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the solomons triangle

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the solomons triangle - 7/24/2002 2:03:03 AM   
Robert Roberson


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I am involved in one heck of an entertaining PBEM with Crocky. In it though I noticed something strange with some of my aircraft. I set up an airbase at Lunga, once the airfield reach sufficent size I moved in several squadrons of single engine aircraft. The base is well supplied and has plenty of ground crew. Well about a week into the operation of said base I noticed that one of my squadron of Zeros and one of vals had gone into "being repaired". Sucked, but since Crocky wasnt threatening Lunga at the time no matter. After a couple more turns went by I noticed none of the planes were getting repaired. Crocky was starting to make noise inthe area so I moved a carrier south and loaded the aircraft on to them. The next turn...they were gone. Vanished. I had also moved a couple of zeros to a secret base in the area and they also vanished. Am I seeing a bug here or is this some type of game engine attrition at forwards bases?

Post #: 1
On triangles - 7/24/2002 2:46:39 AM   


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From: Dallas Texas
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I am not sure if it is the same mechanism, but I have had similar experiences.

When a carrier is put out of action, the a/c in the air divert, often to land bases. If you elect to repair the carrier at your local body shop, it certainly makes sense to keep the air groups in the fight. At one time I worried about getting the right air groups back to the right carrier when the repairs complete, but I discovered that I worried needlessly. As the damage level of the home carrier drops back into the flyable range, an interesting thing happens. First the air groups stop flying, then they vanish. However when I check the status of the carrier in the repair shop, I find that the air groups are on board and have absorbed max replacements to get their numbers back to TO&E.

Now your case may not be the same thing, but if it is a bug perhaps it relates to this mechanism.

(in reply to Robert Roberson)
Post #: 2
Its possible - 7/24/2002 4:09:39 AM   
Rob Roberson


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The Zeros are now back, but no sign of the Vals. Hopefully they will return soon. Crocky is getting really noisy in the area and I have a feeling Im goign to need all the help I can get.

(in reply to Robert Roberson)
Post #: 3
- 7/24/2002 7:58:28 AM   
Black Cat


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I managed to get the Lex sunk up near Gili Gili, the F3`s and SBD`s deverted to Buna, then I transfered them to PM.

After about 5 or so turns the F3`s disappeared then 4 or so turns later the SBDs.

This was with 1.11 ver.:confused:

(in reply to Robert Roberson)
Post #: 4
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