I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (Full Version)

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Greyhunterlp -> I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/6/2007 6:27:09 PM)

LATE JULY 1861 (turn 1)
I walked out of the back room reajusting the false beard.
"are you ok mr lincon?" one of the aides asks, "its just we thought we heard a struggle"
"its okay" I reply, a wild animal had got in and the bloody thing wouldn't leave"
"Mr lincon?"
"I mean, A house with rodents in it cannot stand!" there that'll throw them off the sent. "now to the war."

This doesn;t look good, The time machine didn't send me back far enough, and the unions already avanced to fight the battle of manassis. I'd wanted to stop that, but theres nothing I can do about it now. for now I need to start winning this war. then I can prove to those forum goers that I'm the 1337 general I've been bragging I am. I can't wait to see thier faces when I show them how I won the ACW!

I give the aides my orders and walk back into the back room, over the unconsious body of the real abraham lincon. He'd put up a surprisingly good fight, for a politician.

The TAC computer shows me the situation, I only have a few generals at the moment, and my computer hasn't got enough about them to know how they'll fair. so i have to go on past experiances - this is leaveing me with a lot of questionmarks. dam cheap 22nd century equipment. all i know is that I'll have to get rid of McDowell. and it looks like McClellan is my best bet as of now.
I give the order to retreat from the battle, I know that the union army can't stand without generals to lead it, and I haven't got time to replace them. I'll give orders for as many units as possible to move towards the units in washington, and order the formation of two corps and a divison.
the west looks a lot nicer though, and I move units west of kentuky. they can engage the rebs there later in the year when I have them armed and lead. I notice that kentuky is still nutral - I must do something about that - the idea of organizing a war without any fried chicken is not a prospect I'm willing to face.

next I greese the wheels of international diplomacy. I spred the wealth evenly for now, I'll change that when I see which way the euros are leaning.

lastly theres the building, I order several horse farms, and start resarch institutions into weaponry and engineering. I also order a mint into prodcuton. you can never have to much money and I need to change the face on the coins to match mine a little better. I may need to do something about this beard, its really itchy.

with nothing left I can do. I set about hiding Lincons postrate body and imagining the glory this will gain me when I return to my time!.

Erik Rutins -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/6/2007 6:36:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: Grey Hunter
with nothing left I can do. I set about hiding Lincons postrate body and imagining the glory this will gain me when I return to my time!.

Hehe, I think I'm going to enjoy this one...

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/6/2007 6:37:19 PM)


I had just finished building the false wall on the cuboard where I'm storing President lincon when an aide rushed in with the first reports from the front.

DAMNATION! A surprise attack at mannasus prevents the withdrawal of the army, they have to fight their way out, taking losses I can scarcly afford.
Although the troops themselves fought well, its apparent that I'll need to replace the so called generals as soon as I can! Although at least the divisonal commanders are in place now, I just need to pick the best army commander, I'll send for him as soon as i'm done here. I've already bribed one of the governers by appointing his son to an amry position - with the officer corps as they stand, no one will notice another idicotic upper class moron hanging around. although i have ordered Grant and Sherman promoted to generals, so i may have some useful talent soon, if my time machine hasn't messed up local timespace to much.
the computer tells me what the battle already has, that McDowell is a poor commander. well duh, he can't even run away without getting 4000 men killed! I must keep an eye on fremont, he's managed to perform some training, men like that may be useful.

now, to call up my next army commander and invite him to the whitehouse to recieve his "commision" [:D]

General Quarters -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/7/2007 1:28:33 AM)

Looks like you've got a pretty good McClellan there!

sirduke_slith -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/7/2007 7:19:19 AM)

I wouldn't put to much faith in Fremont his ability to command is limited to say the least.  (my opinion only)

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/7/2007 8:47:47 AM)

LATE AUGUST (turn 3)


Not much happing at the moment, both sides are trying to arm up I think. The british seem to be getting cozy with the rebs, so of course french support swings towards me. The main point of interest to me is the promotion of six new generals. as I'm now going to "promote" one of them to command the army. unfortunatly none of them are outstanding, so I call McClellan into my office.
I invite him into the back room, when he walks in I show him to the cubord, and past the false wall. his eyes nearly pop out of his head when he sees lincon caged, but before he can react I cosh him over the head. half an hour later "McClellan" walks out, I wander around washington for a bit giving orders, then nip back into the whitehouse through a window and change back to my lincon disguise. I order one of the new corps to washington and part fill it. I order another two divisions.


