Peter Stauffenberg
Posts: 403
Joined: 2/24/2006 From: Oslo, Norway Status: offline
ORIGINAL: Froonp It would be too hard. Actually, when we did screenshots in different weathers, I did the screenshot with units under fair weather, and Steve did the screenshot without units under rain (or else) weather, because Steve has some mean to make the weather he wants happen on the map. I do not have this mean so I would have to setup a game, and wait for a rainy weather to happen to take my screenshot, which are not yet possible. So, with my screenshot with units under fair weather, I had to put all the units on a new layer, paste Steve screenshot under this layer so that it looked like the units are on Steve's map. When there are only a dozen or so units this is possible even if long, but here it is not there are too many units. I spent a full day assembling this picture, this is very time consuming. Now, its fairly easy to imagine what happens under rain weather. Von Bock (the German 7(3)3 white print HQ north of the Pripet Marshes near the center of the screen) would still be in supply, by : - Tracing 1 hex BASIC up to the Rudel Stuka (the one with the 5 circled in red) - then tracing RAIL through the Railgun (the 6-1 with the 6 in a grey circle) - tracing RAIL through the SS MTN DIV - tracing RAIL through the 6-3 INF - tracing RAIL through the word "Dvina" - tracing RAIL to the south to Guderian HQ-A (the black print 6(4)5 HQ in the forest) - then he would trace 1 hex BASIC to the west to the other railway, because his railway is blocked by Zoya's unopposed ZoC, - from there he can trace RAIL uninterrupted up to Germany. Guderian is in supply by the same uninterrupted railway, Mannerheim too. Those in supply HQ would put nearly all the German Army in supply, except a few units too far away from them, like the 5-4 red circled JagdPanther Tank Destroyer unit and the dreaded 1st SS Panzer DIV on the other side of the river, a few units southwest from Zoya. Time would be ideal for Sturmoviks to Ground Strike the most advanced Panzer units, crush them. The 7-4 MTN in the north could also advance up to Kaunas (but it is itself OOS, so it would disrupt if it moved), but it would not be sufficient to cut supply. The Russians would have all their first lines in Ukraine out of supply too, as Zhukov (8(5)4) is 4 hexes from them. While the Germans on this shot look like in a desperate situation, theyr would still be a tough nut to crack if they know how to give some ground at the right moment, to shorten their line and block the units who have outflanked them. Sure, they should not wait too much to withdraw here. A very good explanation, thank you. I wonder about the Russia 7-4 MTN. Couldn't this unit capture Kaunas by going SW+SE. Then the 6-4 MTN could capture Riga and beyond by going W+SW. The Russian unit NE of the 6-4 MTN could maybe capture the hex NE of Riga and also Parnu. With all these moves I guess it should be possible to have a rail line from Kaunas, Riga etc. back to Russia. Won't the minor country capitals then be able to supply the Russian units even in rain? Or have I forgotten something? Will the Russian 7-4 MTN unit become disorganized (because it's OOS at the beginning of it's turn) after it's move even though it will be in supply at the end of its turn? So what's worst for the 7-4 MTN, OOS and organized or disorganized and in supply? Will disorganized in supply only have 1 or 3 strength points or will they have normal strength and the attacker's only benefit is a +1 die modifier? Is the tutorial 12 screenshot taken from the 1944 scenario? I think the front lines look very much like the Summer of 1944 front lines.