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Joined: 9/24/2007 From: Italy - near Florence Status: offline
Just Reporting Ralegh statements in AUGUST UPDATE: Hi - I'm Ralegh, and I joined the EIANW testing team a few weeks back. A few of you will know me from the COG forum. I'm an EIA/EIH player and my interest in EIA led me to Matrix, which in turn led me to COG, and my work on the COG beta got me into the EIA beta. Professionally, I'm a Software Architect in Canberra Australia. To help me do testing, I put together a list of features, and the beta gang helped me understand what was in and what was out for v1 of EIANW. (EIA is a huge game, so they couldn't implement everything in V1.) Here is my Consolidated Deviation List [this is really just the 'major' features - there are a number of other more minor deviations that Marshall is keeping a track of]. I don't think Marshall will consider any of these for v1 - right now we have him beavering away at bugs - but some of this stuff might make it into a patch or a version 2 - I suppose it is up to the player community to provide feedback on the relative importance of different features... This thread would be a good place. In no particular order, and with sequential numbering just to make it easy to refer to things: Rules not implemented 1. Forced march 2. Defender retirement into the city (but you can choose to be in or out in your turn) 3. Naval pursuit (Losers are retreated to a port by the computer. Winners stay in the location of the combat.) 4. Besieged port city supply 5. Corps on loan (the peace treaty term) 6. Besieger assault for minor power (major powers can) 7. British change to VPs 8. Bidding for countries [game facilitates adding the final bids in, but not the process] 9. Other campaigns and scenarios (only the grand campaign is implemented in v1) 10. Scuttling of ships 11. Demobilizing 12. Repatriating a neutral garrison in a siege Optional rules not available in game 13. Militia conversion 14. Large fleets 15. Limited supply 16. New political combinations such as Kingdoms of Italy, Westphalia, Bavaria, Two Sicilies and the Confederation of the Rhine [Poland and the Ottoman Empire ARE in the game] 17. Britain and France at war, with special surrender terms 18. Peace treaty limited access 19. Allied voluntary access (restricting to only allies) 20. American trade restriction 21. Naval raiding 22. Proportional naval losses 23. Proportional land losses 24. Balance of Power peace restrictions 25. Change of Dominance status Customised/changed rules These are rules whose modifications I judge to be significant - most of them are to permit PBEM without huge hassles, which has the side effect of making hotseat play easier. 26. Insurrection corps placement (done by AI, but made more generous in location) 27. Naval interceptions (fleets are given orders - intercept weaker, intercept invasion, or intercept all - which they attempt to carry out when the opportunity arises) 28. All retreats are conducted by the AI 29. There is no 'combined move' option - people are supposed to use a 'lend unit to ally' option instead [presumably this allows for allied supply and naval transport, as well as fighting together as a unit]. This is also the only way to use allied depot supply. 30. Access through the Dardenelles 31. Cav and guard in a corps cannot be detached and converted to infantry as a garrison (but factors arriving as reinforcements can) 32. Ships exist as heavy, light and transport 33. Privateers and privateer defence _____________________________ HTH Steve/Ralegh THIS IS OF AUGUST I DO NOT KNOW IF SOMETHING CHANGED!
< Message edited by Adraeth Montecuccoli -- 11/14/2007 9:10:09 PM >