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Joined: 9/15/2002 From: Kansas Status: offline
ORIGINAL: LTCMTS Since the Naval Thread is locked a couple more questions. 1 - The US Navy did not have large gun HE shells after 1915. HC shells able to be used as COM or HE were not introduced until in late 1942. Some 6in guns had COM shells and AA guns used their AA COM shells which had nose and base fuzes for bombardment. Will USN land bombardments be reduced in effectiveness to reflect this. Even with the HC, US shore bombardment could be less effective because the HC shell when used as a COM shell for hardened structures covered the nose fuze, which still initiated when it struck hard surfaces w/o penetration. Also the HC shells weighed less than the AP shells. The 16in HC weighed a nominal 1,900lbs against the 2,700lb and 2,240lbs APHE shells. 2 - How will the FC for the various ships be adjusted? The IJN may have had heavy guns that ranged to 36kyds and more, but w/o aerial spotting, the max effective engagement range was around 24kyds. Night combat effective range did not exceed 10kyds for all IJN ships except the 8in cruisers which had illum rounds that could range to 15-17kyds. The IJN did not have effective FC radar until the Type 22 10cm radars were moded in Oct 1944. Is aerial spotting possible? In late 1943, US fast BBs could "bracket" a fleeing IJN DD with HC at 39kyds. The RN, however, could not match the performance of the Mk.8 FCR, much less the Mk.13 until 1945. 3 - Penetration performance. Will it be adjusted for type of shell? The IJN Type 91 "diving" shell lost around 10% theoretical performance against vertical targets and increased by 5% against horizontal targets. The RN 8in Mk.VIII used SAPHE, which had about 60% performance of a similar APHE shell of the same weight and velocity. The USN had Special COM and the RN, CPC or SAPC shells which had partial piercing caps. 4 - Effect - Will US torpedoes reflect the changes in warhead size (the Mk.13 went from 497lbs to 600lbs in 1942) and for torpedoes, mines and DCs, the change in warhead content, TORPEX vs TNT (TORPEX is 40-50% more effective) in 1943 for the US and 1944 for the RN? WITP (and hence AE) has its lowest level of weapons representation at the "device" level. Sometimes a "device" could be thought of as "ammunition" like in the case of bombs .. but for "guns" the device represents the gun ... a certain model on a certain platform ... with a certain elevation etc. For "guns" the ammunition is not separately modeled .. so abstract values such as "penetration" and "effects" are used instead. As Nomad says, your #4 could be handled by a modder.
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