I then take a trip across to the east, after demoting fremont to corp commander to allow McClellans replacement, I send the second corp over there and place three divisons in it. then I spend money making sure every unit has at least muskets, buying heavily from the europeans - when the arsnals I ordered come on line i can sort that, but for now I want everyone equipped the best I can. I'm going to hit price as soon as the corps is formed up, maybe a victory will encorage people to like me more.


As for construction, I order a mine and some more horse farms, as their what are limiting my expansion so far. I also order a telegraph in washington, if i've going to be running up and down this country, then I'm going to need a good communcations grid to support me.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/7/2007 9:10:44 AM)


more generals join the cause, and europe seems to be hedging its bets. the main worry is that the govener of Deleware seems a mite upset, I may have to replace him, but if it gets to the point that I have to replace ALL the governers, then I will have no time to fight the war! for now I'm going to have to try and appease him.


It seems he wants a War collage. Its just as well I see research as a way of winning the war, and I'm flush on money. He gets what he wants, I hope this doesn't bring all the others to my door, beggers caps in hand.

Apart form that, I try to set the 2nd corp up in the west, and ship most of the new generals out there. In the east i demote butler from his corps command and replace him with Haupt, who looks to be a great general.


I would replace McCellan, but I can't risk enough disgusie so soon, and I would be unable to relase him from the closet, so he would have to "resgin" so I'm stuck with him as Army commander for the time being.

More building of the infrastructure with a factory, a mint and a hosptial in Albany, to try and heal the wounded of the west. I'm going to need some replacement camps soon, but all my horses are going to army units to organise my forces. as soon as i have any spare I'll get onto that, I also need to think about artillary soon, or the Rebs may get an advantage that will cost me.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/7/2007 5:05:22 PM)


I've been here Ten weeks now, and people are finally starting to forget that my beard looks like its been stuck on, although some are commenting on the simularity between the president and the general in charge of the army. No matter though, That will soon be forgotten when I bring Victory!
Looks like Butler Didn't like being replaced, and has stormed off in a huff. shame to loose an acceptable general, but Haupt was the better man for the job. The first of my grand building project comes on line, meaning more horses and better communications around Washington. Europes still sending gifts to the rebs, so its time to up the diplomacy against them.


I haev money to burn at the moment, so I'm throwing it against them. If they keep sending technology south, It could be a problem.

In the East I order up a second corp, and attempt to muster three brigades. I'll try and recruit them later on, but for now I want to up the manpower a bit, the spys are telling em that the AnV numbers 63k, and my forces number 107 thousand. although at the moment I have no doubt that the south is better lead and has better moral, If they want to attack me, then fine, but i'm not pushing until I can get more rifles to replace the muskets I've been forced to issue.

The West however, is more promising.


Prices 15 thousand confederates will soon be facing up to at least 28 thousand boys in blue under the command of Freemont, and if they can get their act together, the 8k under Burnside should be able to join in, even with the souths advantages in men, 2-1 odds should allow me to at least chance a victory. but at this stage I need to test their mettal in an engagement. If they break easily then I can begin to cut up the east, if my men shatter then it may be time to invite Freemont to the whitehouse and then renforce the west.

Now the only thing to do is wait.

Erik Rutins -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/7/2007 5:10:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: savedbythrbell
I wouldn't put to much faith in Fremont his ability to command is limited to say the least.  (my opinion only)

With random/hidden stats though, he could be the next Grant!

