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How well is DW selling ?

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How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 9:01:16 AM   


Posts: 57
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Just would like to ask Erik, if its possible to divulge, if the game has been so far concerning the sells:

1) A complete success (sold lot more than expected)
2) A moderate success
3) Break even
4) Failure

Judging from the activity in the forum i'd say it has been a success and i hope it was for you financially so you can keep on supporting and improving it :)

Me as an early adopter (bought the game like in the first 30 minutes :P) i am definetly satisfied for what i've seen so far both as the game itself and the support and responsiveness in this forums: keep up the good work!
Post #: 1
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 10:34:14 AM   


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Its much likely games like these which aren't marketed at moneys have smaller streak sales compared to "big and visible"-titles, but 'niche' games like this also slowly build up finding more and more player base via worth to mouth from fans and folk who enjoy gaming this kind of games. I greatly hope however that it had good enough beginning streak and then nice supporting bought-rate :)

(in reply to fabio80mi)
Post #: 2
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 3:28:03 PM   

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It will remain helpful to contribute on other forums, your impressions of DW - at the risk of being dismissed as a viral marketeer. Yet if you've a history on another forum, your post along with a link would at least create awareness. Smaller game developers need all the help...


The opinions expressed by JonathanStrange are solely those of JonathanStrange and do not reflect the opinions of Matrix Games, the forum members of Matrix Games, the forum moderators, or JonathanStrange.

(in reply to Deto)
Post #: 3
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 3:38:58 PM   


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ORIGINAL: JonathanStrange

It will remain helpful to contribute on other forums, your impressions of DW - at the risk of being dismissed as a viral marketeer. Yet if you've a history on another forum, your post along with a link would at least create awareness. Smaller game developers need all the help...

That's how I got here. I was on the Star Trek Birth of the Federation forum and someone posted a link to here. I have been here ever since then.

(in reply to JonathanStrange)
Post #: 4
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 4:07:12 PM   

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Same happened to me with Sins of a Solar I'm always here!

(in reply to HsojVvad)
Post #: 5
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 4:13:49 PM   


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I came from Demigod. :P

(in reply to Webbco)
Post #: 6
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 5:37:43 PM   

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I'm trying really hard to remember where I first heard of DW. I think it must have been Sins of a Solar Empire forum and also from checking out Armada 2526 also posted at Sins.

(in reply to OberonDark)
Post #: 7
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 5:40:03 PM   

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Being only on Matrix of course means it is not going to sell like COD.I think it is a huge Matrix game,most likely the biggest.


(in reply to mbar)
Post #: 8
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 5:50:05 PM   

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I found Distant Worlds because someone posted a review and link on our eve-online alliance's forum.


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(in reply to fabio80mi)
Post #: 9
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 6:11:14 PM   


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I found it through gamespot, which would make me think that a lot more gamers might find it if they put up a review for DW. It just happened to be in the new screens section, and it looked interesting enough for me to take a look. Been hooked ever since.

(in reply to Malevolence)
Post #: 10
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 6:32:05 PM   


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I heard of DW on the Bay12 forums (Dwarf Fortress) and quickly became a fan.

(in reply to Xenoform21)
Post #: 11
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 6:53:48 PM   


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I was looking up "best space games" on youtube and the distant worlds preview videos came up, this was several months before release though.

Of course this doesn't answer the OPs question in any way...

(in reply to Krelos)
Post #: 12
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 8:07:28 PM   

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While I'm sure Matrix isn't about to release actual sales numbers, I strongly suspect this is one of their more popular titles as of late. The response Distant Worlds has received has been pretty extraordinary so far.



That's how I got here. I was on the Star Trek Birth of the Federation forum and someone posted a link to here. I have been here ever since then.

You're welcome.


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(in reply to HsojVvad)
Post #: 13
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 10:22:40 PM   


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Martok/Davor Do you play the orginal BOTF or a modded/new game?

(in reply to martok)
Post #: 14
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 10:39:11 PM   


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I checked out the new releases section of Gamespot and saw a link for DW there.

(in reply to Gertjan)
Post #: 15
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/12/2010 11:08:38 PM   


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Sins and SE5 forums both had posts about this game, which prompted me to check it out.

(in reply to Gerth)
Post #: 16
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/13/2010 12:06:01 AM   

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Martok/Davor Do you play the orginal BOTF or a modded/new game?

I play BOTF almost exclusively with mods these days; I've not played the vanilla game in probably three years or more. There's a number of excellent mods available, and almost all of them are significant improvements on the original gameplay.

My personal favorite is the Balance of Power mod, with the Ultimate Dominion Mod getting an honorable mention. They're definitely worth checking out if you've not done so already!


"Evil is easy, and has infinite forms." -- Pascal

(in reply to Gertjan)
Post #: 17
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/13/2010 12:17:23 AM   


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Martok/Davor Do you play the orginal BOTF or a modded/new game?

When I was playing BotF, I was playing it modded. I was using the All Ages Mod. After I finished my game, (wich I havn't yet) I was going to go to the UDM III.

Thing is, DW has all my time now for gaming.

(in reply to Gertjan)
Post #: 18
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/13/2010 8:48:45 AM   


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Any links to these mods where you can point me to? Thanks in advance.
Note that I will be playing DW for some time, but I might want some variation from time to time.

