how much I tried, these games (yes, I've got 1 and 2) didn't do it for me - that doesn't stop me from recommending them to gamers who say they like to be in charge of every little detail of their gigantic war-machine, whereas that level of micro-management wears me down pretty fast.

MH is HoI Light in that regard - which is a positive thing for me, but could be quite the reverse for someone else, that's why it's so hard to recommend a game to someone.


Eddy Sterckx

(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 10
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 12:09:49 PM   


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& a mighty fine game it is - the one that finally managed to suck me into the world of "hard core" (I know people will argue this) war games. Before this I played mostly SimCity/Civilization/Railroad Tycoon style strategy games - between this and Combat Mission from battlefront i'm now firmly into the real military operational/tactical level stuff. I know I owe my current allegiance to the Decisive Battles of WWII series to HttR - without it I never would have discovered the wonderful series of games from SSG. However, I get the sense that you may be further along the war gaming curve than I was at that point.

I know this thread is about strategic level war games, but if you haven't tried the Airborne Assault engine it is worth a go. It is another one that divides gamers into two groups though, just ask ravinhood!


ORIGINAL: sterckxe


ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko
HOI is one of those games players have very strong opinions about - either they hate it or they love it. You'll know which club you belong to

Absolutely correct - no matter how much I tried, these games (yes, I've got 1 and 2) didn't do it for me - that doesn't stop me from recommending them to gamers who say they like to be in charge of every little detail of their gigantic war-machine, whereas that level of micro-management wears me down pretty fast.

MH is HoI Light in that regard - which is a positive thing for me, but could be quite the reverse for someone else, that's why it's so hard to recommend a game to someone.


Eddy Sterckx

(in reply to sterckxe)
Post #: 11
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 12:33:05 PM   

Posts: 4605
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From: Flanders
Status: offline

I know this thread is about strategic level war games, but if you haven't tried the Airborne Assault engine it is worth a go. It is another one that divides gamers into two groups though, just ask ravinhood!

IIRC he loved HTTR, but didn't care much for the Med subject of COTA.

"Endorsed by Ravinhood" - now, that would make a nice pr blurb


Eddy Sterckx

(in reply to Fredk)
Post #: 12
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 3:37:33 PM   

Posts: 3891
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Argggghhh HTTR/COTA that kiddie "pauseable" continous real time game (that's still an rts game I don't care what you call it. You can pause real time games as well geesh.). It will be a cold day in hell before you get my stamp of approval on that mess of games. ;) ANd your IIRC is wrong, I never said I loved HTTR I said I 'owned" it, played it one day and nixed it off my hard-drive never to be heard from again. But, if it's any consolation HOI and HOI 2 went right along wit it. ;) But, for some strange reason I like Crusader Kings. Uses same basic principal and is definitely a click fest, but, the time appears a lot slower than the above mentioned games and I don't feel I have to rush to any portion of the map to do this, jump back and do that, forgot I didn't do this and ohhh what about that type of feeling. And I don't ever use or have to use the PAUSE button. That's my biggest issue with rts games or these socalled pauseable real time games, if they are going to have these features then they might as well be turn based to begin with and I don't have to exercise so much pausing the game every 5 seconds.

There are only four real time wargamelike games that still hold a place on my hard-drive. Kohan II (which I created one of the deadliest AI's for), The Seven Kingdoms (highly overlooked and underated rts game that didn't feel like an rts click fest), Sid Meiers Civil War Series (excellent game speed, no rush no fuss, time frame and battles speed were excellent) and Mad Minutes 2nd Manassas (another great real time game that gets it right in game and combat speed). Only Medieval Total War origional also fits into this real time atmosphere, but, it has turn based strategy so it's not a full fledged rts game in that nature. They need to make a new catagory for this type of game TBRTS, because I think the future holds more and more of this type of game than pure rts or "continous pauseable real time". ;)

Main key point is I dislike most any game with PAUSE in it mostly. Or that pause needs or has to be used because the time of the game moves to fast and the combat speed of the game moves to fast or there are just too many orders that need to be given and not enough time to do it. Anytime I have to use pause because I cannot move my hand as fast as my head thinks then it is a bad game design or vice versa that I can't think as fast as I NEED to move my hand. Thus why turn based will always rule and rts of "any" calibur will just have to keep sitting in the back seat, no, they don't even get to ride shotgun even if they called it first. haha

(in reply to sterckxe)
Post #: 13
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 4:58:43 PM   

Posts: 4605
Joined: 3/30/2004
From: Flanders
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ORIGINAL: ravinhood
Argggghhh HTTR/COTA that kiddie "pauseable" continous real time game (that's still an rts game I don't care what you call it. You can pause real time games as well geesh.). It will be a cold day in hell before you get my stamp of approval on that mess of games. ;) ANd your IIRC is wrong, I never said I loved HTTR I said I 'owned" it, played it one day and nixed it off my hard-drive never to be heard from again.

My bad - the fact you actually spend good money on a Matrix game probably had me confused


Eddy Sterckx

(in reply to ravinhood)
Post #: 14
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 5:06:48 PM   

Posts: 41459
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I'm sure Matrix are very sad that they won't get the Ravinhood "seal of approval"...


