sappers in the wire
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Joined: 10/8/2007 Status: offline
ORIGINAL: marcusm I think China and India are more interested in the gas/oil pipes than Russia. Russia is probably more interested in selling technology and weapons. Maybe China too. I doubt China would intervene in anything though. They are just in it for the money/resources. It's a serious damage to Chinese economic development if the war break-out. you know china become more and more hungray for energy sources since these years fast development. Although Iran is not Chinese allies, it plays an important role in chinese "majoy oil suppiliers". However, I believe Chinese have no intention to intervene the possible conflict between US and Iran, cause Chinese Force is traditional Home-defence force, Chinese are lack of ability and determination to have a conflict with any other countries in the territory far from its heartland. However, I bet, while the most powerful USN CV Task forces rally in the Indian ocean, US Army and Air foce are busy in conducting offensive in Iran's mountain area and facing thousands shiah insurgence's attack in Iraq, Chinese Army-PLA might invade Taiwan, Russia might invade georgia, DPRK might invade ROK, and then, I don't know, maybe the WW III