06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (8/20/2009 4:44:01 AM)
July 1795 In the Sultan's War Room the great map; is displayed. It has most of the current info as to the where abouts of the major formations, but not their strength. Occasionally, a spy can get some good intel, but generally it is a guessing game. At first glance this may look similar to the previous years situation map, but it is not. Spanish forces have grown in Italy and for the first time the Austrians are sending large formations to the south-towards the Holy land. The Staff must remain calm as this can hardly be considered a crisis. However, even though the O.E. has a long term treaty with Spain, we do not trust them. It is entirely possible they have a secret agreement with Austria-who knows what the Austrians promised them. One thing for certain; the Austrians have been in a tight strategic situation. They sense that they cannot go on another conquering spree with an ever increasingly powerful Turkey on their large southern border. Somehow they must weaken us before they are free to march in central Europe. We know this. Just how they will attempt to implement such an operation is not known yet. The O.E. shall remain vigilant-and focused. We can count on one solid ally, England. If Spain plans to do Austria's bidding, they shall pay a heavy price indeed. [image]local://upfiles/18421/F3A834FC1A664DFC9F3FAB086A45BE02.jpg[/image]