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/7/2007 5:53:25 PM)

The 1st battle of Osage begins.

Another Disaster! Burnside advances before Freemont and is engaged! he calls for support, but can They get there before that heavily outnumbered glory seeker with the strange hairstyle gets all his ment butchered?


Luckly For me, The Rebels don't seem to realise this, and I'm able to move all my men to the fron in time for nightfall. the next morning they march forth to engage.


First contact shows us that this is the western army we're facing, although its a division in reality, it may still be enough for my force.


As the battle draws on, its clear that my moral is to low to do much to win, when I'm flanked the dreaded yellow and red squares cover my entire army for two turns, destroying there moral, although I am able to hold on and capture a supply train - then the confederate calvery captures mine!


the battle is soon over, with my forces put to rout. but its not as bad as it seems, with my forces causing slightly more casualties than the took, I plan to hit them again as soon as possible, this time with a few more weapon upgrades and before they can make good the losses. this may be Attrition, but it will work, as long as no sizable renforcements are shifted that way.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/7/2007 6:25:20 PM)

EARLY OCTOBER 1861 [Turn 6]


Okay. looks like my generals have been busy, lots of new abilities, and all my musters were successful - one of which raises me a Legendary unit, Berdans Sharpshooters. who I ship off to 2nd Corp in the West - They are a powerful unit at this stage of the war, so i want them where the action is.


A quick look at the East now gives me 110K men, but worryingly they only seem to be faceing off against 24,000 confederates. somewhere in the last two weeks, while my attention has been on the West, nearly 40,000 soldiers have vanished from the front lines! I'm told this result is poor, so it may be that their being well hidden, or they may be being shipped off to the west, to destroy Freemont and his forces, or it may be a trap, with the bulk of his forces hiding behind the lines as renforcements. I'll wait a while to see whats happenig here. I don't want to get my forces mashed up before the infrastructure is sorted.

In the west I send fremont in alone this time. I feel that his rushing to the front, and the state of his men was one of the reasons that they suffered last time. So this time Burnside can come arunning. on that point Burnsides divison receives a memmo that they are now called the "Fools Rush In" divison. or FRI (pronoced "fry") and a special flag, the dunces hat.


I order some more Mints built, and a traning ground in New york. and wander off to feed Lincon and McClellen. They have been using some very foul language recently, and I never knew that the Gettsyburg address started life as a way of cursing ones mother. he really put some work into that one in the next couple of years.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/8/2007 8:42:24 AM)

LATE SEPTEMBER 1861 (Turn 7)


Looks like Freemont wasn't able to get moving to engage the rebs. My research buildings come online and low level disease strikes the troops defending washington. Diplomacy wise its been a good two weeks, with all of the major powers moving away from the Conferacy - they are realsing just what sort of powerhouse is in charge of the union now! - either that or its something to do with the vast amounts of money being sent their way. either way, the result is good. money the confederacy spends in a diplomatic war is money its not spending in the real one.


In the East I set up 3rd corp with Buell in command. I'll move them into the main army soon, but I want to wait for them to get set up first. and winter is almost upon us, a time to sit back and build rather than attack.


That said, its not winter yet. the 4th corp and the last of the formed divsions is moved, and Burnside is put into command, hes given the order to cut the rebs supply lines and chances of escape, while Freemont attempts to advance again.

I order a signal tower system built along the ptomic, and notice that the 40,000 confederates are back. so whatever dance they were doing has finshed. I order Rosencrance to continue to roam north vaginia capturing the undefended areas. maybe he'll bait the AoNV out of its hole.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/8/2007 8:59:59 AM)


Winter is all but upon us, So little to report, Freemont is still sitting on his hands, So i invite him to the white house. on quick trip to the closet later and I have a new disguise. although the whole running back and forth between the sides will be troublesome, so I set up FREEBOT to stand in for me.