(in reply to HsojVvad)
Post #: 19
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/13/2010 9:56:42 AM   

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Any links to these mods where you can point me to? Thanks in advance.
Note that I will be playing DW for some time, but I might want some variation from time to time.

Balance of Power mod

All the Ages mod

Ultimate Dominion III mod



"Evil is easy, and has infinite forms." -- Pascal

(in reply to Gertjan)
Post #: 20
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/13/2010 3:03:05 PM   


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Just for those who don't know, BotF is the actual sequal to MOO2. Designed by the same people who made and published MOO and MOO2.

(in reply to martok)
Post #: 21
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/13/2010 3:10:10 PM   

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SE4 forums and Rock Paper Shotgun

(in reply to HsojVvad)
Post #: 22
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/13/2010 4:34:32 PM   


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@Davor, really? I didnt' know that. Cool! Another reason to try it soon. On the links you are referring me to I see at the download section that there is an iso file available of the original botf game. I this game now freeware?

BTW, how do I install it, do I need to first install the main multi installer 1.02 and then install one of the mods?

(in reply to 2guncohen)
Post #: 23
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/15/2010 5:07:32 PM   

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ORIGINAL: JonathanStrange

It will remain helpful to contribute on other forums, your impressions of DW - at the risk of being dismissed as a viral marketeer. Yet if you've a history on another forum, your post along with a link would at least create awareness. Smaller game developers need all the help...

That's how I got here. I was on the Star Trek Birth of the Federation forum and someone posted a link to here. I have been here ever since then.

And I found this out from Europa Universalis III forum. There were not a link, but it's not a problem now a days...


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(in reply to HsojVvad)
Post #: 24
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/15/2010 5:48:48 PM   


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There was no link either, I just Googled Distant World and then found the site from their home page.

(in reply to Wenla)
Post #: 25
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/15/2010 11:01:26 PM   

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From forum activity and various related comments I guess that Distant Worlds is selling very well. Probably "1) A complete success (sold lot more than expected)" for Matrix Games.

I just hope that the game will be sold beyond stores other than only Matrix Games to increase its success, popularity, and future development. I hope that Distant Worlds will not be required to stay exclusively in the bounds of Matrix Games store for some sort of hope by the developer that it will boost Matrix Games to some desired goal. Distant Worlds is of the type and quality to be successful in many other stores and reach a level of success beyond that of if it is to be confined to one store. Many past similiar games of success were widely available in may stores.

Perhaps when Distant Worlds meets some defined critical mass sells then it can be sold in a wider market? The opening cenematic trailor will likely need to be improved/replaced. :)

< Message edited by Wade1000 -- 4/15/2010 11:36:18 PM >


Wish list:population centers beyond planetary(,Ring Orbitals,Sphere Orbitals,Ringworlds,Sphereworlds;ability to create & destroy planets,population centers,stars;AI competently using all advances & features.

(in reply to HsojVvad)
Post #: 26
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/16/2010 12:49:56 AM   

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I second all who wish increased success for DW. I would be pleasantly surprised though if the game moved much out of the genre space niche - or whatever the term may be. There's a lot of enthusiasm by players who are ready, willing and able to work with the game's quirks but how would DW be perceived by less dedicated players? I still think that if people, when they visit their other fav forums, mention DW and explain what they like, they may interest the other unaware DW players to investigate and buy. But I doubt the mainstream will look past the graphics...


The opinions expressed by JonathanStrange are solely those of JonathanStrange and do not reflect the opinions of Matrix Games, the forum members of Matrix Games, the forum moderators, or JonathanStrange.

(in reply to Wade1000)
Post #: 27
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/16/2010 3:12:04 AM   


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What's wrong with the graphics? I think when you are zoom really close the graphics are awsome. I have no idea what people mean when they say the graphics are no good.

(in reply to JonathanStrange)
Post #: 28
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/16/2010 3:17:11 AM   


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The game design isn't aimed at the mass market.

It's catering for a reasonably sized niche market.

You can still be highly successful and profitable within a niche.

Look at War in the Pacific. It has a horribly obtuse interface, dated graphics and is way out on the far side of the complexity scale and yet still manages to sell an awful lot of copies over the years. It has been so successful that it has spawned a recent follow on (WiTP:AE) which has gone even further down the road of increased complexity, difficult interfaces and retro graphics.

If you knew nothing about WiTP and were simply given the rough outline I've provided above you'd probably be adamant that the game would sell no more than a dozen copies to hard-core Pacific War nuts. May a couple of dozen if they got lucky, but that's it.

People are attracted to a quality game design and are more than willing to overlook any number of obvious limitations. I suspect that this is because of their rarity. Elliot has come up with a pretty unique design here that I'd say also fits into this catergory.

Provided he and Matrix stick with their vision and keep optimising and developing it I think that it could easily be as successful as the example above.


(in reply to JonathanStrange)
Post #: 29
RE: How well is DW selling ? - 4/16/2010 6:42:27 AM   


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All this speculation and gossip when you have answer in front of your eyes.

I'm fairly confident that no other game on Matix forums hit 1000+ threads during first month after release. (WITP:AE section is a bit misleading as it is combined with old WITP)

Just compare size of DW forum with A2526 and you have your answer how well DW is selling.

(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 30
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