Posts: 371
Joined: 12/20/2006 From: The UK (wot wot ole bean) Status: offline
Early March 1862 (Turn 16) Woah, that was a big one. But lets go through it in order of importance. point one WE WON A BATTLE! Sorry, don't know what came over me there, and the aides are looking at me funny again. oh wait, the stupid false beard is slipping again! Not only did we beat back Price, we captured him as well! now they will have to find a new general to command them the only other I saw was Lee. 6 of my musters came through, with two more LU's, I think I lucked out there. Now for the bad. Disease strikes the army, not to bad, but not a nice thing to loose a couple of thousand troops. I wonder if i could "invent" penicillin to solve that problem. Britains been sending weapons tech to the rebels, thats going to come back and hurt men soon. I find out that Heron is not a bad general, I'll look into him to see if i can replace any of the current divsion heads. now for the big bad. Kentucy Enters the side of the CSA, we all know what this means for the war. No Kentucky Fried Chicken To make things worse it seems that I compleatly misread the confederates aims. instead of faceing up to me around the potomic, they've moved thier entire force towards the West. the report says there 750,000 of them, but the spys there are just panicing, as are the ones on the James telling me that there are 350K troops there still. the unit on the missassipi has also moved towards The now trapped army of the west. What to do about this. In the East its easy. While the cats away, the mice will Burn, Rape and Pillage. (these are mice with attitude) I'll see about taking Richmond before Jackson has to turn back, hes now in central america with me about to cause damage. he has to choose which way to march! The west is much more tricky. I have enough forces to engage both at once, but not with overwelming force, I can wait, and watch the two forces join up and reclaim their supply line, or I can spread my troops around in an attempt to stop this. and hope I can Renforce whichever group they attack. the latter seems like the best option, so I leave Fremonts force in place, send Burnside north to stop that route, and detach Lyons Department of the West to cover Fayetteville. I order two more mints and a mine, then go to find a headache pill. this is going to be a long two weeks i think.