More infrastructure comes on line. and i decide to lower the supply for the army, sending them to winter quarters. apart from Freemont who I order to advance again, In have one more chance I think before i have to let them lie for the winter.

To placeate one of my governers, I give them what he wanta, a Training ground for Robinson in Kansas. I put a camp into New York and a Foundry into Harrisberg, hopefully I can begin to produce artillary over the winter, and replacements are worrying me, at just over 500 men a week, any major battle will take weeks to recover from.

I go to build a new cage for Freemont and listen to the reports coming in. I must do something about Lincons wife, shes very plain and I wonder how much trouble I will get in for bringing in some mistresses.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/8/2007 1:30:33 PM)

2nd Battle of Osarge.

Looks like Freebot is more on his toes than the original ever was, and the 2nd Corp moves onto the attack.


Not a good start, but with 3-1 numbers I might still be able to pull this off. and as the aim was attrition, it should still work in my favour.


A nice close deployment allows me to advance in order, then redeploy a divsion to each flank with the 14th Div taking the centre. a garrison in the fortress rushes out to engage, only to fall under the guns of Berdon's Sharpshooters. THIS is the reason that they were sent west.


the Garrison promtly surrenders after only a single volley each from two brigades. My forces then advance until they make contact with the enemy. right between the 14th and the Illonois Volunteers.


The Rebs hit the Volunteers hard, breaking them up with gunfire and charges. The department of the west is once again mired in the red and yellow of being flanked, so I will need to move them rapidly. the 14th Div can swing from the north and hopefully hit the CSA hard.


The battle becomes a sprawling affair, with units breaking quickly but some being rallied. but the end is the same as the 1st battle, with my men breaking and fleeing. the lack of ammunition is the deciding factor, but once more, they loose slightly more men that I do, so the battle is a phirric victory for the union. although i doubt that I will be able to attempt again before spring.


Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/8/2007 1:41:58 PM)

LATE NOVEMBER 1861 (turn 9)


Ahh the smell of diplomatic victory, more loss of support for the Confedaracy. and a nice boost in knowlage about my generals.

When checking the fleets I discover two brigades on the ships! why had no-one told me about this?! they are quickly unloaded and moved to the army in washington. i then order up another fleet. the confedarcy has no navy, so I can spread my ships out in blockades and try and starve them out! if they waste money on ships, I can recombine the navy and smash them, the return to the blockade. I also Order the training of another brigade.

I Finish off the week with the report that we have trained our men for recon work. this should help with the battle.


Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/8/2007 1:52:28 PM)

Early December (turn 10)


Again not much to report. the camp should help replace my losses a little quicker, the mints should allow more money to flow and the war college should get us on track with the who war thingy.

there was a bit of training, and a bad couple of weeks for european diplomacy. maybe calling the french "smelly" wasn't my best move, but it seems to have helped with the British!

I finally have the funds and Iron to order up an artillary formation. which should be coming online in early april. I order another training groudn in albany and continue to arm up the west with mini rifles. the difference between them and the springfeilds is not enough to warrent the extra cost of the springfeilds.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/8/2007 9:29:18 PM)

Late December 1861. (TURN 11)


Winter is in full grip, but I decide to change tactics in the West. this winter is giving the Western Army of the Confedarcy time to rebuild its numbers, so I'm going to try and cut them off from the rest of the confedaracy.


I do not expect this to work the first time I give the orders, but there is a chance those troops can get into place by summer. when I can assault the rebs and wear them down again.
I also Buy a second Artillary brigade attachment for the 32nd infantry turning them into another much needed artillary unit. I know I'll take a hit for this, but i'm hoping that i can get them back into shape fairly quickly.


a quick look at the eastern army shows that they are not looking to shabby now, and i can most liky try a few small level engagements there in the spring. I'll try and wait until the artillary is ready, and a few more brigades are attached. but I want to test the reported 80,000 confederates with my 110,000 Union in the area. although I'm hoping for a few more upgrades before then.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/8/2007 9:42:42 PM)

Early January 1862. (Turn 12)

Ahh, a new yeah, I opened the windows to the holding area so my guests could watch the fireworks, then had to shut them as lincon made a run for freedom. oh well, back to work I suppose.


