06 Maestro
Posts: 3989
Joined: 10/12/2005 From: Nevada, USA Status: offline
Hi Mus I think there is a good chance of an alliance between Turkey and France. France is hell bent on retaking/punishing Spain and Spain took some N African territoies early in the game that are important to Turkey-I shall have them . There certainly are some common issues for Turkey and France-and some common problems. However, we do have an advantage in that the current alliances/sympathies must shift in a way that will be favorable for both. France has a strategic dilemma of being able to concentrate against Spain with Prussia and Austria holding a dagger to its back. France is so far down the glory ladder now that England may not mind assisting in a war against Spain. Also, at some point England must assist some effort to humble Austria if the English King wishes to win this game-the big question is at what point will he decide to take action towards that point. I think my earlier analysis is still valid. After a successful war against Austria and Spain the Ottoman Empire will have reach a zenith in power and glory. As long as England can maintain its lead, The O.E. will be safe in the number two spot. Should I overtake England, which is possible, it will be a fight for my life to combat England and its minions-which owe it dearly. When I get going again on posting updates I will include some shots of the national comparisons. My intell on Austrian forces is still spotty, although sometimes I can see everything. Of course, I do have a good picture of their economic assets and training doctrines. What I can tell you now is that both Russia and Prussia have had long term problems with moral-ranging from the mid 100's to the mid 200,s. I really don't know why they are afflicted in this manner, but it has been long term. Also, Russia has built up the most massive force in existence. All powers, except for Turkey seem to be racing ahead with a maximum buildup at this time. It may very well be that war will break out again this summer-it will be some aggression by someone other than me. Turkey can easily be at full strength if need be. Turkey is now gaining 48 in experience per quarter compared to 7 in 1792 (its Jan 1804 now). This amount will continue to increase, but it will certainly slow down. I am generally at the point of needing to build level 4 and 5 (and a couple special places, 6) barracks. At 56 in gold and 16, 24, 36 in textiles, it has become more difficult to keep going-but it is still going. One little thing creped up on me; a shortage of wood. I was concentrating on money and textiles so much I forgot that wood costs for barracks is the same as textiles-and textile production was double wood for many years. My large surplus has dissipated. The shortage will be handled with trade with France and possibly Russia. Regarding an alliance with Russia; it may be possible, but I seem to have some difficulty in communication with the Czar. I am not sure if I can even work out a trade deal with him. An alliance would benefit both our Empires, I shall give it a try later on. The Czar has a peace treaty with Austria that is good for about another 2 years-this long separate from any surrender conditions.
Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies. Thomas Jefferson