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Joined: 4/17/2005 Status: offline
28/10/43 Midnight Boiler room number one, CVL Ryujo The sudden clang of the telegraphs bring both Smn Agarshi and Shimto to full alertness –dispelling the heavy exhaustion in their bodies. Ryujo has been at maximum readiness for almost 2 days now – and few show no sign of the stress coursing through the crew. “Full ahead all!” They exchange glances across the screaming noise of the room, and note the grimace on the steamers face as he begins to wind the blowers up to full speed. He gestalts –swift, sudden, clear movements: MORE BURNERS! The two seamen leap to their work –and the glare from the boilers brightens. The ship leans, and begins to vibrate. The tanoy blares –calling the ship to action, flying stations yet again, and way, way above them, the great hatches slam shut, and are clamped down. They will remain below now –and remain here –only through victory will they see the sky again. Defeat does not bare thinking about. 0200 Bridge, Akagi The signal reads: ‘Enemy appear to be refueling –but elements have detached and are heading north. Proceed to launch point as planned. May the empire live a thousand years’ “Nagumo means business –at last” Captain Hara takes his tea, he is dressed in his very finest. He positively radiates happiness ‘ I bloody hope so Ex, I hope so – bring the ship to state one please, expect to launch before dawn.” 0300 From 8th area Army to ADM Yamamoto. As per agreement, SHO GO 1 battle plan – we have occupied Madang, Fincheson, gassmatta, kavieg airfields with first wave strike aircraft, and will strike at dawn. Rabual airfield is –repeat, is operational. Will provide LRCAP for your fleet as per agreement. We will strike the blow against the imperialists 0400 Bridge CV Taiho Heavy rain beats against the windows, and if there is a dawn, there is no indication of it. Nagumo stares ahead, rigid. There is nothing else he can do – the fleet races south, in 10 minutes time, they must come hard about, head into the wind. If they do not, they will pile into the northern shores of New Britain. “Will this clear?” it has too –it just has too. “message from Rabual sir” “read it” Rabual field -weather fair – scattered squalls. Launching LRCAP 0445 Enemy task force sighted, 180 miles south, gassmatta 0447 many carriers, many ships, 60 miles north woodlark 0500 dawn message from 8th Army HQ “Strike!” 0505 CV Taiho launches successfully its CAP – and the NK1 makes it debut. The fighters report that the fleet remains hidden in a heavy bank of rain, but once above 5000 feet, the skies are clear. They report too –that to the south –“it’s a beautiful day” 0530 bridge CVL Hosho Captain Umeya watches the last of his planes trundle down the small deck, and ponderously crawl into the air. It’s a delightful dawn, seas calm, weather clearing to scattered clouds. The rain that still hides the main fleet to his east has left his decks shiny and clean. He cannot help but think that at least he will make an attractive sacrifice…… CVL Hosho has unpleasant orders, and Captain Umeya is filling them to the letter. Decoy. “Aircraft!” – many bombers, bearing 270!’ 270? –North of them? They are not hard to spot –and a great thrill sweeps through nearly every man onboard the little carrier –and a great cheer breaks out. 50 great bombers –all of Japans 4 engined navy attack planes, roar overhead at a mere 1000 feet – a sight fit too bring tears to any mans eyes. Both sides wave – they are that low –and every man wishes them well as they head south, and fade from view. 0600 ‘Aircraft!” ‘Liberators! –170 degrees –height 5000 feet, range 20 kilometres.” Umeya reaches for his tin hat. He has no illusions. He is bait –and this only means that his role is going of very, very well. ‘Full ahead please – stbd 30” The little carriers guns begin to bark –and his escorts, 2 CL, some destroyers, begin to follow his movements. A grin of satisfaction, his pathetic CAP swarms around the great beasts –ignoring the CAP, flinging themselves into the attack. The bombers veer away – and attack the Kuma –and miss. The attack fades away. Ok then. We have been spotted. Orders fulfilled. Time to get the hell out of here. “Port 20!, new course 350! –flank!” ‘Aircraft! –bearing 090! –10000 feet –many planes!” Fear grips. So many planes! I hope you make this worth it Nagumo –I hope we die for something Anger suddenly fills him “Stop Gaping! –to your duty!, standby to receive!” Dive bombers, torpedoe bombers –more $#@%^& torpedoe bombers. Alright, alright, do your worse……… They attack – no hesitation, no delay –they fly straight in –and attack. For 3 minutes, maybe 4, Umeya thinks he can get away with it, the first torpedoe slamming into her side totally surprises him –he never sees it. Damn , come on girl, “Hard to Port!” ‘Helm not responding sir!’ Thrown to the deck –another hit? The scream of bombers Bedlam! –a bomb plowing into his little ship Trying to get up – and thrown down again Shattering glass, , two bombs land close alongside, and the world fills with a deluge of water –it washes the blood away. Another lurching thud –another torp/ -shes listing, settling. Umeya looks around. All is startling clear –time almost frozen. The survivors –his survivors –look to him –and pride beats in him –they all remain at their post. He stands. A single glance – poor little Hosho –you were never meant to play with the big boys. “Time to go men” Shattered decks. Wounded men. Silence. The waters rising fast. Remove shoes. A last look around. Damn –Kuma is going too. Water, warm. Swimming, swimming away. He does not look back. His command is gone – but he still has his crew. ‘Come on men! –who’s for a song!” 0630 Bridge Taiho “Finchesen strike attacking sir” “Hmmmmmp – army pilots –we cannot expect much” 0642 ‘Enemy reported as 1CV, 2 CVL, -regret no hits reported” 0647 “Kavieng strike going in sir” feet shuffle on the bridge of the flagship. Navy pilots are attacking - torpedoe bombers included. Silence. Somewhere to the south, men, many men are fighting, dieing. Here – sees are calm – and is the weather improving? 0700 ‘Enemy identified sir – CV Bunker Hill, CVL Cabot 2 torpedoe hits reported, Indiana class BB” “No hits on the carriers?” “None reported sir” 0730 “Madang strike attacking sir” “very well.” Then, brutally, a single curse “Damn this rain, damn it to hell!” 0740 “Its stopped.” The rain clears, and in what seems to be a matter of moments, the scene is transformed. The sun breaks out, and the sea is revealed –covered in ships, new Britain only 10 miles to their sterns. 19 carriers, and on each, the men are leaping into action, as pilots race to their planes. The great strike begins to warm up……….. 0815 Once again Captain Hara intends to meet the enemy from the top of his bridge on the Akagi. This time he is better prepared than at Majuro –now he has a comms line direct to his helmsman. Below him, his strike rumbles, the razors edge of Japans sword. Above, in the rapidly clearing sky, he notes the staggered CAP – some 90 zekes strong –but the fleet is spread over many, many miles now – and it is thin, far too thin. But this is the plan, all agreed to it. Strike, strike and be sure to hit – win the war today –if at all possible. Half an hour –and they will begin launching…… A messanger pokes his head over the coming. “From the Communications Officer – CV Katsaguri reports many planes our way” That puts it –he raises the glasses –searches the sky. “Anyone see them?” A lookout helps – “More to your right, higher sir –on our flank –“ He sees them –gathering little dots – 70 odd? Was that all? Hope rises, as other dots begin to rise towards the attack – and already the first balck streams of dieing planes begin to mark the horizon. More dots –and now hope rises even higher – Army fighters moving into the attack. Time crawls – and the swirling dots grow, bigger, bigger –beginning to break away into attacks. Guns begin to bark –and the sky fills with the black mushrooms. Hara waits, waits – incredibly –no one picks his great ship out – and he watches –heart in mouth, as the survivors make their runs. Kaga disappears in a mountain of water - and emerges –unscathed. Hiryu slews violently – but no crump of torpedoes breaks her turn Soryu dances Shokaku plows on straight –and brings down her attacker……….. And then, magically, the attack –broken –is over. 0901 bridge –Taiho ‘report from Kavieg sir – CV Bunker hill hit by single torpedoe 0853 –180 miles south of gassmatta. All eyes look to the Admiral. Nagumo stands steady. A lifetime of service –distills to this. The great gamble has worked. His voice is calm – but there is a hint of malice there – it speaks much. “Commence launching” Extract from Shattering the sword” –A cantona production. …only the squall saved the cowpens. But nothing would save the Bunker Hill, the Cabot, or the two cruisers. 718 aircraft attack these ships in what anyone must describe as the most stunning revelation of the war to date. The Allied CAP, exhausted from the mornings attacks, simply melts, and …………………………………….. ………….One CV , 1 CVL down, his forces still at full strength,, Nagumo turns North –his Bunkers are empty. His LBA –he orders –will continue the attack………….. ‘