The second foundry and other buildings are finished, but there are some "disease" losses in the 3rd Corp in cumberland. to much booze and loose women! something must be done about this. maybe a "drink a whore responisbly" campain, with buttons and a celebrity endorsement. Again there seems to have been a lot of training, so I can't complain to much, and the 2nd and 4th corps moved to the first stage of cutting off the army of the west. so a good two weeks all around.

I give the order for the 2nd corp to continue to cut the rebs off, and upgrade the new "Lincon Battery" to nepoleans. (Jefferson Davis has a battery named after him, so why Can't I?) I also order up another camp in New york.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/8/2007 10:00:06 PM)

Late January(Turn 13)


Ahh improved springfeilds, only two weeks BEHIND THE CONFEDERACY. get me the heads of the research department! This will not stand! I must step up weapons research!


More training, more support from Europe, but no compleation of the encirclment. I resend the orders. A quick check of the AoNV brings shocking news


20,000 new soldiers? and the report is good, so I'm willing to belive it. I need to go on a recruting drive! the posters with "abe Lincon needs you" go up all over the country. but as i'm a realist i also order the training of two new brigades and call for a muster in all loyal states. at 80% chance in 5 provinces, I should get 3 brigades for 9,000 men, evening up the score a little, even if i do deploy some or all of those men to the west.


Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/9/2007 2:46:59 PM)



Ahh, hasty entrenchments, otherwise known as sending the troops spades. but hey, its the thought that counts. The Naval boys figure out how to make repairs at sea, not much use without anyone to damage them, but things may change.



The muster gets the expected 3 brigades, one of them being a legandry unit. and another camp provides much needed replacements to the army. I order up another training ground, mint and factory. and equipt the new regiments with guns.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/9/2007 3:20:56 PM)

Late Febuary (turn 15)


This will allow me to better hammer down the confederates in seiges. but i also plan ot order up some seige artillary this turn.


Not much to report on the report front (he he. sorry) but the War map is a lot more interesting.


This shows that the bulk of the CSA army is in North vaginia, but there are sizable units deeper south. maybe waiting for my eventual assault.


A more detailed look shows the balance of forces. 144,000 Union soldiers in Three provinces facing up against 118,000 Confederates, including those along the James River. not Great numbers, but the East shows a similer picture.


Although the reports on the confederate postions are poor, it still may mean that price was renforced before Freebot was able to close the gap. and that second Divison sitting on the mississipi brings the confederate forces to a greater strength than my own. It looks as if i need to order a second round of mustering!. I pay for another brigade, and look at the options for increasing my strenth


Eight more calls are put out. hopfully netting me 5 more brigades. another couple of LU's would be nice, but for now I just need as many bodies as possible before the spring. If the mustering fails, then I will be forced to conscript. I need a numerical advantage to overcome the souths moral when I attack. I send out the orders for another mint. I'm not generating enough Iorn for the artillary.

Tactics Wise, I leave Rosencrans divison on its own, If Jackson attacks it, Then I will fall on Braggs forces in Fredricksburg. if he attacks Buell, then I can renforce with both Rosencranse and the main army. if he attacks McClellen near washington, then I can Renforce with Buell and have my main army dug in.

In the west, Price will have to try a breakout, but i think he is mor elikly to sit there, he's not moved since the war began, so why get off his obviously comfy behind and try something risky?

Erik Rutins -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/9/2007 5:49:51 PM)

Excellent AAR!