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to sterckxe)
Post #: 15
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 6:12:47 PM   

Posts: 271
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ORIGINAL: sterckxe


ORIGINAL: bostonrpgmania
BTW, I was always curious what game your dog is playing
Can you remember what game it was

Highway to the Reich - Panther Games - available right here at Matrix

Download MarkShot's HTTR mini-guide from here (pdf in zip):

or visit the forum at :


Eddy Sterckx

Oh I have that game---I even purchased $15 strategy guide

(in reply to sterckxe)
Post #: 16
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 6:16:49 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ravinhood

There are only four real time wargamelike games that still hold a place on my hard-drive. Kohan II (which I created one of the deadliest AI's for

Did you program AI for Kohan 2 or did you mod the game?
I am curious

(in reply to ravinhood)
Post #: 17
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 6:38:49 PM   

Posts: 4605
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From: Flanders
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ORIGINAL: Terminus
I'm sure Matrix are very sad that they won't get the Ravinhood "seal of approval"...

It's such a rare item you can't even find it on eBay. And when you do, it's too expensive


Eddy Sterckx

(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 18
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 6:55:04 PM   

Posts: 1374
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It's such a rare item you can't even find it on eBay. And when you do, it's too expensive

Nah... just wait till it hits the bargain bin, you can get that seal for next to nothing.


< Message edited by Son_of_Montfort -- 4/4/2007 7:01:03 PM >


"Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet!"
(Kill them all. God will know his own.)

-- Arnaud-Armaury, the Albigensian Crusade

(in reply to sterckxe)
Post #: 19
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/4/2007 11:34:26 PM   

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Agreed, bargain bin is the best game out there. ;) My total seal of approval for bargain bin games. ;)

(in reply to cdbeck)
Post #: 20
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/5/2007 8:38:37 AM   

Posts: 1374
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From: Indiana
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I wish I was better at computer artistic design. I would make a literal seal that had your avatar's face in the middle, smiling coyly. Along the top it would say 'Give me Turn Based or Give me Death!" and on the bottom "RH's Seal of Approval." You could even make varying levels of seals, like "Bargain Bin Special" and "Clickfest!"

To the OT... I really like MH:C&S. I played it all the way through as Germany from '36. I knocked the US out of the war with a Nuclear bomb to DC, otherwise they would have eventually broken me down in their wide scale war (they did off Japan). The only thing I did not like is how difficult it is to get your ALLIES to agree with a peace treaty with nearly defeated enemies. I had taken all but a few far flung colonies of France and the UK, and they were fully ready to agree to giving me France and UK proper, along with switching to Fascist governments. However, Italy and Japan would not agree to it (despite the colonies they would gain)! I had to leave the alliance to get it to work, forming my own Germany alliance from those crushed beneath my bootheel. Of course I eventually turned on Italy... it was just too tempting.



"Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet!"
(Kill them all. God will know his own.)

-- Arnaud-Armaury, the Albigensian Crusade

(in reply to ravinhood)
Post #: 21
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/5/2007 11:34:14 AM   

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< Message edited by JudgeDredd -- 4/5/2007 11:50:36 AM >


Alba gu' brath

(in reply to ravinhood)
Post #: 22
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/5/2007 11:58:54 AM   

Posts: 4605
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From: Flanders
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ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd
It's not your likes or dislikes with certain games that get my back's your misrepresentations of said games....potentially putting people off purchasing what they may consider to be a good game by your narrow minded, self righteous, over opinionated, uneducated views.


Take a deep breath

It's Ravinhood - anyone who has ever spend more than a couple of days on these forums *knows* this is a guy who has realized you don't actually have to spend $50 on buying a game if you can have just as much fun for free by not buying it and just posting in that game's forum.

You know about my deep involvement with Panther Games and their HTTR and COTA games, and I don't think he's chasing away any customers at all. On the contrary. Thanks to reverse psychology he might be making people very curious about this engine that seems to generate so much love/hate reactions.

Well, shortly everyone will be able to check this engine out for himself as Arjuna has just announced that a demo for Conquest of the Aegean is almost ready :

Now, who wouldn't want to try this game Ravinhood seems unable to get his head around ?


Eddy Sterckx

(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 23
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/5/2007 12:02:22 PM   

Posts: 8573
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From: Scotland
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Bugger....I seem to have removed my attempt too late!

I had removed it because I promised myself and my local priest I would not lock horns with him again...and I took so long putting it all together as well!!!


Alba gu' brath

(in reply to sterckxe)
Post #: 24
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/5/2007 12:12:45 PM   

Posts: 4605
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From: Flanders
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ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd
I had removed it because I promised myself and my local priest I would not lock horns with him again...

Why ? Just look at this forum as free entertainment, an RPG game where mock duels are fought between the usual suspects.

And I'm getting *paid* while typing this while WoW has a monthly fee


Eddy Sterckx

(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 25
RE: Making History--Is it any better than World at War? - 4/5/2007 8:10:42 PM   

Posts: 560
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My two cents; I have found Making History to be a good game with the possibility of being an excellent game with the upcoming patch. My main problem with most of Paradox's titles are the "real time" aspect. I did not like the four turns a year of World At War. I just prefer turns and turns that equate to a week. This game is, without question, somewhere between Hearts of Iron and World at War and borrows from both. There are aspects that I would like to see improved or changed (supply, more units, alliances, unrealistic air bombardment of land units) but on the whole I have found it a breath of fresh air. For what it is worth, I preferred Hearts of Iron over World At War and Making History, for me, is more enjoyable then both. I hope this was of some help. Cheers

< Message edited by Marcus the leper -- 4/5/2007 8:12:03 PM >

(in reply to bostonrpgmania)
Post #: 26
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