Drex -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/9/2007 8:41:47 PM)

Yes and its hilarious too.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/9/2007 10:05:59 PM)

Early March 1862 (Turn 16)


SO THATS where we've been going wrong. we forgot to tell the troops how to use their guns. Man you really had to do everything in the 19th Century didn't you.

Woops, Seems like price has more guts than I gave him credit to, he attacks burnside and the 1st battle of Osarks begins.


After a few seconds wondering why Starks is picking the place of battle, I the look at the wide range of terrain choices at my disposal. I choose Open and flat, and I just gets better.


Flanked eh, looks like Burnsides drunk somewhere and his subsiduary generals are not quite ready. at least the Fools Rush In Division are nicely deployed. I call for Fremonts renforcements streight away, as this is a equal fight of about 20K men on each side.


I throw my men into lines and have them dig in. they should be able to hold like that until Freebot get there. As i get my troops on the CSA arrives to the left of my line, I then flank it north to take advantage of the lake that provides a natural place to anchor my line, and the south where Freemonts corps is arriveing at pace. unfortunaly before I can close it off, the CSA calvery charges into the gap.


And before I am able to do anything the two calvery brigades charge into the flanks of my men, breaking up my line and disordering two brigades. I hammer into them with fire, but the damage may already be done.


The sharpshooters fire into the southernmost calvery causing heavy casulaties and makeing them rout, unfortuantly the 54th and 55th infantry have already broken. The Lincon battery arrives and moves up towards the fight.


The bulk of 2nd corp begins to pile up onto the confederate right, hammering into the formost units, if i can get them to break then the battle is all but won. the CSA 1st calvary at the north is taking heavy casualties to the two brigades that have it pinned.


The confedary beings to flank north to aviod the bulk of my forces, and a devestating charge kills 750 men of the 46th brigade. AS night falls my men surround the 6th infantry brigade, hopefully this will force them to surrender.


The 6th surrender, and the Indian brigade routs, leaveing a hole in the confederate line. I push my troops in, and Open up with everything I have, the Lincon battery fires its first shot, taking out 175 enemy for the loss of only 2 of their own, and i try and surround the remaining units before they run back to their safehouse. but its to no avail, the rest of the rebs slip back to Osage, 4400 fewer than the came out.



Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/9/2007 10:34:21 PM)

Early March 1862 (Turn 16)


Woah, that was a big one. But lets go through it in order of importance. point one


Sorry, don't know what came over me there, and the aides are looking at me funny again. oh wait, the stupid false beard is slipping again!
Not only did we beat back Price, we captured him as well! now they will have to find a new general to command them the only other I saw was Lee. 6 of my musters came through, with two more LU's, I think I lucked out there.

Now for the bad. Disease strikes the army, not to bad, but not a nice thing to loose a couple of thousand troops. I wonder if i could "invent" penicillin to solve that problem. Britains been sending weapons tech to the rebels, thats going to come back and hurt men soon. I find out that Heron is not a bad general, I'll look into him to see if i can replace any of the current divsion heads.

now for the big bad. Kentucy Enters the side of the CSA, we all know what this means for the war.
No Kentucky Fried Chicken
To make things worse it seems that I compleatly misread the confederates aims. instead of faceing up to me around the potomic, they've moved thier entire force towards the West. the report says there 750,000 of them, but the spys there are just panicing, as are the ones on the James telling me that there are 350K troops there still. the unit on the missassipi has also moved towards The now trapped army of the west. What to do about this.


In the East its easy. While the cats away, the mice will Burn, Rape and Pillage. (these are mice with attitude) I'll see about taking Richmond before Jackson has to turn back, hes now in central america with me about to cause damage. he has to choose which way to march!


The west is much more tricky. I have enough forces to engage both at once, but not with overwelming force, I can wait, and watch the two forces join up and reclaim their supply line, or I can spread my troops around in an attempt to stop this. and hope I can Renforce whichever group they attack. the latter seems like the best option, so I leave Fremonts force in place, send Burnside north to stop that route, and detach Lyons Department of the West to cover Fayetteville.

I order two more mints and a mine, then go to find a headache pill. this is going to be a long two weeks i think.

Drex -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/10/2007 6:32:44 AM)

I'm really enjoying this. I hope you didn't mean two weeks in real time.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/10/2007 7:57:31 AM)



I'm really enjoying this. I hope you didn't mean two weeks in real time.

God no, although there will be a slowdown now, as the bank holidays over and work begins again.

Thanks for the comments as well.

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/10/2007 8:19:37 AM)

Late March 1862 (turn 17)


For all that waiting, not much happened. Looks like the british sent the CSA plans for a Gatling gun, which could be painful. I just have to hope that they don't have the funds to put them into mass production.

I ordered up some more divisions a while back, so I put meridith in charge of one, and move Rosencrans to support it. these two divisons are going to carry out "Operation finger lickin" An assault on Kentucky. I doubt that they will be able to capture anything, but they can at least give the confederates something to think about.


I order up some more mints and mines, assign sharpshooters to the 30th brigade under fremont and form up a corps to go into the army. (having discovered that I can't merge the 3rd corp into the army due to size.)

Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/10/2007 8:07:38 PM)

1st Shenandoah.

Jackson takes the bait, and rushs back to virginia. attacking 3rd corps under Buell. But as this is planned, Buell is waiting for them.


I choose to repay the mischief and raid their supplys, a risk but a calculated one.


Which I manage to pull off! I deploy my men into a line anchored off a hill at the bottom. I'm a little worried about my left flank, but I can always call on McClellens 84,000 men who have just invaded Fredricksburg. but I'd like to leave them there if I can.


The CSA call for renforcements, that means another 50,000 men may be on their way. I do the same. Fredricksburg will have to wait. the rebs are obviously waiting to renforce, as they take their time moving on one of the outlying forts. giving me more time to move up my slowly arriving forces.


The confederacy waits until the early morning before assaulting my lower flank, I send my sizable reserves in that direction, while holding the line along the rest of the area. I know this is a large force and the south may be a diversion.


Dawn brings the full extent of the assault, it seems the confederates are trying to destroy me in detail. I begin to give the orders to move the whole line to engage. I must do this carefully, as the rebs will make me pay for any breaks in the line.


The battle turns nasty, the greater number of rebels on my right starts to break the troops there, and the casualties around catback hill rise into the thousands, mainly on my side. The north is hampered by the moral sapping areas, and I can’t fully envelop the enemy without draining my moral to the point of breaking.


Then my army just breaks. For no reason. Troops who have not even seen fire suddenly turn and run, others who are beating the enemy do the same. For no apparent reason my whole army is in flight. All though the battle the CSa have been pulling off perfect charges, hitting my men for huge damage, even when being engaged from behind, these are not men, these are animated monsters of war!


Due to saving the game mid battle, I’m not able to show the detailed battle screen, so I’ve posted a summery of all the battles so far. It does not make good reading.


Greyhunterlp -> RE: I'll show them. (A slighty unhinged AAR) (4/10/2007 8:28:04 PM)

Early April 1862. (turn 18)


I feel like someones just kicked me in the teeth, 13,700 men dead for 4800 of theirs, and most of them from the mass rout. add to that the two brigades that surrendered, the lost supplys and weapons, and I in deep donkey doo. I'm also now outnumbered by the AoNV.


I order my forces back towards washington. I need time to rebuild them. at least the 1st Artillary is now ready, and the population has increased by a massive amount. I also need to see if I can draw off some more troops, so I send in Fremont and Burnside against the Army of the West. hoping to destroy them and win some support.

Diplomacy is also not going my way. depsite the huge amounts of cash I'm throwing at it. I increase the ammount spent on the British Empire by 1 to the full 5. the others remain the same.


Last but not least, I order operation Finger licking good to try and attack kentucky again. now I'm off to brood and try and figure out why all my men are cowards.

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